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 Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth

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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime23/08/12, 09:28 am

Then our mission still hasn't changed. We've got the intel we need, and we've assessed the enemy presence here. Our best bet is to disable the jammer, and call in the Hyperion for an extraction and orbital bombardment of this place.

You've got a point....but what about Harris? He's too valuable to leave.

Chances are Harris isn't even on the base.
=I started moving in the direction of the jammer=

We need to move people. That's an order.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime23/08/12, 11:08 pm

You heard the Admiral. Let's move Alpha.
=I began moving, following the Admiral=

Yes sir.
=Crowe, Trevor and I fell in line, and followed the Lt. and the Admiral=

Here's what I don't get though; if there's a signal jammer actively blocking us from signaling the outside, how was Harris able to do that video call thing?

Maybe he's in a different part of the complex?

Maybe, but I'm not so sure. By the look of the room behind him, it almost looked like the bridge of a ship.
=We all fell silent then, and 10 minutes later, we finally ended up outside a door, the words "Communications Room" embroidered above the door=

The signal jammer controls must be in here I suppose. Makes sense.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime24/08/12, 07:13 am

No, really? I always thought the room would be labeled "Signal Jamming Room."

=I turned to eye her, which was saying something considering I was doing it behind the visor=
Really? Sarcasm?

=Shrugging, I responded in a serious tone=
Just making light of the situation sir.

=Grumbling to myself, I turned back to the door, and stepped forward. Its motion sensors detected me, and it opened=
No respect for authority anymore...

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime24/08/12, 07:48 am

=Following closely behind the Admiral, Alpha Team and I walked into the room. Several computers were in here, some of them on, others dark. The layout of the place had shown that the computers were arranged in rows on long tables, so the place looked like a 21st century control room at NASA. One thing that I doubted was in the plans though, was the squad of GESTR's standing at the other side of the room. Behind us, the door closed, and a his was heard as it sealed=
Fuck, take cover!

=Without checking to see if they followed the order, I ducked, taking cover behind one of said tables. That was when the shooting started=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime24/08/12, 08:30 am

=By the time I had registered what Conner had said, plasma shots from the GESTR's weapons had crossed the room and impacted my chest. My energy shield flared, dispersing the shots and buying me enough time to roll to one side. I couldn't get to a table, and was left in the open, so crouching, I activated the shield on my arm, diverting power from my full body shield to the blue barrier of energy forming between me and the incoming shots=

=I should have taken cover. It was the smart thing to do. But I decided to do something stupid, especially since, as plasma bolts impacted my shields, I saw my Admiral take heavy fire. Aiming my weapon, I squeezed off a short burst at the lead GESTR, taking him in the head. The moment the shots hit, I jumped for cover, diving as if I were going for water, and rolling when I landed, taking position next to Conner=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime24/08/12, 09:07 am

=Wierzbowski and I went for cover. He simply I dove, while I walked towards it, the LMG in my hands too heavy for any type of fancy tuck and roll. As I moved, I fired off bursts from the weapon, some of them impacting the GESTR's. The bolts hit their armor, and I noted before crouching down behind the table row, that they had no shields=
No shields!

Got it!
=Reaching for my pistol holstered on my hip, I shifted myself, turning the shield away from the enemy and allowing me a chance to shoot one in the head. It went down, smoke trailing from a glowing hole in its helmet=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime24/08/12, 09:14 am

=Two of the GESTR's were down, and three hostiles remained, one of which was the handler for the GESTR squad. When the second went down, he shouted=

Charge them! Tear them apart!

=Still gripping their weapons, the GESTR's abandoned caution, and charged Alpha Teams position. Splitting up, one charged for Alpha, while the other went to take on Jason=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime24/08/12, 09:33 am

=The GESTR closed the distance between itself and me, faster than any normal human. Truly, it was as fast as a Spartan. Before I could raise my pistol, it swung its weapon at me, and knocked the gun out of my hand. Swinging again, it tried to take my head off, but I adopted a boxer's stance, and ducked beneath the swing=
Damn, these fuckers are strong!

=Using my foot as a springboard, I jumped off it, rising maybe an inch in the air=
Shit, too much strength behind the jump. Might as well make the best of it.

