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 Chapter 3-B: Redemption

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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime04/06/11, 05:42 am

=Torres and Kel enter the bridge. Some brutes try and stop them but they finish them with ease=

A War Cheiftan huh. you never told me this.

=the war cheif turns around and looks at them=

Have you come to die? Either way your end has come.

=the war cheif makes a motion. Two cheiftan walk out and stand by the war cheiftan, they grab their hammer and stand at the ready=

I'll take the two lap dogs, why don't you go ask the War Cheiftan if he would kindly give you your ship back.

With pleasure.

=Kel walks toward the War Cheiftan. the two cheiftans walk toward Torres=

How bout we make a bet. Whoever kills their opponent last has to say they like grunt feces.

=Kel makes a chuckle=

Bet accepted.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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Apprentice Story teller

Posts : 519
Join date : 2011-05-10

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime04/06/11, 01:36 pm

"Anything outside Jonathan?" I asked.
"Nope, not a damn thing, I can't even find the sniper."

We heard the Pelican start to fly in. We ran out back, the Pelican's doors open. "Get on board, don't want to get shot up by any stragglers do you now?"

We jumped on back, the Pelican started upwards. We flew out of the base.

I looked over the base and how much destruction we did. "Damn we tore them a new one Sir."
"Ya." I said. "Ya we did. Hey Pilot, did we get any other old Rebels?"
"We were able to get maybe 10+, and them some."

The doors closed and we started towards orbit.

"This is Locklear to all units. Mission accomplished, Pilots, pick up our men, and get back to orbit. Over and out."

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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime04/06/11, 09:12 pm

=Torres sees the two brute cheiftans and run at them. The cheiftan embrace themselves and ready their hammer. Torres jumps at them and then dissapears using his active camo=

(cheiftan 1)"Where have you run off to Demon!"

(cheiftan 2)"Hiding will only stall your death!"

=Torres kicks one of the cheiftan in the stomach. the other cheif sees this and swings his hammer hoping to hit his mark=


=Kel walks up to the war cheiftan=

(war cheiftan) This time I will not spare you.

=Kel takes out his sword=

Not talking. Doesn't matter you will be nothing but a spot on the ground.

=the war cheiftan runs at Kel and tries to backhand him. Kel ducks under his blow and slashes him across te stomach=

Tis nothing but a flesh wound!

=the war cheiftan kicks Kel backward and charges him=


=Torres sees Kel fall and rushe to him to pick him up=


=Torres looks behind him and sees the hammer, with the little time for reaction he puts his arms up in and embraces for the attack. the hammer hits Torres and the impact send Torres flying backward=


=Kel seeing this chance stabs the brute cheiftan in the chest killing him. the other cheiftan growls in anger and tries to hit Kel but Kel rolls away. Kel on guard hears the war cheiftans cry as he rushes Kel. Kel turns around and sees the war cheiftan with his hands in the air preparing to pound Kel. Torres tackles the war cheiftan from the side and launches him away=

Big bastard.

=the war cheiftan smacks Torres nto some rubble=


=the cheiftan rushes at Kel and swings his hammer. Kel blocks the hammer with his sword and both the weapons clash pushing back the two wielders. Kel then takes his other sword out and unleashes it=

Time to die beast.

=the cheiftan rush at Kel. Kel throws one of his swords at, the brute blocks the sword but doesn't see as Kel rushes by the cheiftan. Kel swings at the unprepared brute and swing his sword slicing the head off the brute. Kel watches as the head falls form the brutes head=


=Kel turns around to see the war cheiftan right behind him=

Nelsa (wife)

=Kel closes his eyes and prepares for the worst=


=Torres recovers form the blow only to see Kel kill the brutes cheiftan, and the incoming attack of the war cheiftan. Torres thinks quick and see the other brute cheiftans hammer. he rushes and picks it up, then start to run at the war cheiftan=


=the war cheiftan turns around to see the end buisness of the hammer hit his body. the blow sends the war cheiftan accros the room. the W. cheiftan tries to recover, but Torres runs and kicks him in the face. the kick dazed the W. cheiftan. Torres gets behind the W. cheiftan, raises the hammer and then brings the hammer down with enough force to crush the head sending bits and peices everywhere=


=Torres and Kel walk toward each other=

Well that was simple eh.

It has been done...I won the bet.

Oh no no I had the two cheiftan and you had the War guy..we switched so it doesn't count, bet off.

=Torres hurries to the control panel=

I guess it's time to tell everyone.

=Kel smirks=

Don't make bets you can't win.

