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 [Halo] The New Eden Incident

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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime10/01/14, 01:14 am

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Date: February 12, 2553

The Battle of Earth has been over for almost 3 months now. Things are starting to sizzle down.

In a solar system far from Earth, there is a newly discovered planet. This planet is named New Eden. New Eden is a small planet which been found to be full of luscious plant and wild life, along with many resources needed to live. And most importantly, Forerunner technology. There are Human colonies showing up here and there, along with research stations at some key forerunner structures. Other than that, the planet is mostly unexplored and probably uninhabited. Or so everybody thinks.

Recently, communication has been lost with a few colonies. Most people think that it is just some technological error, but the nearby UNSC Dream Catcher has been called in to investigate. The UNSC Dream Catcher is a Marathon Heavy-Class Cruiser, commanded by Captain Mason Greene.

As the cruiser comes into orbit, something intervenes. A small fleet of Covenant Loyalists are there. The ship is hit. The lights flicker once, but come back on. That's when more Covenant ships show up. The Dream Catcher is hit even harder, sending most of its crew to the floor, and knocking the power out for 10 or so seconds.

If you have something to post in the HRP, post there first! This is only a side thread, and is less important.
This is mainly a flood survival RP. There will be Covenant though, which means you can play as them too if you want.
This takes place after the Covenant separated, so you can play on any side you want. (No innies in this one though)
I'll do the first post and get my troops on the ground. I have something planned out already. The flood will come in when I post it, and that's when you guys can start and get your characters into it and stuff.
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime10/01/14, 01:30 am

~David Verihue~ [Aboard the UNSC Dream Catcher]

The ship takes another hit, sending both me and the man escorting me to the ground. The lights go out, making it pitch black. I fumble for my gun, which has a flashlight on it, but remember I left it in my quarters.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask the man.
"Yeah. We gotta get you to the bridge though. Captain probably still wants you," he answers. The lights come back on.
"No, I need to get me a weapon first. And wake up the Spartan."
"Should I go-"
"Attention all personnel. The UNSC Dream Catcher is under attack. This is not a drill. ODST Team Cobra, report to the bridge. David Verihue, please report to the bridge." The Captain gives his orders over the intercom. I guess I'm going to the bridge after all.

I step into the bridge, and Captain Greene is already there waiting for me.
"This ship is hit. We need to land down there. There's no use fighting them up here. I want you to get down there and use your leadership and fighting skills. This is when we need you," Captain says to me quickly.
"I'm only one guy. I can't do much. Derek on the other hand-"
"No. You don't have time to wake up the spartan. We'll get somebody else to. Get down to that planet now. That's an order!" Without another word, he turns his back to me, walking back toward the controls.
"Yes Sir." I mumble, walking out.

~John "Cobra"~

"Hurry it up Greene! Your father's waitin' to see ya!" I yell back to our newest member. The Captain's son. He's already lagging behind us on the way to the bridge.
He picks up his pace, and I look back forward. A familiar face stops in front of me. It's Dave.
"You're here to? It's like a family reunion for me," he says, starting to pass by me.
"Yeah. You said you're friends with that Spartan, right? Anyway, guess I'll see you on the ground." I continue on my way.

We step into the bridge, Captain Greene ready to give us orders. Only six of the seven man team is in the room now.
"We're going to need you down there. We want you to secure an LZ for the Pelicans. And-" Private Greene comes into the room.
"Dad," he says, panting.
"Private Greene. You're late. Your commander will have to fill you in on your orders. John. Get down there."
"Yes, Sir!" I say, leading the team out of the room.
"He called us to the bridge for that?" Phillips says, back in the hall.
"He wanted to see his son," I answer.
"Didn't seem like it," he says back.
"He's always been like that." Greene starts to zone off after he says that, and almost runs into another soldier.
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime10/01/14, 11:12 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"We're being fired at. Just keep calm. We'll get to the ground soon." I try to comfort my team as we fall from the sky.
"Somebody's hit!" Jake yells.
"It's Greene!" I hear Gordon yell.
"Don't worry. We'll be-" A few shots hit me in the side, sending me into a death spiral. The comms are cut. All systems are down.
The ground comes closer and closer. I've been in this situation before, but this seems like it will be the last time for some reason. I hit the ground with a large crash, but I'm still alive.