=Hovering for the briefest of moments, I slammed a fist down onto where the collar bone of a normal human would be. My strength, augmented by the Combat Skin, was behind that blow, and it left a dent in the armor, enough that it should have at least fractured the collar bone, leaving the thing crippled with pain. After all, even a fractured collar bone is one of the most disabling non-lethal injuries a human can take=
But it relies on pain to work.....something they don't feel.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 05:03 am

=Staggering from the blow I gave it, the GESTR rushed me again, tackling me in the chest, and lifting me off the ground. Its own momentum kept it going, and it slammed me into one of the tables. Stunned, I watched as the GESTR raised it's fists for a hammer blow of its own=

=Peeking from cover, I saw the GESTR fighting the Admiral prepare to deliver a hammer blow. Aiming down the sight of my weapon, I fired off a shot at its elbow, and the shot hit home. It's elbow began to glow, the alloys heated to the point of melting, and while I doubted it could feel it, it did pause to look at the glowing section of armor, as if curious=

=I thought I was done for, until the GESTR stopped in the middle of raising its arms, and I saw out of the corner of my eye that its elbow was glowing red. With it distracted, I activated my arm blade, and swinging my arm in an outwards arc, I sliced off the arm at the elbow=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 08:43 am

=The GESTR didn't seem all that fazed by the loss of its arm. In fact, it grabbed Jason by the neck, fingers closing around his throat like a vice-grip, and picked him up. It held him there for a moment, and then spun around, throwing Jason towards Wierzbowski. As for the second GESTR, in the mere seconds of Jason's fight, it had engaged both Conner and Chris=

=Ducking under neath another swing from the GESTR, I aimed a kick right for its knee. I knew it wouldn't feel pain, but it had to respond to that, and I was ecstatic to see my kick have the desired effect. Crumpling, the thing fell to its knees, though if I thought that took the fight out of him I was sorely disappointed. He began crawling after me=

=While the GESTR was crawling, I aimed my gun at it, and fired off a stream of plasma into its back. The constant stream melted its armor, and the molten metal sank into its back, burning through the spinal column. It died seconds later=

=When the GESTR threw the Admiral, I ended up in his path. Like a pin, I was knocked down by the Admiral flying into me, and the next thing I saw was the ceiling=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 08:49 am

=Picking myself up off the Private, I barely had enough time to see the GESTR coming at me, swinging at me with its one arm=
That's it!

=Jumping out of reach of the swing, I launched off my back foot, and with my arm blade still active, I drove a punch straight for its head. The blade burned through the helmet, and the GESTR froze, arm still raised for another swing. Then its legs gave out, and its weight pulled the head down, and my blade cut the head wide open=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 08:59 am

=Getting up, I watched as the Admiral deactivated his arm blade, and crossed the room towards the Handler. He tried to shoot him, raising his weapon, but the Admiral was too fast. Sidestepping the barrel, he clamped his hands down on the weapon, and the soldiers hands, and twisted. Even beneath the armor, the snapping sound of breaking bones was audible, and he screamed in pain=

Yeah, that hurt? Unlike your dogs, you'll still feel pain.
=I've gotta admit, I don't think I had ever been that angry before, at least in combat situations. I had always been calm, and kept my cool but now all I felt like doing was putting this sorry sack of shit through so much pain, that even his dead GESTR's would actually feel it. The raw hate in my voice scared me, but not enough to stop=

=Rushing forward, I grabbed the Admirals shoulder, and pulled him away from the wounded soldier=
Admiral, what the hell is wrong with you? He's disarmed, and injured! We don't torture prisoners!

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 09:47 am

=I was a hairsbreadth from actually hitting Conner, and the moment that though crossed my mind, that was when I stopped, and saw what I was doing. Stepping away from both Conner, and the injured soldier, I turned away, thankful my visor hid the look of shame on my face=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 08:50 pm

=I'd deal with the Admiral later. Yeah, that sounded like insubordination, but frankly I didn't give a damn. Turning back to our prisoner, I sat him down in a chair near a computer terminal. I noted that I pretty much shoved him down into the chair. Guess even a broken arm wasn't going to get much sympathy out of me=
Alright, talk. How many more squads are there in this base? And how do we disable the signal jammer?