=Kel goes to the control panel and opens the ship comms=

Brother, we have prevailed!!

=a congratulatory roar is heard across the ship=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:23 am

=on Final Ultimatum=

Alright lets see what thier up to on HALO.

=Kel nods and walks to the command post. He presses some buttons=

Listen up im about to open the comms.

=A quiet stack is heard then it start to fix itself and becomes comprehendable=


=Kel presses another button, and the covenant chatter is now in english=

Tiberus open a comms with my ship, let everyone hear.

Will do.

(A prophet)"Rejoice my brothers at last our journey to the great beyond is in our grasp. Soon we will accend into the Great Journey...."

=Kel turns off the transmittion=

It sounds like they are close to firing HALO we need to hurry.

=in Torres's head=

Sir unbeknownst to our newfound friends I have used their comms and hacked into the prophets telecommunications. It seems that they still have a while to go before entering the main room, we still have time but we need to hurry.

Kel we need to talk. My AI hacked into the prophets systems usuing you comm. They haven't reached the HALO Array room yet we still have time, but we have to move now. I will head to my ship now and get ready, leave your comms open.

Alright, I will wait for your message.

=Torres heads to his ship with the pelican=

=over his speaker on War's Fury=

So I am to assume that you all heard that message. It seems that those asshole down there is going to ruin this universe that we all know and love. I am not going to let that happen as long as I breath. Now what I am going to do I take one of our big ass bombs and send it right up their asses. But I will need you help, I am not ordering you, you are free to do as you please. A warning to all this is not going to a walk in the park, we will find heavy and I mean heavy resistance. This is not the time for heroics some of you will not make it. If you wish to join me meet me in the hanger bay in 10.

=Torres turns off comms and turns to his second=

Statin if I do not make it back your are the new commander, you are to report back to ONI with a full report of what has happend.

"Yes commander."

=They saulte each other and Torres heads to the hanger=

Tiberus notiffy Lynn and Draco and tell them to meet me in the hangar.



=Torres enters the hangar and sees a group of soldier waiting for him=


=they all cheer=

Good now where is Draco and Ly...

(Lynn) Right here sir.

Draco at your service.

Good everyone is here.

Not everyone.

=over the loudspeaker=

This is Kel Commander of Final Ultimatum me and mine are joining you.

Kel you and your men have been through enough go and leave. We will take care of this.

Now when have I ever listened to a human, or even moreso a Demon.

=Torres smirks=

Fine so here is my plan. Me and some of the tech will gather some Sheva's and put them in an Elephant, while Draco, Lynn will go in and clean the place up for us, joining them will be Kels group, if that is okay with you.

=Kel give a notifying grunt=

Some of you will stay behind with me and we will enter the battle when we are able to, the rest of you will attend Lynn and Draco's welcoming party. We will be dropping guass warthog and heavy firepower to assist you.

(everyone) "Hoorah!"

Draco, Lynn follow.

=Torres walk away and they follow=

Now you two will be needing some heavy duty armor.

=Torres clicks a button and the two massive canisters are raised reavleaing two vehicles=

Draco you will be driving the Grizzly, a massive and powerful beast, while Lynn you will take the cyclops, hopefull you two can do some damage before we get there, and if possible get into the facility and stall.

=The nod and follow Torres back to the group=

Ok me get in your pods and be ready for the drop.

=Everyone start scrambling, some get in pelicans and some get in drop pods=

Pilot lets get this ship closer.

=War's Fury flies over where the entrance to the HALO Array room=

You will be dropping about 1 click east from the actaul drop point for safety.

Everyone is ready on your commander sir.

Alright soldier, move out!

=the pelicans holding the Grizzly and cyclops leave and the drop pods are heading toward the destination. Meanwhile some of Kel Phantom with wraiths leave Final Ulitmaum and heads toward the destination=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:29 am

(They hop into their respective transports)
(They press on through the crowd)
(About fifteen minutes later they reach the destination)
(Guarded heavily by Covenent forces)
(They await their orders to attack)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:31 am

=over comms=

Draco about 500 feet north of you there is a covenant post, clean it.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:35 am

(Over Comms)
We read you.

(They press onward towards the post)
(As they arrive they are greeted with Plasma and Fuel Rod Turrets)
(He smiles)

Draco-Lynn focus on that building, I have the cannon fodder

(They begin their work destryoing the infantry, vehicles, and aircraft)
(Draco focuses his power on the outpost)
(A few minutes later the base goes up in purple flames and smoke)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:41 am

Well done, now continue to the Destination...I have received confirmation that Kel's group ahs entered the battle. They can use some backup double time guys.