My hand is quick to reach the emergency release, sending the door flying. I am in a wooded area, with multiple rocks around. In the distance I can see an open field. A couple pods land. Another comes down heavily like mine. I don't know if he'll make it. I jump out of my pod, only to be met with something latching onto the back of my head.
I pull, but it won't come off. The more I try to pull, the harder it latches on. I stand still for a second, and can hear a gunshot nearby. The thing falls off of my head, and I look up to see Private Greene standing there. He survived.

I look back at the ground, and I see a flood infector. It was on my head. There is flood on this planet. I start to speak, but a covenant sniper fires at us, barely missing. Latching onto my weapon, I lead Greene to the nearest cover, a rock. An elite comes up behind us, but only in time for a couple flood to take him down from behind. Infectors cover him, turning him quickly. Out comes my SMG, as Greene and I end the gruesome scene.
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime12/01/14, 11:38 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"We gotta take out a few of those snipers then regroup with the rest of the team," I say to Greene, poking my head out to take out a jackal in a tree.
"Yes, Sir."
We both take out enough snipers to have a safe run to the field. I go first, and nothing fires at me. As I land in the bushes at the edge of the woods, an infected elite attacks me from behind. I roll over, pulling out my SMG, and start firing into it. As it drops, another takes its place. Instead of me shooting it this time, there is a headshot from behind. When the body drops, Greene walks over it.
"Let's go," I say, getting back to my feet.

We jog into the field, where most of the drop pods are. I immediately spot a body lying about 10 feet from a pod. An ODST. I step closer. It's Rogers. "Man down!" I yell, kneeling next to him. I rip the dog tags off, and check for the cause of death. Multiple plasma bursts to the chest. As I stand back up, I see a couple pelicans moving in toward us. One comes down and hovers low next to Greene and I.
"Who is it?" I hear Phillips from inside. He hops off next to us.
"Rogers. Covenant killed him. Let's go."
"Wait, we got somebody who wants to see you," Phillips grabs my shoulder.
I turn to the pelican and see Dave standing there. He tosses me a couple mags for the sniper, and three for the SMG.
"You'll need it. There's a lot. Me and a few marines are getting off across the field to check for more survivors." The pelican lifts off. The three of us jog toward the next pod we see.
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The New Guy

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Age : 25

[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime13/01/14, 10:39 pm

~John "Cobra"~

The next pod is Gordon's. He's nowhere to be seen. The only thing from him that I can see is the blood trail going from the pod to a nearby rock. A few covenant shoot at us from the woods, but they are taken out by the flood before any damage can be done. Jogging over to the rock, we can see a hand poking out. We slowly walk around, to see Gordon's dead body being consumed by flood infectors. We end them quickly. As soon as I grab the tags, we are on to the next pod.

The next pod is Hughes'. It's not even open yet. As I walk up to it, I can picture the bullet holes in the glass, Hughes dead inside. Instead, he is alive. Perfectly fine. Just sitting there inside. He stares at us as we walk in front. "What are you doing?" I yell through the glass. We step back as he opens the door.
"I saw the flood take out some covvies. A couple tried to attack the glass, so I played dead. I saw what happened to Gordon when he got out." Hughes seems distant. He must have seen some pretty bad stuff.
"Just stay with us." After I say that, I hear a pelican coming down above us. It lands, and a bunch of marines jump out including Dave.
"Fine. You guys stay here and help them hold the flood off. I'll go find Jake and get him back here," I tell my team.
"We're gettin' out of here, John," Dave says.
"Negative. I'm gonna go find Jake. No man left behind."
"Fine. Go get yourself killed. I won't be there to have your back this time. As soon as we start to get overrun, we're leaving," Dave looks angry, but gets into position to fire. And not a moment too early. The flood are already starting toward us from the woods.
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime13/01/14, 11:01 pm

~John "Cobra"~

I start toward the woods near where I saw the other drop pods. Away from the oncoming flood. As soon as I step into the treeline, I see the pod. I sprint over to it, the fastest I've run in a while. Upon walking to the front, I see a horrifying sight. The glass is broken. Inside is Jake. He's been infected by the flood. Tears start to form in my eyes as I flip my visor up.

"Jake..." The tears start to flow.
He grunts back. It doesn't sound human, but somehow I can still hear humanity in it.
"We always said we'd grow up and join the UNSC. Said we'd be ODSTs together. We did it Jake... But I couldn't keep you alive. I promised your family. I promised your baby son. I'm sorry..." I am crying uncontrollably at this point, putting my hand to his face. He starts to bring his hand out as well. But instead of a hand, it's a tentacle. I know it could kill me, but I let it. One last goodbye.