=He stayed silent, not really willing to speak. I didn't want to do this, but frankly he was the leader of a an enemy squad that tried to kill my people, and our lives, which outweighed his own in my opinion, were more important. I grabbed his arm, right over where it had broken, and squeezed. He screamed in pain=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 08:54 pm

Now I do not have time to fuck around with you, and neither does my squad. Now, you will tell me what I want to know or so help me, I'll give you back to the Admiral!

=Shocked at his interrogation method, I caught on to what he was doing mentioning me. Stepping forward, I activated my arm blade, and pointed the blade right at the wounded man=

Jesus, stop! I'll talk, I'll talk!

=Releasing the pressure on his arm, I stepped back a foot=
Now, how many more active GESTRs are there in this base?

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 09:03 pm

There were four active squads here before you came. 16 GESTRs, and 4 others like me, the handlers. But that number got trimmed down to three. You took out one squad in the med-labs, another unit in the halls, and my squad here. That leaves three, plus the other handler.

Good, now we're making progress. Now, what about the signal jammer?

Controls for it are over there, on that terminal.
=He pointed with his uninjured arm towards one of the rear-most terminals=

Chris, check it out.

Got it sir.
=When I got to the terminal, I began typing in commands, trying to figure out how to shut it down. Thankfully, it was easy enough, and the jammer was disabled=

Jammer's down sir.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 09:08 pm

Good wo-
=I was interrupted by someone trying to hail me. it was Sam's signal=

Sam, what is it?

Oh thank god. About fucking time someone answered, I've been trying to raise you guys for an hour.

Our signals were being blocked Sam. Now, what's your situation?

I've been flying around the area, keeping a low profile. But I found something on radar scans I didn't pick up before- a frigate class vessel, nestled in a mountain range couple hundred klicks away.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime25/08/12, 09:31 pm

Chances are that's where Colonel Harris is. We need backup, now.

Agreed. We have no idea how many soldiers he has with him, not to mention the obvious: it's just us and our dropship vs his frigate.

I don't know, I kinda like those odds.
=Just to make sure the jammer couldn't be used again, I shot it with my SMG, reducing it to molten bits and pieces=

We should use the panic button, bring the Hyperion here. With that kind of firepower, we can take the frigate and capture Harris.

Roger that. Alright, who's got the panic button?

I do. Give me a second.
=Reaching for one of the small containers on my tactical vest, I pulled out the panic button. It was surprising that something so small could signal something so powerful. Holding it almost like a grenade, I pressed the button=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime26/08/12, 09:15 am

How long until they get here? How far are away are they anyway?
=I never turned from the prisoner, making sure he never tried anything funny=

The Hyperion was to keep at a distance of 3 AU away from Waltari. That's the maximum range this signal goes out to.

Funny, I almost expected there to be a big flash of light from the damn thing.

I'll make sure to bring the big flashy panic button next time. The ship should be here in 10 minutes, so we should get the hell out of here, and back to the dropship.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime26/08/12, 09:27 am

Got it. What about him?
=I gestured at the prisoner=

=I wasn't really sure. I doubted he had any vital intel, and nabbing him would hardly do a thing to the rebels military strength=
Leave him. We have what we need, and he'd only slow us down.

If you say so sir. Alright team, lets move out.
=Standing up, I opened the map of the complex, finding a route out of this room for an exit to the outside. There was one through the door the GESTRs had been standing at, and it was a short distance away=

This way.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime26/08/12, 09:37 am

=Everyone fell into line behind Conner, while I moved to his right. Opening a private channel with him, I decided to apologize=
Sorry about losing control like that......I'm not sure what came over me, when I was attacking him.

Apology accepted, and forgive the insubordination sir, but we'll have words later, once we're off this rock.

=I felt like barking a reprimand at him for ordering me, but I bit it down. This was still his mission, and despite me being here, he was still the one placed in charge. Add to that the fact that I trusted him enough to place him in charge, I figured he deserved to know the truth. Chances were he had already guessed parts of it anyway=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime26/08/12, 09:54 am

Fine. But fair warning: a lot of what I have to say, won't be easy to hear.

Can't be anything worse than what ONI's done in the past.
=Our path had a few forks and doors, but in time we reached the exit. I hailed Sam=

Sam, lock onto my signal. We're about to get into the open, and I want you to come by and pick us up.

