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 GTA: Los Santos

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The Active Poster

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Age : 29

GTA: Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: GTA: Los Santos   GTA: Los Santos Icon_minitime24/03/15, 10:06 am

Leonid set down his bag, looking out at a row of taxis and a pair of tall car parking blocks. The place was packed, as busy as he'd expected it to be. After all, he was in Los Santos International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world. The Russian looked around and frowned, as he failed to spot his contact. He pulled up his burner, and accessed the only number on it.

"Where are you? I'm at taxi bays."

He nodded once and set the phone down, tucking it into his pocket. He made way over to the nearby hangers, where he noticed an Übermacht Oracle - a common but valuable German car. And typical of the Bratvas, it was fully black; painted, tinted, plated, even rimmed. It almost stood out more than it blended in. By it was a man, leaning up against the car, dressed in a thick leather jacket, smoking. Leonid leant against the nearby fence, looking at the man. He didn't look up, simply opened the boot, grabbed a black suitcase, and walked over to Leonid. They nodded at each other as the cases changed hands - Leonid gave away his, and the man gave him another.

The two men turned away, and made for their destinations. For Leonid, it was the taxi bays. He held out a hand, and waited. After a few minutes, a car came by. Leonid hopped in, holding onto his case. He looked at his phone again and nodded.

"Unit 32, Greenwich Parkway."

The taxi driver said something in an Arabic language, and made way to the hangars not far from the airport. Leonid laid back and thought. The flight had been fairly long, but he was glad to be here now, in San Andreas. A new world of crime to indulge himself in. It would be more than a little fun.

The taxi stopped, and further Arabic words were spouted. Leonid got out, paid the driver with a few American bills, and looked up at the large roller door. He set down his case, opened it, and grabbed a pair of keys taped to the interior. He locked the case again and opened up the nearby door, walking in and smiling. An Enus Cognoscenti, Benefactor Schafter, and Übermacht Zion, all sitting happily. He walked over to the Enus and ran a hand over the creamy white hood, nodding. He lifted up his suitcase and set it down on the front of his car. A slow smile crawled across his lips.



Welcome to the city of Los Santos - or, you know, not. You could be in Grapeseed, Chumash, who gives a shit, this is San Andreas. Good luck, make sure you don't wear a green shirt near Grove Street.

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

Posts : 6669
Join date : 2012-08-28
Age : 30

GTA: Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTA: Los Santos   GTA: Los Santos Icon_minitime24/03/15, 05:32 pm

The target was part of NOOSE. Corrupt as they come, he had a tendency to not log the full amount of money he picked up from a drug bust - and a few guns, too. He had been linked through those guns to five different murders, one of them a mother of two who saw too much. That one in particular had her pissed. Extremely pissed off at that one.

The NOOSE officer pulled out of his parking spot. Bravado Banshee - something not exactly cheap. She was watching from across the street, the unmarked Stanier growling. She wished they had given her access to something better. She followed, watching. The idiot had a flash ass green car, and was just hotroding it around.

With a smirk, she kept up easily. Stealing unmarked police cars was such an idea, though...there.
Really? The Vanilla Unicorn? This guy was blowing his stolen funds on a fucking strip club?

Then again, was a way to get rid of some cash. Parking the stanier, she stepped out and headed for the door. She had dressed in a more partyish outfit - black skirt, a black bustier, with her favorite denim jacket. Waving off a few dancers, she slid up behind him. He was flirting with Sapphire...who saw Kayle.
She suddenly about faced and started walking, and as he moved, the silenced barrel of a pistol pressed into his back.
She fired five shots point-blank into him, then turned and walked. As he fell, she was out. She'd have to apologize to Sapphire - she always got hit with a loss when Kayle came around.
Stanier in drive, she ditched it near the wharf. Like. Clockwork.

As the stanier and gun burned, she slid into the Dominator parked nearbye, and drove off. Just another day.
Her phone rang. "It's done."
"Good. We will contact you when the next one's up. In the meantime, continue doing jobs for the local underworld. Dinner's at seven, I'll expect you at nine."
"I'm allowed to play."
"You're a really fucked up IAA agent."

She slid the phone into her pocket. "Bitches be crazy."