~David Verihue~

"He's taking too long. We're gonna get overrun soon, Sir," I say to Sergeant Steele.
"We have to leave him if he's not coming back. He could be dead," he says back, starting to move into the pelican.
"Let me go find him, Sir. If I'm not back soon, leave us."
"Go ahead. And we will leave you if we have to."
I jog over to the treeline he went into, taking out a few flood along the way with my Assault Rifle. Inside, I can see the pod in the distance. I jog closer, only to see a tentacle from inside wrapping around John's neck. I pull up the gun, and shoot the tentacle off, not waiting a moment.
"You trying to die?" I ask him, walking closer.
He flips his visor back down, hiding his face. "It's Jake. My friend since we were kids."
"Let's go. You want me to finish him?"
"I'll do it," he says, putting his pistol to the thing's head.

~John "Cobra"~

"Goodbye Jake. I never thought it would end like this." I pull the trigger, his blood splattering on my face. "Jake Valencia. Rest in peace, brothah."
Dave and I get back to the pelican as fast as we can. All the troops pile on, and Sergeant Steele yells to the pilot.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime13/01/14, 11:09 pm

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

Soren swore to himself as the Pelican landed, trying to get a proper contact. The Covie were scrambling the comm channels as best they could, and it made figuring out what was going on near impossible.
As he continued to try and figure out what the Hell was happening, he hears a yell behind him.

"Pick it up, birdboy, we're getting out of here."

Soren began to configure and calibrate the ship, before pulling up off the ground and into the air. For a brief moment, the comms perked back up. Soren immediately contact through to the other line.
"This is Lieutenant Soren Taylor, reporting in. I've got a squad of Marines and ODSTs and we have departed the UNSC Dream Catcher. Request coords to nearest safe zone, over."
The comms continued to buzz in and out. Soren turned on the speakers in the Pelican for a moment.

"If any of you lads can catch a talk with the battlefleet, it'd be much appreciated."

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime13/01/14, 11:18 pm

~David Verihue~

"We got comms, sir!" a marine yells. I'm not completely familiar with the squad yet. Only Sergeant Steele basically.
"Is ODST team Cobra there?" Captain Greene asks.
"Yes, Sir!" Phillips says.
"Report casualties."
John speaks up. "Rogers, Gordon... And Valencia." It pains him to say it at this point.
"The rest of us are safe and on board, Sir," Phillips says.
"Father? What are you doing?" I can tell this is the ODST that is the captain's son.
"We're going to land the ship for emergency- Hold on. Broadcast to all comms!" he yells.
"Dad, what's-"
"There are four pelicans flying straight toward the UNSC Dream Catcher at high speeds. Could you please slow down and pull up? I repeat-"
A voice yells in the background. "Strange life-forms detected on board the pelicans!"
"Everybody clear the-" There is an explosion, cutting the comms.
"Dad? Dad!" Private Greene is yelling as loud as he can. There is no answer.
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime13/01/14, 11:19 pm

Eve clambored into the box. The inhuman screams of whatever had invaded the science building, now rushing past. Eve whimpered softly, then covered her mouth.
she waited.
Peeking out of the box, Eve found herself alone. She climbed out and started to head off, hoping they wouldnt find her.

[Halo] The New Eden Incident Jeremy10 [Halo] The New Eden Incident My_emb10
[Halo] The New Eden Incident 8
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime13/01/14, 11:55 pm

(Here's the map of where we are right now)
(My ODST and marine are in the pelican. My Spartan is still on the Dream Catcher)
[Halo] The New Eden Incident New_ed11
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 12:02 am

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

Soren scanned the nearby landscape, humming to himself a little before he began his descent. The landing gear slowly prepared itself as the pilot spoke in through the intercom.

"Gentlemen and Gentlemen, we're gonna be making a stop and the nearby town of Who-The-Fuck-Knows, please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, if there is an emergency do not hesitate to regret your life choices."

With that, the Pelican zoomed over a few of the nearest buildings before making a swift 180º and landing gently in the centre of the town. As the engines died down and the hatch at the back of the Pelican opened, Soren pushed the button for his own cabin to open up.
"I hope you enjoyed your flight, people. Now move out."

