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 Enter Jason

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The Oldest Crones Alive

Posts : 13560
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 31

Enter Jason Empty
PostSubject: Enter Jason   Enter Jason Icon_minitime18/07/11, 08:57 pm

=Jason sat at the bar, drinking his beer, trying to forget the boys face=
This is not exactly a good place to be he thought. If anyone here finds out who or what I am, heh, or was, there will be trouble.
Granted, he knew that even if the whole bar found out who he was, it still wouldn't be a fair fight. After all, he thought, I am a Spartan.
=Drunk grabs Jason= =Drunk says= to Jason= ="Hey,"= ="Your UNSC"=
=The bar went silent, and every outer colonist in there turned to look at the two of them.=
=Jason says= "No I'm not, you must be mistaken."= =The drunk sneered= "I know you are," he said, "seeing as you've got that tattoo on your neck."=
Crap, Jason thought. I still haven't gotten that thing removed.
=Drunk= "You UNSC bastards have been trying to enslave us for to long."
=Jason= "Sir, back away, now."
=Drunk= " Or what? In case you haven't noticed, we outnumber you!"
=Jason= "Heh, get a hundred more sober guys, and it'll be a fair fight."
=Drunk= "You son of a bitch!" =swings at Jason=
=Jason sees the punch, ducks underneath the swing, and gives the man an uppercut to his jaw=
=Drunk spits out three teeth, and a glob of blood, stares at Jason for one moment, then howls in defiance=
=Drunk charges Jason= "Some people never learn," he says.
=Jason side steps the charge, grabs the drunk, and slams him into the bar, using the drunks momentum to power the move=
=Drunk falls to floor, uncouncious=
=whole bar erupts into violence, as every patron grabs a shattered bottle, and rushes Jason=
=Jason= ="Crap," he said=
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The Oldest Crones Alive

Posts : 13560
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 31

Enter Jason Empty
PostSubject: Contiuation of "Enter Jason   Enter Jason Icon_minitime18/07/11, 09:46 pm

=three patrons charge Jason, broken bottles in hand=
=Jason= "Dammit!" =Jason dives forward, and throws his body into the middle attacker=
=they both land to the floor, and Jason followed with a quick jab to the attackers' head, knocking them out=
=Jason grabs a chair, and swings it at the next incoming attacker, hitting them in their kneecaps, sending them to floor with a scream of pain=
=third attacker then drops the bottle, and pulls out a pistol=
=Jason= "Shit!" =Jason dodges the first shot, and rolls behind a fallen table=
This is getting dangerous, Jason thought. I need to get out of here, before more show up
=Jason sees an exit: a fire door= But how do I distract the guy with the gun? he thought.
=seeing a bottle in front of him, Jason grabs it, and throws it at the lamp overhead=
the bar is plunged into blackness
="Dammit, where is he?" said the gunman=
=Jason runs for the door, and only just manages to get out before a shot barely misses him=
Can't even have a quiet drink anymore, he thought.
=Runs to ship=
I hope no one found the landing zone
=arrives at landing zone, hidden in tree cover=
=Jason stops, seeing a Pelican land near the ship=
Oh, crap. they found me
=a group of Spartans walk out of the pelican=
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