The Azure Comet-
"Due to the massive size of the ship, the hull was needed to be extremely thick. If there was to be a hull breach in space, a good part of it would likely explode from decompression. Additionally, the ship was designed to be able to utilize a mode of Full Lockdown, in which every possible entry or exit to the ship would be sealed with 14ft-thick Blast Doors. This was meant to be used in a variety of way, including extra armor, sealing of the ship (In the event of some form of attack), or to seal any possible breaches in the event of a full or partial malfunction or disruption of power systems. The ship was also designed to carry a Hellfire Cannon, the means of utilizing a Schism bomb. Because of the sheer devestation caused by the weapon, as well as other factors, The technology never advanced past it's early stages. The only means of removing the bomb are to fire it, and the only way to disable it is to climb into the cannon itslef and attempt a complete manual deconstruction of the bomb, which would almost always detonate the bomb. Due to the age of the ship, most of the electrical components that run throughout the ship are linked together like a spiderweb. This would often lead to complications, especially if a bomb were onboard, as sufficiant damage to the ship's walls containing the electical wiring could likely trigger sporadic pulses of power, resulting in a variety of effects, ranging from ship-wide power failures to the activation of the cannon and/or bomb..."
-Taken directly from the origional XNNO story.
This goes on for quite some time, but atm i feel that this is the most important part. If need be, ill post the next part.