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 12:22 am

~David Verihue~

Everybody piles out except John. He just sits there staring. I walk back onto the pelican as soldiers start securing the area. "John!" I yell at him.
"I should've-"
"You shouldn't have anything! There's nothing you could've done! There's nothing you can do except get your revenge on the flood! Let's go!" I yell at him.
"You don't understand." He sits there in silence, staring into the nothing.

~John "Cobra"~

Flashbacks race through my head of when we were young. Running around the city streets. Having fun. Playing army. That's when we knew we would become ODSTs. I became an ODST, and he followed in my footsteps. That's how it always was. Being a few years older than him, I was always his role model. I always helped him. He always kept my spirits up. Any stranger who met us thought we were brothers. We were a team. We were there for eachother... Not this time. Dave grabs my arm.
"No!" I yell, shoving him back. I smash him into the pelican wall, pinning him there. I stare into his eyes. Ready to kill.
"John!" Phillips yells. He is already grabbing my right arm, while Hughes is grabbing my left. They pull me back and throw me back into my seat.
"We're all on the same side here, soldier," Sergeant Steele says calmly, walking up.
"Take your rage out on the enemies, not your friends!" Dave says, walking out and taking up a position.
"I'm sorry... It-it won't happen again." It just registers in my mind what I've done.
Gunfire starts up outside. Flood are trying to take us. There's not too many, so there may be hope for some survivors in the town.
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 12:36 am


I'm already half way to the bridge when the explosion hits. More follow after that. One crashes into the hall behind me, and flood start to pile in. My speed doubles. I make it to the bridge, but instead of the entrance, there is a pile of burning rubble with something that looks sort of like a door.
"Captain Greene!" I yell. "Captain Greene!"
"Get... Get out of here... Tell everybody to leave... We're going down." He coughs from the smoke, and can barely get these words out.
"I'm coming in there after you!" I yell to him, starting to move the rubble.
"No... Leave. That's an order."
"If I leave, you'll be dead and that order won't matter anymore!"
I rip more rubble out of the way, and Captain Greene remains silent. Or at least as far as I can tell. I pull all of the twisted metal out of the way, and now I have to get through the door. I grab it and start pulling, but it barely budges. I pull my gun out and start using it as a crowbar. The door starts to move a little more, but not much.
"Captain! Are the door's controls still intact? Maybe if you can give them a little boost, they'll open easier." I yell to him.
I hear a few beeps on the other side, and the doors start trying to open. That makes it easier when I try to rip the doors open again. They open enough for me to slide through. I pull Captain out first, then check for other survivors. The bridge is almost completely unrecognizable. There must have been some sort of explosive in those pelicans. There aren't any survivors. As soon as I turn around to leave, the ship shakes again, sending me to the floor. I start to slide toward the hole in the ship, but I grab onto some rubble. I start pulling myself back up, but the ships descent starts to become steeper.
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The Longterm Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 07:12 am

I tried my best to shoot down the incoming flood with my BR, but I was used to bigger enemies. It was safe to say I wasn't doing very well. So I switched from the infectors to the already infected, doing much better. I saw their numbers dwindle and it seemed we were shooting the last of them.

[Halo] The New Eden Incident 21
4 8 15 16 23 42

[00:06:17] Siggy Stardust : nigga just punched the frog so hard the frog didn't feel any pain

[18:46:19] @ Quilliam : Don't worry Felix,
[18:46:32] @ Quilliam : you'll forever remain stupid and ignorant <3
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:06 am

Sargent Wilkas moved seemingly on autopilot, her body controlling her while her mind tried to comprehend the fact that she was fighting the flood once more. With calm, controlled motions she kept firing with her DMR, supporting her fellow marines and the ODSTs. She was dimly aware of the ODSTs' shouting at one another but she could not afford to glance around to see what was what.
The flood where advancing and their position in the open where the flood could use their numbers effectively was going to be impossible to hold. Clack. Her gun clicked empty and she fumbled in insert a fresh magazine in, all the while the flood would keep coming. With a satisfying sound she inserted the fresh mag and resumed firing once more. Wilkas was uncharacteristically quiet, entirely focused on stopping the flood.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:04 pm