=I made a turn, and headed in the direction of the base=
Got it sir. Locking onto your signal now. ETA should be three minutes.

Understood. We'll remain here for now.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime26/08/12, 08:42 pm

=Flying over the terrain, I was rapidly getting closer to the facility. In the past hour, I had not come across anything else, other than the frigate in the mountains. Thankfully, it hadn't detected me so I doubted it was going to come after my ship=

=We exited the facility, and found ourselves in an outdoor area, a courtyard of some sorts. High walls boxed us in, and I was suddenly dismayed when I noticed something terrible=
Sam, cancel on that last order. Our evac point does not provide enough adequate space for pickup. The walls are spaced too close together for your ship to fit inside.

Shit.....what if I use the dropships weapons? I can blow a hole in one of the walls, big enough for you guys to get out.

You got anything big enough to get the job done?

Yeah. This ships carries a few missiles that pack enough punch.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime26/08/12, 09:44 pm

Okay. Aim at the wall West of our coordinates. Then get ready to land.
=I moved towards one side of the courtyard=

Let's move Alpha. We need to put some distance between ourselves and that wall.

Don't need to tell me twice.
=Following him, I crouched low off to the side of the wall, while the rest of the team did the same=

=I arrived at the base, and following their coordinates, I steered the ship toward the right wall. Switching to targeting, I aimed the cross-hairs at the wall=
Stand clear. Firing missiles now.

=Smoke trails appeared from the sides of the dropship, behind the canopy and the missiles themselves, bright motes of orange light, impacted the wall. The wall exploded in a ball of fire, and left a cloud of smoke=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 12:33 am

=I spun the dropship around, lowering the entry ramp for the team to get on=

=Debris rained down on us, but thankfully the worst of it was centered on the courtyard while we got showered with dust and clumps of dirt. Looking up, I saw the hole that was created, and was happy to see it was big enough for all of us=
Move it Alpha, get to that ship!

=We all broke into a run for the hole, when the door we had just come out of opened, and three more GESTRs walked out. Motionless for a moment, they opened fire=
Keep moving! Don't stop!

=I however did stop, placing myself between the oncoming fire and my team. My shields deflected the worst of it, but they were dropping fast. I fired several bursts, catching one of them in the leg. It hardly noticed it, and they began to move forward, weapons still spewing out bolts of plasma when I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder from behind=

=I was almost to the dropship, running behind the others. But then I stopped, turning to see the Lt. buy us time. And then the GESTRs started moving forward. I wasn't going to leave him behind, so running towards him, I grabbed his shoulder=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 05:13 am

Come on Lt! We've gotta move!
=Pulling on his shoulder, I dragged him towards the dropship=

Chris, what the hell are you doing?

Saving your sorry ass sir.
=I kept dragging him along while he tried to stay and fight. He eventually relented, and started running for the ship, plasma bolts flying past us=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 05:19 am

=Both Chris and Conner managed to get onto the dropship, while Crowe and Wierzbowski stood, weapons out, firing off bursts to suppress the oncoming GESTR's=
Sam, it's getting too hot here! We need to go, now!

Roger that sir. Grab onto something!
=Without waiting to check if they were secure, I gunned the engines, and we jerked forward=

=I managed to grab a handrail to keep from falling, though Crowe and Chris stumbled. As for Conner, he lost balance and fell onto the deck of the troop bay, and Trevor fell into a seat=
Sound off, everyone okay?

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 05:32 am

=Picking myself up, I looked at the Admiral=
Got knocked down, but I'm good.

Peachy sir.


I'm alright.
=I twisted a little so I was comfortable in the seat, then strapped myself in=

Okay, good job people.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 06:02 am

=We climbed high into the atmosphere, leaving that base behind us. A signal came in, and its IFF registered the signal as belonging to the Hyperion=

*Hyperion Bridge*
This is the Hyperion hailing Alpha Team dropship Blacklight. What is your situation?

Good to hear from you Hyperion. This is Flight Lieutenant Samantha Cole. I've got Alpha Team aboard, along with Admiral Shepard. We'd appreciate clearance to land sir.

*Hyperion Bridge*
Clearance granted Flight Lieutenant Cole. Welcome back.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 07:01 am

=I made my way to the cockpit to look out the canopy. Coming up on our position, rapidly, was the Hyperion. Now was as good a time as any, so I opened a channel=
This is Admiral Shepard. Hyperion, I need you to do a quick scan of the surface below. We have intel that a rebel frigate is down there, and I want to make sure its still there. We have a high value target aboard.