GTA: Los Santos Jeremy10 GTA: Los Santos My_emb10
GTA: Los Santos 8
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

GTA: Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTA: Los Santos   GTA: Los Santos Icon_minitime24/03/15, 07:02 pm

Muffled cries of anguish. The smell of blood and burnt flesh. Another addict with a problem other than having coke running through his system. This addict, is strapped in for a long ride and a harsh lesson. He sits in a darkened room. His arm broken, his eye gouged out. An all seriousness, he's seen better days both before he started using, and after. A deep voice breaks the silence, a heavy Russian accent is attached. The addict looks up to see another man, short in stature.

"You take... and you take... you don't pay up and then you betray me for another"

This addict is sat in front of another, a Russian. A crazed Russian out for his money and possibly more. It has been a couple of hours since he has seen the light of day. Abducted by his former supplier and one of his gangbangers.

"Aleksei supplies. You understand? ALEKSEI SUPPLIES AND YOU PAY"

A new pain is introduced, a knife brought down fiercely into his thigh. More muffled cries for help try to escape from his gagged mouth, only met with laughter as he jerks and writhes. More blood staining his already partially stained jeans.

"You try to run. I find you. I ask where you get new supply, no answer."

The Russian twists the knife and more cries follow. The Russian follows it up by moving his hands up to the gag and, removing it, he says:

"You were loyal, Clyde. I liked you. Now tell Aleksei what Aleksei wants to know."

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1094
Join date : 2012-07-13
Age : 29

GTA: Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTA: Los Santos   GTA: Los Santos Icon_minitime28/03/15, 05:20 am

Leonid looked around. The city was quite immense - very detailed, lots of nooks and crannies he never expected to go near, but man, it was nice to know whoever designed this city included even the smallest details. He flicked through the channels on the radio and eventually sighed, turning it off. He'd come to like Metal due to his small time association with Scandinavians in Liberty City, and it didn't seem like any stations played it here.

He found a parking spot on the side of the road and pulled up, parking and pulling out a new phone, flicking through his contacts list. All of them were either in Liberty City or dead. It really was a new start here. He looked up at the build nearby - some sort of theatre. The Oriental Theatre, apparently. He shrugged, and rubbed his head gently. He'd been told about some group called the 'Madrazos' or something. They'd be a good place to start his rise to power.

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

GTA: Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTA: Los Santos   GTA: Los Santos Icon_minitime05/04/15, 05:35 am

A mix of arid wind and sand blow through his hair. The sound of his Hexer's motor ripping down the dirt roads fill his ears. After he had gotten the information from Clyde, he left the shack outside of his house. What he said to Clyde was true. Clyde really was his favorite customer. The most loyal person you could come across. When he found out Clyde was leaving him for possibly better hits, it broke Aleksei's heart. This realization hit him so hard, he lost his nerve and left Clyde still bound to the chair with the knife that had been in his leg, in his throat.

Tears were shed.

It turns out Clyde was going to make a purchase today. A purchase from a few from the Madrazo family who said they would meet him at the Redwood Lights Track. Of course, they'll be surprised to not see Clyde, but Aleksei in his stead.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

GTA: Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTA: Los Santos   GTA: Los Santos Icon_minitime07/08/15, 01:05 am

Aleksei takes a hard right and speeds right into the entrance of the track. He jumps up onto the seat after putting the kickstand up and looks around wildly for any other vehicles in the area. As he scans, he spots two black, expensive looking vehicles sat a ways off in an open part of the track. A very wide smile appears on his face as he checks himself for his weapons. His Assault Rifle is slung across his back and he has two bottles of alcohol in his back pockets. He jumps off of his Hexer and walks very confidently towards the vehicle's location. This will not take him long and as he grows closer, figures begin to appear off the sides of the vehicles. Five in total.

"Who are you, pendejo?" One of the figures yells out. "Where the fuck is Clyde?"

"Aleksei is all you need, tovarich." He calls back as he goes for his Assault Rifle. As he walks ever closer, he pulls the trigger. Spraying the Madrazo's in a hail of bullets. Their reaction time is quick as they scramble for their own weapons and begin to return fire, however, because they are unprepared, their aim is impaired slightly. Before they all could realize what was going on, four of the five were dead.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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