"David Verihue! Do you read me? Is your pelican still near the Dream Catcher?" I try to yell into the comms. There is no response. I look down, which is probably a bad idea. We are going to hit the ground soon.
"Captain Greene! Brace for impact!" I yell up to him. I try to grab onto more rubble to pull myself up.
"I told you to leave, Derek. You're the most valuable thing we had on this ship, and you just got yourself killed. Bravo," he says back, calmly.
Ignoring him, I pull myself up farther. Finally, I make it back up to him, with about 10 seconds to spare. I grab Captain and climb into a nearby room without much cargo.
I try to yell into the comms again. "ODST team Cobra! Do you read me? The ship is about to crash! Be back soon to check for survi-"

~David Verihue~

"The Dream Catcher is down. Let's finish sweeping this town for survivors then head back there," Sergeant Steele says, leading me back outside. I help take the last few flood out as we start moving into buildings. We still need to be on guard though. There must still be flood lurking about.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:17 pm

"Stick together, check your surroundings, shoot first ask questions later" Sargent Wilkas' barked out some useful advice to her comrades. She scanned the rooftops for any signs of the flood, the parasite liked to hide out of sight and then leap down on the unwary foe.
She had her doubts about there being any survivors, the flood where not known for missing people. Apart from the flood corpses or what remained of them there appeared to be very few human bodies. Wilka's had expected that to be the case though as the flood transformed their victims.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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Join date : 2013-12-15
Age : 25

[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:35 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"Your dad's gonna be okay. The faster we sweep the town, the faster we can go see him." I try to comfort Greene as we enter a building.
"I really don't think so. It sounded like-"
"Greene. There was a Spartan II on that ship. You know how tough those guys were. Your dad's okay. Just sweep the-"
"AH! GET IT OFF OF ME!" a marine yells from inside a building. I burst in to see an infector on the back of his head.
"Hold still," I say, pulling out my pistol. He keep shaking around.
"Hold still! You want a bullet in the head?" I yell at him.
"IT'S EATING-" I shoot, not caring if the bullet hits him or not. He falls to the ground, silent.
"I gave you two warnings. It's your own fault." I walk out of the building, leaving Hughes to take care of him. He starts to moan, which means I only grazed him. Part of me wishes it was a direct shot.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:40 pm

Wilkas' found herself paired up with another marine, they entered a building the lights failing plunging the room into darkness. A second later a torch beam cast back the darkness revealing dozens of flood infection and combat forms. "Get out now!" She yelled to the other marine, firing one shot off while making for the door. The other marine turns but an infection form leaps at him and sinks it's tendrils around his neck. The man falls screaming, next second Wilka's is out the door rolling down the stairs. The flood poured out of the room after her, with no time to get to her feet she opened fired blindly into the horde, crawling backwards. "Stay away! Your not eating me!" She screamed at them as they advanced.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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Age : 25

[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:46 pm

~David Verihue~

"We need guys over here now!" I yell, running over to the downed Sergeant. I spray my assault rifle into the horde as I help her back to her feet.
More of them pour out, and I fire until I run out of ammo. One of them fires a few shots toward us, one of them pinging off the top of my helmet. I start to fall back toward a better position.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:51 pm

Breathless Wilkas nodded. "Thanks" She reloaded on the move falling backwards, pausing every now and then to fire at shot or two off at the horde. "We need to fall back out of the town, we don't have enough fire power to secure it" She wondered where the pelican was, right now that was probably their best bet at getting out of here in one piece.
"Fall back! Fall back to Pelican!" She orders, hoping those not already fleeing would do so. Wilka's stopped and fired once more at the onrushing flood horde, this time when her gun clicked empty she didn't reload instead drew a frag grenade, pulling the pin out she tossed it into the horde before resuming her run. That might slow them down a bit. She sprinted faster suddenly well aware of how close the flood where to her.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 09:56 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"Shut up and stay on this roof. There's no way we're going down there. Greene, Phillips, watch the door. Hughes, help me take out the flood down there," I say to the remaining men of my team.
As I start firing SMG rounds into the horde, I see a soldier running toward the pelican. The horde is catching up to her. Quickly, I pull out my sniper and start picking the closest ones to her off, hoping it helps at least a little bit. Greene and Phillips both start firing behind me. They're trying to get us from behind.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:01 pm