*Hyperion Bridge*
Scanning now sir. Uh, sir? We found the frigate, but it's moving. It's still in atmo, but it's moving out of viable scan range. Hold on, detecting slip-space activ-- they're opening a portal in atmo!

=From orbit, a bright pin-point of light could be seen on the surface. The 'small' point of light flattened several square miles of forest=

=I slammed my fist against a metal wall in frustration=
Dammit! He's gone.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 07:35 am

*Hyperion Bridge*
We're tracking his ship sir. But we'll only be able to track it for a few more minutes before he's out of range. Should we pursue?

Negative. We have no idea where they're going, and what kind of reception we'll get on the other side. Prepare to receive us.
=I leaned against the metal wall in the cockpit, frustrated and tired=

Once we dock, I want you to fire on that base on the surface. Use the plasma beam weapons, and focus fire solely on that spot. This world is still habitable, and we don't need to turn into the Covenant.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 07:59 am

*Hyperion Bridge*
Understood sir.

=We docked in Hangar 1 of the ship, and I parked the dropship in an open space. Once she was secure, I opened the ramp of the Blacklight and powered her down, getting up from my seat at the end of it=

=In orbit, the Hyperion's weapons glowed a bright blue, and they discharged brilliant lances of blue-white plasma. They shot down toward the surface, pillars of energy that vaporized the GESTR complex. It took four shots to turn the base into a glowing crater of glass and molten steel, smoke rising a mile into the sky=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 08:52 pm

=Walking off the dropship, I took off my helmet to breathe in some fresh air. Alpha Team got off behind me, as did our pilot. I turned around to face them=
Okay Alpha, mission accomplished. Get some rest, and we'll debrief in an hour back at Haven.

Oh hell yes. I'm starved.....
=Walking past the Admiral, I headed for the mess deck=

I'm going to find a quite place to take a nap. God knows I need one.
=I headed for my quarters beyond the hangar=

Might as well put this back where I found it.
= Emphasizing that statement, I lifted the carbine class weapon, and started walking for the armory=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/08/12, 08:56 pm

Well Admiral, I believe we agreed that we'd have words when we got back.
=I folded my arms, staring the man straight in the eyes=

That we did Lieutenant. Follow me.
=I turned, and began walking, leading the Lieutenant to my office. I really didn't want to tell him about my origins in Dragon's Teeth, but after this whole GESTR thing, he had earned the right to know=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime28/08/12, 07:19 am

So I guess I'll just stay here, tend to the ship. I'll give you guys a lift down to the planet when we get back.
=However, I decided to go and grab some grub in the mess hall first=

=Conner and I eventually got to my office. Walking over to behind my desk, I pulled out something I very rarely ever got to use: a bottle of scotch. It wasn't from Haven, though. I nabbed this bottle from my ship, Serenity. What? There were plenty of times back then, before all of this, that I needed a shot of scotch to tide me over. Setting the bottle down, I took out two small glasses, also imported from my ship, and poured a few fingers worth of scotch into the glasses, and handed one to Conner=

=Gingerly, I took the glass=
We celebrating something sir?

Other than the successful completion of your first mission? No. Then again, as I recall, Alpha Team did say that when we got back that drinks were on me.
=I held out my glass to clink his=

=What the heck? I clinked glasses with the admiral, and downed the scotch=

But in all seriousness, considering what I'm about to divulge with you, you're going to appreciate that drink.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime28/08/12, 07:39 am

Sir, I was a UNSC Marine for almost a decade. In that time, I was on the receiving end of a lot of ONI bullshit. Whatever you have to share can't be worse than what they've done.

Careful with your words James.....
=Sitting down at the desk, I opened up a holo-screen, and opened several files. The Vigil files. I kept them on hand within a private server in my office, closed off from the rest of the ship. I did so, because I read them in my spare time, learning as much as I could about the project that created me=

Several years ago, ONI created a clandestine group known as "Vigil," devoted solely to dealing with the Outer Colonies during the war with the Covenant, as well as developing new weapons and using tactics that violated established conventions that even ONI at times had to adhere to.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime28/08/12, 08:12 am

I never heard of them.