Sir done with the scans.

Good...Draco, Lynn sending out a scan of the battlefield, destroy those heavies in the hill...sending Hornets to help out.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:50 am

(They recieve the scans)
Draco-Lynn. Lets go

(Hornets fly in to help)
Draco-Could not give us some Hawks

(They roll out to each point taking out the Heavies)
(After thirty minutes they get to the destination)
(They stop and begin helping out)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:56 am

Well sorry but they were not in stock.

*Playing as Kel
Good you have joined.

=Kel points to the sky=

They have reinforcments.

=Kel turns to draco=

They have barricaded the door, my men with take it down you will worry about them.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 12:57 am

@Torres and Kel
Got you

(He hops back into the grizzly)

Bring it Covie Swine

(He begins taking out the aircraft while Lynn takes out the infantry)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 04:15 pm


=on the ship=

Are the preperations done.

(Tech specialist)"We have put all of our sheva bombs in this container, the elephant has been modded to pull this heavy load. She will be slow but it will work."


=to the everyone on the ship=

Time to go soldier get in your drop pods we will be leaving in 5.

Sir I have been doing some calculations and snce we have no Hornets on hand the the carrier pelicans will have no defense and has a possibility of this mission will fail.

Already thinking ahead. Tiberus I need you to find something for me.

=over comms=

Whoever can hear me down there we are bringing down the bombs, and we will need support fire.

Do you think they will react in time.


=Torres looks at himself in a mirror=

Now how is this going to work again.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime06/06/11, 04:30 pm

(The covenant continue to swarm)
(They fall as soon as they are seen)
(They stop)

This does not feel right

(he hears the message)

(Comms to Torres)
We read you.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 07:46 pm

(Soldier)"The cargo has been droppped commander, not dropping th ODSTs."

=Torres walks up=

Okay, lets get this place closed, get eveyone out of this area.

=everyone leaves the hanger bay=

Open the doors.

=as the door opens the view of the battlefield is seen=

(pilot)"I can not get you any closer or we will be in danger of being fired upon."

Ok take us up and idle right above the battlefield.

=comms from a ground soldier=

"We are taking heavy fire from the enemy phantoms, need assistants!"

=Torres looks down and sees 4 phantoms firing upon Aplhas position=

Don't worry.

=Torres wires some explosives to some warthogs=

Wish we luck.

I think you will need more than luck on this one...Are you sure about this.

Not really.

=Torres pushed the warthogs out of the hanger bay and they fall down, Torres watches=

I hate heights.

=Torres jumps out of the hanger=

Sending you my calculations.

Got them.

=Torres controls his fall and lands on one of the warthogs. He arms it and then while kicking it jumps to the other warthog and does the same=

This is working well.

=Torres finishes and unleashing his parachute, slowing his fall. the warthogs keep falling=


=Torres sees as one of the warthogs hit a phantom causing the charges on the warthog to explode. the exposions causes significant damage the the covenant ship and send it flying to the ground=

See, even I can get things right.

=Torres watches as two more of the warthogs make contanct destroying 2 more phantoms=

Now the last.

=the last phantom realises what was happening and moved out of the way of the final warthog=


I know what your going to do and I don't like it.


Are you ignoring me!

=Torres releases his parachute and makes a dive for the phantom=

Prepare for impact! Activating armor lock.

=Torres smashes through the phantom making a gaping hole in it. the phantom blows up and a large crash sound is hear near the fight=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 07:51 pm

(He hears the explosions in the distance)

Well it looks like Torres is doin his job

(Swarms of Vampires and Banshees begin to fly in)
(Ghosts and revenants appear on the ground)

Well this going to be fun

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 07:59 pm

*on the scree
Power 80%...stabalizing.

Wake up!

=Torres moves a little=

Aggg. Shit that hurt. How'd I fly.

Like a rock.

=Torres gets up=

Well batter than usual huh.

If you call that better...head north for 10 minutes.

=Torres looks up=

Aw shit.

=over comms=

Scarab on route!.