"Get back to the boat! Get your butts moving!" Wilkas' called through the radio hoping that everyone would make it back, those that where still alive. With the pelican insight Wilkas' drew her side arm and focused on the combat forms, aiming for the chest where the infection form was located. They had to defend the Pelican if the flood got on board then this would be their graves. "Defend the transport until the ODSTs' make it back here" She instructed the marines that had made it back. The volume of lead slowing the hordes advance. "Short bursts on the little ones, combat forms aim for the chest! Come on people let's do it!" She instructed the marines in case these where the unlucky ones who had never fought the flood before.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:05 pm

~David Verihue~

Inside the pelican, I start shooting at the horde again. We won't last long. I can tell that most of this squad hasn't seen even a picture of the flood before. "John, get your guys back the pelican or you're gonna lose even more numbers," I say through the comms.
"Negative. Too many down there. We have to stay at this position on the roof."
"Can we get a pelican up there?" I ask, taking a few more shots.
"Negative. We'd have to move over a few buildings if you want to pick us up."
"Do it."
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:10 pm

"We can't hold this position" A marine yelled turning to run before dissappearing under a tide of infection forms, his buddy screamed something and turned to help him before he too vanished under infection forms. "Fall back now!" Wilkas' ordered covering the few survivors as they sprinted onto the Pelican, she turned to run and almost made it when an combat form, a former human tackled her from behind. "Gah!" She grunted, winded on impact. Her left hand gripped the Pelican's door while her right emptied a the remaining rounds from a clip of magnum into it. Kicking it's still twitching corpse off of her, Sargent Wilkas' scrambled aboard, checking herself for any damage to her. Fortunately there was none. "Ugly bastard, doesn't he know never on a first date?"

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:15 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"Hughes, keep taking out the horde, I need to look for a way off this roof."
I walk around the perimeter, and spot a place where I could jump and possibly grab onto the ledge of the next building. Might as well give it a try. It's either that or get overrun up here. I jump across, and barely grab the ledge. I pull myself up, and lie at the top for a second, until a few infected civilians come wandering toward me. Out comes my SMG, and off go their heads. That's when Hughes notices me.
"You trying to get yourself killed?" he yells.
"We need to get up here. I'll catch you guy. Hughes first, then Greene, then Phillips. When you get up here, start covering the next person." Immediately, Hughes jumps, and I grab his hands, pulling him up. The other two follow. My plan has been successful so far.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:40 pm

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

Soren had already begun to turn on the engines and prep the ship by the time the Flood had arrived. He ensured the ship was in its best shape before he stood up out of his seat and began to fire into the horde.
"Hello ma'am, I'm afraid we're experiencing a little turbulence. If you can please buckle up and not get infected, that'd be great."
With a final blast, his clip emptied, and Soren sat back down, pulling the hatch down and raising the back door of the ship.

"ODSTs, Marines, etcetera, any of you not on that roof better get up on that roof, coz that's the only way you're getting out of here."

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:43 pm

Wilka's did as she was instructed buckling in and then reloading her weapons. "Don't worry about me this ain't my first tangle with the flood I don;t want it to be my last either" Her heart pounded her chest like a machinegun on full auto. Her hands where shaking, that had been too close.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:46 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"The Pelican's lifting off, let's get up there already!" Phillips yells to me. All three of them are holding off the flood while I find a way to a taller building. Finally, I find a large antenna that we could climb across. I kick it until it breaks, falling onto the other building. We all climb across, then throw the antenna back down to stop the flood from getting up.
"We're up here. Hurry up please," I say over the comms, dropping a flare.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:52 pm

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

"Oh, sorry, I was admiring the scenery."

Soren began to fire down on the Flood on the first building, tearing through their soft hides as he spun around and hesitantly lowered himself. He made sure to not be touching the building in fear of any more of the Flood trying to get onboard. As the door opened up, Soren began to speak to the troops again, still firing down on the Flood below.

"You're gonna have to jump for it boys. Best of luck."

Soren looked behind him, making sure he was close enough to not screw them all over.
"Ma'am, you might wanna get out of that seat and lend those lads a hand."

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:54 pm

Wilkas' unbuckled herself and stood to the side in the doorway so that when the ODSTs' jumped she could help pull them aboard. "Come on boys your ride is here let's move it!" She called to them, holding on to the Pelican with her right hand while holding her left hand out for them to grab should they misjudge the distances.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:57 pm

~John "Cobra"~

"Let's go! Pile on!" I yell, taking out some flood. Hughes jumps first, then Phillips. My mag runs dry, so I go to reload.
"John, get up here before you reload," Phillips yells to me. I jump on. That leaves Private Greene. He runs toward us, but the flood are too close to him. As he goes to jump, an infector latches onto his leg, making him fall short. I grab his hand, and barely save him. He dangles down there, his life in my hands. The flood start trying to grab him.
"Pilot! Get this thing out of here quick!" I scream. "Hold on Greene. Don't let them take you."
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:00 pm

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

Soren lifts off, as a swarm of infected jump at the ship and fall short, slamming into the earth below us. He does a few more rounds of firing down at the Flood, before the ship manages to leave the area entirely.