Would have defeated their purpose if you had heard of them. Now, Vigil, before being dismantled, was responsible for several violations of UNSC conventions, as well as two of the worst war crimes ever perpetrated by UNSC forces. However, the main topic at hand here, is what you heard down there. Dragons Teeth.
=Outside the window of my office, space shifted slightly as we entered slip-space, and black was replaced with an even darker shade of black. I know, hard to imagine, but best way to describe it=

What I heard down there, was that Dragons Teeth was some form of ONI cloning tech.

Close, but not entirely. Dragons Teeth was the name of a Vigil operation, the purpose of which was to mass produce an army of Spartan soldiers using flash cloning technology.

What? I thought flash cloning entire humans was illegal?

It is, but Vigil was given free reign to ignore that law. In the end, they succeeded. They were able to create several platoons worth of functioning Spartans, but almost all of them were wiped out. As for Vigil, their head of operations was killed, and their base was blown up.

=It didn't take me long to put the pieces together=
You destroyed them, didn't you? You found out what they were doing, and you wiped them out....

Yes. I was the one that brought them down, alongside a few friends, one of whom made a helluva sacrifice to see that happen. But there's one thing left you need to know, Lieutenant. I told you, that almost all of the Dragons teeth Spartans were wiped out. All but one.

No way.....you? You're a clone?

Something along those lines, yes. Vigil, engineered me to be the best, to have the best genes of all the existing Spartans. But I guess I was one of the few that actually had a conscience. When they made me and my team commit murder against Outer Colonist civilians, I cut ties, crippled my team, and stole the prowler they gave us. For the next few years, I ran, gathering any info I could to bring them down. That was how I discovered my origins.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime28/08/12, 08:39 am

=I slumped into the chair in front of the desk=
Uh....wow. Wow, this is....a lot to take in, sir.

Hey, you wanted answers. Or at least, you wanted an explanation for why I acted that way. I spent a large portion of my life, killing Vigil. I almost died for it, and I almost lost everything I held dear, burying them. To see Dragons Teeth alive again, especially in this form? It was too much. I felt as if all that I had done meant nothing.
=I downed my own glass=

So, I know this is going to sound pessimistic, but I hope knowing that I'm a clone, does not diminish any form of loyalty to your commanding officer?

=That actually made me chuckle=
Sir.....you freed the prisoners of Delta, and gave us all a new home. You've safeguarded us, empowered us, and given us all a second chance when many thought their end had come. In spite of what you might think, about Hans and his rogue group, there's not a man, woman, or child on Haven that wouldn't follow you to Hell itself. In fact, many think that if you ever did lead us there, you'd lead us all back out, safe and sound.

=Silent for a moment, I mulled over what he said=
You really think there are people out there that believe that, back home?

I'm one of them sir.
=Standing from my chair, I moved the empty scotch glass towards the Admiral=

If nothing else, I'd like to actually to grab some grub.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime28/08/12, 09:02 am

Dismissed Lieutenant. Oh, and I'd appreciate it if you kept this between us.

Understood Admiral. I can keep this a secret.
=With that said, I left the room, and headed for the mess hall=

=Pouring myself another glass, I downed it just as fast as the last one. I was tempted to look over the GESTR files that Chris had recovered, but I figured I'd save that for later. For now, I just needed to rest=

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime28/08/12, 09:16 am

--Region of space known as The Graveyard--

=The frigate exited slip-space an hour after its jump, with Colonel Harris safely aboard. They drifted towards the massive Forerunner Fortress vessel, the Colossus, and were hailed by its bridge. Hans himself called them=

How did the test go, Colonel Harris?

Better than expected. The GESTR's functioned without flaw, and based on how they respond to injuries, they're bound to have the desired psychological effect. There were a few....minor, complications with giving them orders, but in the end, it didn't matter.


One more thing sir. Shepard was there.

Really? So, the lost fang finally laid eyes on the new set of teeth?

Yes sir.

Hmm, excellent. As for these complications with the GESTR's and orders, we'll work on that problem eventually. For now, I have news for you Colonel. It turns out we need to field test something, and we have a target in mind.

((End of Story))

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostSubject: Re: Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth   Legacy of the Dragon's Teeth - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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