=Torres runs uptop some rocks and jumps onto the leg of the scarab=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:02 pm

(He smiles)
(Comms to Lynn)

C. Draco-Well it looks like they finally brought in the big guns

Lynn-You want to take it out

C. Draco-Nah, I think Torres has it covered

(They continue to fight the air and ground troops)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:08 pm

*As Kel

=to draco=

We have opened the door, entrance is now capable, I will stay back and guard the elephant till it gets here. I will send some of mine with you to stop them.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:12 pm

(Comms to Kel)
You have been a great warrior
It has been a pleasure fighting with you

(Lynn opens comms to Draco)

Lynn-Why did that sound like a final goodbye
C. Draco-It did?
C. Draco-Lets go

(They proceed through the door with many of Kel's Sangheili Warriors)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:21 pm

*As Kel

=Kel talking to the remaining soldiers=

Alright men add supporting fire and help that elephant.

=Kel sees as the scarab comes into view, it start to prepare its cannon. Kel stands his gound. the scarab fires his guns but not where Kel think. the beam hits a phantom that was coming into view=

You still cease to suprise me Demon.

=the scarab crouches down to allow some of the soldier on the scarab and Torres jumps down=

Well you know I have to have my entrance.

=Torres walks by Kel=

The scarabs a present from me, don't break it.

=they hear the elephant getting nearer=


=Torres grabs his spartan laser=


Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:25 pm

Something just doesnt feel right about this place.

(They continue on)
(Too Silent)
(The only sounds are the soldiers walking)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:35 pm

=Elephant reaches the entrance=

Ok lets get those bombs on the transport so we can brign them in.

=they take out this platform that hovers over the ground=

WE have moddifies it so that it can carry heavy loads so we only need two of them.

Thanks no lets get them inside and we need to hurry.

=They get the sheva nukes cores and put them on the hoverplatform=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:48 pm

(As they are walking they hear something scurrying around)
(Then many others)
(They round a corner)

What the heck

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:50 pm

*as an elite with draco

"What has happend here."

=they look and see the room covered with covie blood and a greenish brown substance=

"Look even the air feels different"

*another elite

"What is this stench?"

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:54 pm

=to all=
Continue on.

(They continue to walk through the place)
(Finding more and more blood and green-brown substance)
(They finally hit the waypoint)

=to all=
Alright we are here

(He sees something in the corner of his eye on the ground)
(Then on the wall)

Oh my god.
What is that!

(Swarms of an unknown enemy appear)
(They begin to fire)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 08:59 pm

=Torres hears the gunfire=

Seems like Draco is doing his job, hopefully they will be done when we get there.

=over comms=

Draco how are things over there.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 09:03 pm

(His men begin to die fast)
(But something happens)
(The smaller enemies begin to enter the dead bodies of his men)
(They begin twisting turning)

(His eyes widen)
(The dead have risen)
(He tries to talk to one of them)
(It begins to attack)
(He fires his AR into its chest)

We have a situation here!

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 09:41 pm

=Torres hears the terror in Draco's voice=

Shit, we need to hurry.

What is it.

=Torres looks at Kel=

I have an idea of what it is...But it isn't covenant.

=Torres turns to his men=

Everyone head back to the ships. NOW!.

=Torres grabs his shotgun as the soldier scatter to the pelicans and the rest of the covie rebels head to thier phantoms=

I am coming with you, these hover-boards are to hard for you alone ot manage.


=They both start to walk into the base with thier cargo behind them=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 09:47 pm

(The remaining soldiers begin to lose both ammo and their lives)

(More of the parasites begin to appear)

(Lynn and Draco end up back to back)
Lynn-What are we going to do
Draco-I have some fire and cryo bombs
Lynn-Lets use them

(Lynn takes two of the bombs and waits for Dracos mark)
(Draco gives the signal and they burn and freeze the enemies)
(They stand waiting)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 09:57 pm

=some parasite lunge at Draco and Lynn from the walls. Draco and Lynn brace them selves. They then hear a searing sound and a shotgun blast. Draco opens his eyes the the sight of a shotgun being handed to him=

Though you could use some assistance.

=Torres hands lynn some more AR ammo=

Tiberus has told me that we don't have long before they fire this thing.

=meanwhile back on the ship=

"Hey commander we have something going on up here."


=back to the group=

Halo is charging up, we have to get there and stop this..like now!

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:01 pm


Lynn-Thank you sir

(Draco turns to Torres)
How do you plan on destroying this thing

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:02 pm

=Torres turns to Draco=

With these.

=Draco sees the sheva nuke cores on the hvoer platform=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:04 pm

(He whistles)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:09 pm

=Torres fire at a lunging parasite=

That confirms it, these things are called the flood, a higly parasitic creature, almost everything is its meal. Halo is a device shoots out a blast on a galactic scale that kills anything these things see as a food source. Which is us and anything other creature that has bio-mass. That is why we need to destory this thing before it kills us.