"Guys, if you don't get the Flood of that bastard, then you're dropping him. I aint flying a hatch full of infected around."

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:02 pm

"If it's bit him he is as good as dead" Wilka's stated drawing her magnum pistol, she was not going to have anyone risk the rest of the survivors, Captain's son or not. Harsh was it was, it was probably the right thing to do.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:08 pm

~John "Cobra"~

As Greene tries to shake the flood off and I try to pull him up, I hear the Sergeant pull her gun out. Phillips loses it, slamming her into the wall. A pistol goes flying over my head, falling toward the earth. Finally, Greene starts to shake a few of them off, and I'm able to pull his torso up. He pulls himself the rest of the way. Both of us lie back and take a few breaths.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:11 pm

Sargent Wilka's was stunned for a second but the next moment her knee connects with Phillip's groin the soft organs pounded by armour and then a knee. Her knife is then at the man's throat. "Next one of you who tries a stunt like that again will be left for the Flood!" She back hand's Phillip sheathing her knife finding a seat with the other marines. It was adrenaline pumping that causes such behaviour.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:17 pm

~John "Cobra"~

I turn to him, seeing him collapse to the floor. "I ain't lettin' you kill my friend!" he yells at her, trying to get back to his feet.
"Calm down, man," I say, holding him down.
"She was gonna kill Greene!" he yells at me. He tries to push me off of him, but he is unsuccessful.
"Hughes, check Greene for scratches on his legs. And Phillips, calm down please. This is not the time to-"
"No!" He throws me off of him, pulling out his knife.
"Phillips, calm down. Now," I say from the floor, trying to calm him.
"Don't kill him, Sarge. He's a good fighter," I hear Dave say.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:20 pm

"If he's bitten you have no choice, you turn into an combat form, I've seen it happen on Earth you cannot afford to take chances" She answers coldly ignoring Phillip's rage. Wilkas' holds her DMR tightly but in the general direction of Phillip a clear warning of try anything and I will kill you. The only way to survive the flood was with harsh measures, there was nothing worse that watching those closest too you turn into monsters.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:21 pm

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

"Everyone calm your shit!"
Soren begins to fly up a little, the door still wide open.
"I wont hesitate to send you all to your deaths! Just calm down, we needa sort this all out, alright?"

Soren took a deep breath and looked back.
"Check the kid for tentacles, bulbs, shit like that. Bites don't do as much as people think. If you see anything, you needa put him down. I'm not risking having a Flood onboard this ship. Understand me?"

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:25 pm

~David Verihue~

"Thank you," I say to Sarge before helping John take the knife. All of the ODSTs finally take their seats. Greene is fine. Or at least the other ODST says so.
"We're falling apart, men. Just because we lost some guys, it doesn't mean that we can act like this. I'm not saying I haven't had an outburst like this. We just can't let it happen again." John is trying to put confidence into his troops, but it doesn't seem to work to much.
"We need to try and find my father," Greene says, staring out the back.
"We heading to the crash sight next?" I yell to the pilot.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:28 pm

Wilkas was not convinced that the ODST was okay, but she decided to take their words for it. Besides she could not spare the ammo to shoot down a squad on her current allies. At the present they needed every able bodies soul ready to fight.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:42 pm

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

Soren nods, checking the area for any unknown life forms or transports. Thankfully, or perhaps tragically, there was nothing.
"We sure are, lads. Reload, check your armour, everything, coz we're probably going in hot. Don't expect much in the ways of good guys down there - just a bunch of freaking zombies."

As they neared the site, Soren raised his brow a little, as he saw movement down there, but nothing like he'd seen before.
"Hm... Okay boys, ma'am, get ready. We're going in hot."

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:49 pm

Eve ran faster. A pair of Combat Forms were lumbering from far down the hall. One jumped and decapitated itself...and kept coming.
Eve tripped and slid...right into the mangled form of a security guard. His gun beside him, she grabbed it and spun around.
She pointed and pulled, blasting the two away until the pistol was empty. She shakily dug out another clip and reloaded...

