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 "N" game: the beginning

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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 05:46 am

"We have no records of his existence. Even ONI have no records of his past. It's as if he just appeared. One day he just showed up on radar. All of his Military records are sealed. Not even the Head of ONI has the classification to read them. When we were doing our sweep of the records, his 'name' popped up. He has recommendations from nearly every branch of the military. It's surreal. It's unreal. We have some military contest records as well. He's lifted up a warthog. Him. One man. Lifted up a warthog. Over his head. Not even a spartan II can do that. In fact, only a spartan in armor can do that.

I have some of his medical records here too, he's never broken a bone. He's never been sick. He's one of the most fit soldiers we've ever had. He's broken the Military Pull-up record, by 200 pull-ups. He's able to endure through the 26 mile marathon. In fact, according to this, he's run the marathon, not only once, or twice, but 7 times total. That's not even the crazy bit. Each time this man has participated in the run, he runs to and from the finish line, several times.

I have some other medical records here, he's extremely flexible, apparently. He's very agile, it's like he's trained his whole life to be a soldier and covered all the bases. He's never taken drugs in his life. He's never needed medical attention, he's managed to dodge covenant plasma fire, he's met them on the field at least half a dozen times.

I'm telling you, his records are incredible. I want you to test him out though, let me know if he really is all that they have him cracked up to be.

-General (Name redacted)


He's apparently not much of a talker, the strong silent type I guess. "

"Sir, N has arrived on the ship."
"Good, escort him to the barracks and give him the tour of the ship, after introducing him to his new team."
=Salutes and exits=
=The man heads to the bay to meet N=
=20 minutes later, at the bay=
=the man looks around the bay looking for N, he didn't know what he looked like=
=To a nearby soldier=
"Where are the new arrivals?"
=the soldier responds=
"Over in hanger D, there's a couple thousand new recruits and transfers."
"Thank you."
=The man walks away, heading to hanger D=

Hanger D, thousands of Marines or transfers walked off of their ships. They crowded the hanger, CO's were directing squads and regiments, organizing them so that troops fresh off the ships could navigate and find where they belong. All of them did this, except a few. N was among them, he was not apart of any of these regiments or squads. He stood with his few things and awaited orders. twenty minutes pass, some of the regiments leave, marching off to their barracks or the mess-hall. Among the few who did not stand with a regiment were Spartans. Spartan's with MARK VII armor. N wondered why they were here. He also wondered if their were any others here.

This was the first zeus class ship he had been on. It was huge. It must take at least an hour to get from one side of the ship to the other, they must have some sort of transport system install.

Some time had passed, another regiment left. soon, it was just the Spartans and a few others, and him. They gravitated towards each other to talk, commune. N stayed put.

=The man arrived at Hanger D=
"I hope he wasn't in any of those regiments I passed on the tramway."
=he says to himself.=
=the man walks into the Hanger, and sees a few stragglers, waiting for orders.=
=the man approaches them.=
"Which one of you is N?" He says.
=N stands up, a few meters from the small group.=
=the small group of Spartans and officers shake their heads, but N walks over to the man and nods his head.=
"You're N?"
=N nods=
"Not much of a talker, are you?"
=N stares at the man.=
"Right, well come with me, the rest of you have orders to head to the Command center."
=N and the man leave=
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 06:05 am

"Were sending him in Operation: Desert Moon. Have him prepped and ready for combat. IT's a desert landscape, you know what to do."
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The Longterm Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 06:11 am

A few weeks after N first arrived.

"N we're sending you on a mission, get your gear and meet in the Command center for a quick debriefing."

=N nods and does as he's told.=

=Heads to the Command center.=

"N, we're sending you to a desert planet to join up with Alpha Squad, you'll be their point man in their operation. Good luck."

