The year is 1955. For the last ten years, the world has been living under the reign of the Third Reich. Following a quick victory in Russia and clever co-ordination between Japan and Germany to defeat Britain and America, the Third Reich quickly forced the rest of the world to fall in line. Adolf Hitler's face and symbol is plastered nearly everywhere you look, propagating the capture of those described as the "unclean races." Whilst many of the unclean races have been rounded up into so called work camps, there are a small number of rebel alliances fighting to preserve humanities old way of life. The rebels live generally in forests and very secluded locations that are not easy for the Third Reich to reach without serious military action. They are also very poorly equipped, having to scavenge for what basic weapons they can find.
Culture has continued very much as it would have done in our timeline, with the difference being that racism is at an all time high and many are terrified what simple words might invoke, leading the future into a very '1985 esque' vision.
You can be any person of any race. Only white people will be allowed citizenship of the Third Reich, and any member of an unclean race or religion that lives under the thumb of the Reich will spend their days in labour camps and their nights in walled off ghetto areas.
I will not give any kind of overarching story. The story of your character is yours to create, I am simply providing the background. Ask me any questions since I probably missed a lot out on here because I'm on my phone