Eve threw up, and, covered in blood, crawled into the ventilation system.

[Halo] The New Eden Incident Jeremy10 [Halo] The New Eden Incident My_emb10
[Halo] The New Eden Incident 8
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:54 pm


"Captain... Captain Greene," I moan, coming back into consciousness.
"Derek. You're still alive?" He says quietly.
"Yes, Sir. Let's get out of-" A flood infector jumps into the room. I grab it mid-air and crush it, trying not to attract attention.
"Can you walk?" Captain whispers, moving over to me. The only way I can see him is the hole in the room, allowing light in.
"Yes, Sir. I don't have a weapon though." I peak out the small hole, and see that there are too many flood out there to leave that way.
"We might as well climb out here."
"Negative, Sir. Too many of them. We'll have to get toward the escape pods and take one of those out. Or maybe a pelican from the hangar. Your call."
"I say whichever one we can get to without having too many contacts," he says as we move toward the doorway.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:57 pm

"Pilot makes more sense to have someone stay and look after you" Wilkas' informed him. "We lose you and this fight is over" The Pelican was currently their only life line, it made sense for someone to remain on the ship with him.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:59 pm

~David Verihue~

"Might as well be me," I say, readying my weapon.
"No, I'll do it. The Spartan wants to see you. He needs somebody he knows," John says, pulling his SMG back out.
"Fine. Go ahead."
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime15/01/14, 12:03 am

Subject: Soren 'Roc' Taylor
Location: UNSC Dream Catcher
Status: Uneasy

"Always good to have company in this kinda scenario."
The ship flew over the wreckage for a moment, the engines whirring silently as Soren whistled.
"Jeez... that ship took a few kilometers of land with it..."
The ship turned radically, and Soren headed it down to the large hole where the front of the ship had once been.

As he did so, bolts of plasma and the ringing of bullets began to smash against the hull, and Soren braced himself quickly.
"Going in hot! Strap in!"
The machine gun on the nose of the ship sprayed down at the Flood forms, before Soren quickly took it in to land, slamming down on a pair of Flood forms, crushing them completely.
"LZ is hot ladies and gentlemen, secure the area!"
The door to the ship came down with a thud, and the Marines began the fight.

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The New Guy

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime15/01/14, 12:07 am


"Gunfire out there, Sir," I whisper as we step out into a hallway.
"Might as well-" he collapses.
"What happened?" I ask, kneeling next to him.
"My leg... I think it's broken. Just didn't notice it." He is definitely in pain, but he's trying not to show it.
"Guess we're going toward the gunfire," I say, picking him up. I start to walk toward the noise.

~John "Cobra"~

"This is gonna be fun," I sigh, watching all the marines move out. I occasionally get a few targets to snipe, but not much of anything else.
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The Active Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime15/01/14, 12:08 am

"File out people go go go!" Wilka's said leading the charge out of the Pelican. A bullet pinged off her helmet, fired by a distant combat form. She brought her DMR up and dropped him in three rounds. "Secure the area, cover and fire!" She barked out instructions, firing as she did so. Wilka's was focusing on the forms using human weapons giving cover and fire to the other soldiers. A plasma round fired by a combat form by pure bad luck struck her in the stomach just below her waist. She gasped and feel to one knee, killing the form that did it. Wilkas' pressed her left hand against the wound, it came away sticky and damp. She ignored the agony and the wound, brining her rifle back up and returning fire.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The Longterm Poster

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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime15/01/14, 02:43 am

I aimed through the sights of my sniper, popping infected heads off. After about two magazines of this I switched to my BR, I'd need to conserve ammo. Our ship was down and we may not get picked up for quite awhile. While aiming down the sights, I see the woman in the fight earlier drop for a moment then get back up. So she's wounded... I keep firing, she got back up. She was probably fine.

[Halo] The New Eden Incident 21
4 8 15 16 23 42

[00:06:17] Siggy Stardust : nigga just punched the frog so hard the frog didn't feel any pain

[18:46:19] @ Quilliam : Don't worry Felix,
[18:46:32] @ Quilliam : you'll forever remain stupid and ignorant <3
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[Halo] The New Eden Incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Halo] The New Eden Incident   [Halo] The New Eden Incident Icon_minitime

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