=N nods and heads to the hanger=

I'm being sent on a mission, by myself, to a squad I've never met....okay?
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The Longterm Poster

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"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 06:26 am

=N Boards the ship that's heading to the planet where the desert Op is located=
=It's a large ship, he guesses he'll be on the ship for a while.=
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The Longterm Poster

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"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: 2300'th post   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 06:35 am

=After some time the ship takes off, and N is shown his room for the duration. He sets his clothes in the chest and lays on the bed, he falls asleep.=

=He wakes up to the inter comm. giving orders to groups of men, and directing people. They were going to jump, people needed to get into the cryo pods.=
=He heads to the Cryo chamber room.=
=He undresses in front of his pod.=
=he folds his clothes and puts them in a bin near the pod.=
=he gets in, and closes his eyes.=
=the pod closes=
=the pod is activated, and he is in cryo-sleep=
=the ship jumps=
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 07:17 am

They say you don't dream in Cryo-sleep. It's dreamless. This isn't true. Not always. Sometimes I have the strangest most horrific and vivid dreams during cryo-sleep. I come up sweating, and with frost burns. This time was different. I saw arabian like homes. or maybe they were adobes. Square like. the made up a maze. I was separated from my squad. i was trying to find them. I was lost in the maze. and then I was in the desert. I only saw a few of the buildings. I approached them. I was in a tattered shirt and pants, wearing no shoes. I didn't know how I got there. I just did. I approached slowly at first, and then broke into a run, I didn't know why. ...
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The Longterm Poster

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"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime10/04/12, 11:35 pm

I was terrified. I kept running. The world began to blur. The desert began to rise and swell. It looked more like rubber than sand now. The world became blackened. Scorched. The sand became glassed and blackened. there were bomb holes scattered around. the homes were crumbling and damaged. it was a war zone.
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The Longterm Poster

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"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime13/04/12, 06:44 am

=opens his eyes=

and then I woke up. We had reached our destination.
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The Longterm Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime13/04/12, 07:23 am

Filled with a sudden rage, N, forces his way out of Cryo. He pushes the hatch open and gets out. Taking the gel substance with him. (the nutrient gel) The nightmare had made him angry. Emotional. He went straight to the gym on the ship to punch something and work off his anger. None of the other crewmen knew he was angry, they only saw his silent self.
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime16/04/12, 07:04 am

He went to the gym, to work off his steam. He worked on everything he could, and then ran for 5 hours. It would be another week before they arrived at the planet, he could afford to tire himself out. After he finished his run, he returned to his quarters, no one needed him, so he slept.

=number of hours later.=
=An alarm goes off.=
=N awakes to the ship on fire=

Attention all Personell, we are under attack, battle-stations!

=N had no where to report.=
He gets up out of bed, a Jackal stared down at him from the entrance of the barracks. It didn't make any move toward him. They stared at each other as the ship burned and explosions rocked them. N stood up slowly, the Jackal made to move. N picked up his gear, it was still in the pack he came on with. He put it on and walked toward the door. The Jackal stared at him then twitched it's head, it wanted him to follow it. And he did.

The Kug yar led him to an escape pod, where it disappeared. He got in and waited until a red light flashed, he hit the eject button, and left the ship in an escape pod. He was uninjured. Unscathed by the fires of the ship.

He awoke in a hospital on the planet he was supposed to meet the new team on. He had no memory of how he got there.
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime16/04/12, 07:14 am

The Leader of Able Team met with him in the hospital, and filled N in on what had happened to the ship. He kept saying that N was lucky to be alive. N just nodded in response. He slid out of the hospital bed, and dressed himself in uniform. Like nothing happened.

He reported to Able Teams leader, in a forward outpost camp. He listened to the reports, and read what wasn't said. Knowing is half the battle, and sometimes more. These were ODST's. They had harder training then him, they were all higher ranks. He would be fighting along side them for this mission. It just didn't make sense.

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The Longterm Poster

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Join date : 2011-05-13

"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime20/04/12, 08:28 am

Able Team and N went to the hanger to get into their ride to the objective.

N listened to Able teams banter. They made attempts to talk with him, but he would just nod. It wasn't long before they arrived at the drop off point.
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The Longterm Poster

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"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime13/08/12, 07:05 am

Operation: Desert Moon

The moon, the name was held back for security reasons, was a vast endless desert. The Pelican flew low to the ground, under any possible air radar. Dust was kicked up by the thrusters, leaving behind a silicate cloud. Every so often the pilot would swerve to dodge dunes or rock formations that stuck out of the desert. The point of insertion was between two dunes.

"Alright, let's go!"

The team filed out of the Pelican onto the moon desert.
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"N" game: the beginning Empty
PostSubject: Re: "N" game: the beginning   "N" game: the beginning Icon_minitime

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"N" game: the beginning
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