=Torres starts to make his way to the other side=

These things will not falter, and we must do the same and continue on.

So that is why you ask the others to leave.

Yeah they will just die and become one of them.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:10 pm

(Lynn and Draco follow Torres)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:28 pm

=Torres, Draco, Lynn and Kel travers the inner combs of the base killing flood and the like as they go=

Acording to my sencors we are getting closer.

=They reach a door=

Its locked.

Let me at it. Cover me.

Got it. Diamond formation you guys no one is to get past us.

=Torres grabs some crates nearby and place them in front of them=


(diamond formation is one in the front =me two on the side=draco and lynn and one in the middle but back from the others=Kel)

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:36 pm

We got you.

(They enter the door)
(Blood and the green-brown liquid cover the walls and floor)
(The stench hit them)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:39 pm

=Torres throws a flare into the hall=

Holy. Shit.

=what they see is a hall full of flood, they are literaly falling out of the hall=

Kel you might want to hurry up there.

=Kel turns around to see the mass, then quickly turns around and goes back to his job=


=Torres wips out his spartan laser and begins to charge it=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 10:47 pm

(He loads his shotgun)
(She loads the AR)
(They begin to fire in perfect sync)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:01 pm

=Torres fires his spartan laser into the mass searing any flood cauht in the wake. Torres puts down the SL and takes out two smg's and start firing on the closest flood. Some of them fall and get back up=

These guys sure are durable.

=Torres throws a couple grenade into some groups of flood blowing them up. He then charges up for another blast=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:03 pm

(He grabs a Fire Bomb and throws it)
(Burning the infection forms)
(Spreading the fire)
(Searing everything)

Need to be faster than that.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:06 pm

Well im not the one with the flame grenades am I.

=the spartan laser hit a group of flood melting them into goo=

I got it. The door has been unlocked.

=Kel take both of the hover-platform in one by one=

Ok the bombs are in.

Draco, Lynn get in I'll cover you two.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:08 pm

(They enter the room)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:24 pm

Okay we are going to need another path out of here.

=They turn around to see a small army of brutes, jackal, grunts, and a prophet who has the index in his hand=

Oh a Reclaimer is here, rejoice.

=the group doesnt reconize the voice=

What the hell is that.

=an electronic orb flies to them, and the covenant turn around to see them=

So much for a sneak attack.

=the orb flies to Torres=

You seem to be in charge.

What the hell are you.

I am 151 Adjacent Ion. I am the monitor for this instalation. I am glad that you came an outbreak has occured and contamination is our first step..

Hey Kel can I see your sword.

=Kel hands Torres his sword=


=Torres grabs the monitor and stabs it with the sword killing it=

Were not here to fire HALO.

=Torres hand the sword back to Kel=

How dare you kill the sacred oracle.

Easy..Like this. Lynn!

=Lynn throws some flashbangs in front of the covenant. Draco, Kel and Torres rush the group=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:32 pm

(The battle becomes fierce as the flood join in the battle)
(Taking over the dead)
(Draco continues to press onward with Lynn right behind him)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime07/06/11, 11:39 pm

=the fight ensues until they hear some loud noises. after kicking a grunt Torres turns around=

What the hell was that.

=the noise gets louder and you can start to hear the damage in its wake=

Above us!

=As Kel said that three Juggernauts fall nearby them=

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

Posts : 7916
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime08/06/11, 12:21 am

(He looks up at the monstrosity)

Bloody Hell.
How are we suppose to kill these things!

(He loads the shotgun and starts blasting)

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime08/06/11, 06:23 am

What the Fu..

=the juggernaut start to attack the enemies=

Everyone form up by me. Lets not get in the way. Kel and Lynn activate the bombs and then lets get out of here.

=Torres looks around=

Tiberus, look for an alternate route out of here.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

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Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 30

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime08/06/11, 02:22 pm

(One of the Juggernauts attack Draco)
(Its long tenticle going through his body)
(Blood spurts out of his mouth and wound)

Not good


(The Juggernaut whips him, slamming him into the nearest wall)
(Lynn ignores Torres' orders and goes to Draco)




(He looks at Kel and then to Lynn)

Draco-Give me the detonators

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 33

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime08/06/11, 04:54 pm

=Torres fires his spartan laser at the Juggernaut=

Lynn what is Draco's status.

Not good. He is talking nonesense.

=Kel walks to Draco=

Are you sure. You do know what your decision holds.

Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 3-B: Redemption   Chapter 3-B: Redemption - Page 8 Icon_minitime

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