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Xion's Memory
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime07/05/14, 11:12 pm

Same template as the Off Topic page Fallen made.

Real Name:

Place of Origin:


Physical Appearance:


At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last edited by Razgriz on 07/05/14, 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime07/05/14, 11:14 pm

Real Name: James Conner
Alias: Revenant

Place of Origin: Earth, United States (New York State)
Residence: New York City

Species: Human, Male
Age: 15

Powers: Due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, James wound up being bonded to a collection of self-replicating nanomachines controlled by an advanced alien AI named Gestalt.
-They can cover his body to form a durable yet flexible skin-tight suit of armor. From there, they can create forms of melee weapons like blades or blunt objects. For defense, he has both the armor itself and the ability to form thick shields from the nanites. The suit can deflect any form of small arms fire, save armor piercing ammunition, and .50 caliber or larger.
-The nanites also have healing abilities that work in two types: if the injury is limited to broken bones, torn skin, and impalement, then the nanomachines can simply encourage rapid cell growth and regeneration. However, this means is limited as it cannot replace anything lost like limbs or nerves. That is where the second type of healing comes in: replication. When the damage is too much that regeneration is not possible, the nanites replicate whatever is lost. In James' case, they replicated his left arm and leg, left eye, parts of his lungs and organs, all made entirely of nanites that have bonded together like ants.
-Super-strength and speed are two more examples, as the machines form carbon-nanotube fibers into artificial muscle that is nearly a hundred times stronger than human muscle (in the case of the suit, parts that coat the organic part of him like his real arm and leg act as a muscle suit) and in addition to the strength, nanites bonded to his bones increase their durability.
-Stealth is another feature, as the nanites can refract light and wavelengths around the suit making James invisible to both human eyes, and electronic forms of detection. However, the drawback is that it weakens the strength of the suit in terms of bullet resistance.
-Courtesy of the nanites, James has enhanced vision that goes beyond simple binocular enhancements. The machines can see in various spectrums, and as a result so can James.
-Hacking technically isn't something James can do, but rather the AI. The advanced nature of the AI, coupled with its superior intelligence, allows it to hack into any human computer with ease.

Weaknesses: While durable, his armor cannot hold up under armor piercing rounds, or anything at or above .50 caliber. The bullets can penetrate and do damage which can be healed, but takes time and can be debilitating. Headshots can instantly kill, as once the brain is destroyed or detached, the host is dead and so are the nanites. Explosions at point blank can also kill, blowing apart or vaporizing the body. And despite his strength, he cannot fall from too great a height without ending up as a pancake (as the brain would be destroyed and the nanites cannot replace brain tissue) nor can he lift eighteen wheelers or keep an entire building from collapsing on himself.

Personality: Can be quiet, not very sociable (or at least has trouble opening up to other people to make friends) but has a strong sense of right and wrong. Loyal to family and friends and very protective. Enjoys disobeying laws or rules he finds trivial, believing that so long as he does not actually hurt anyone or cause damage exceeding triple digit figures in cost, he should be free to do what he wants.

Physical Appearance: Stands at around five feet six inches, white though skin tone is lightly tanned. Dark hair, brown eyes. Suit Appearance

History: Born in October of 2019, James was born into a world that was experiencing a crisis of resources, and was at war over depleted oil. His father was a soldier that died in the war when James was only three, and his mother died in a mugging when he was ten. His only family after that was his sister Katherine. In 2034, he was in an accident when the transport capsule carrying the nanomachines, the size of a basketball, crashed to Earth right on top of the car carrying him and his sister. She died, and he lost parts of his body in the process before the machines bonded to him and saved his life. However, instead of being grateful he harbors a certain degree of antagonism towards the machines and the AI named Gestalt. He feels that because of them, his sister is dead and that in his eyes he lost some of his humanity.

When he realized what the machines were and what they could do, he began to trust them a bit more (since he had no choice, seeing as they were practically one being) and started using their capabilities to have fun. Being a hero was more of a byproduct, as he did it mainly for the thrill. Despite that, he still clung to his sense of right and wrong, and never once used his powers to steal or hurt innocent people. He took on the alias of Revenant, knowing the word tended to mean a risen spirit or corpse that would terrify the living, and he certainly felt like a risen corpse.


Name: Christina "Chris" Martinez
Alias: N/A

Place of Origin: New York, United States, Earth
Residence: Brooklyn, New York

Species: Human, Female
Age: 15

Powers: Not a true power but she does have skills in hand to hand combat.
Weaknesses: Vanilla human, so weak to everything.

Physical Appearance: Light brown skin, stands at five feet five inches. Light brown hair cut to end around her chin, and hazel eyes.

Personality: Loud and full of energy, she's what some have called a controlled party girl, always the life of a party without going crazy. Extremely protective of her friends, especially James since she feels he's helpless without her.

History: Born in April 2019, Chris is James' longtime friend. Both knowing each other since Kindergarten, they grew up together. Neither of them have ever dated, so far not seeing the other in that kind of light. She's always been willing to kick his ass during their sparring sessions though, trying to teach him everything she knows on how to fight.


Name: Amanda "Amy" Cooper
Alias: GirlWithSkillz (Online alias)

Place of Origin: Seattle, Washington.
Residence: Brooklyn, New York

Species: Human, Female
Age: 15

Powers: Apart from computer hacking skills, no super-powers.
Weaknesses: Normal human, vulnerable to everything a superhero isn't.

Physical Appearance: Pale white skin, long blonde hair that she ties into a pony-tail, green eyes. Stands at 5' 6" with a slim build from exercise.

Personality: Tends to be quiet, but active when around friends and family. Kind and caring, affectionate towards her friends.

History: Born in 2019, Amanda and her parents lived in Seattle for seven years before they moved to New York. Amanda had a talent for computers, her skills getting to a point where she became a skilled hacker with an online reputation as the "GirlWithSkillz," an alias she gave herself. When she and her family moved to Brooklyn New York, she became friends rather quickly with Christina Martinez and James Conner, the three of them forming their own little 'Musketeers' style group.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last edited by Razgriz on 23/04/15, 04:44 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Active Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime08/05/14, 03:30 am

Real Name: Orion Flint
Alias: Prophet Steel

Place of Origin: Earth
Residence: New York City

Species: Altered Human
Age: 22

Powers: As an experiment of his fathers military tests early in life, Orion was given from a painfully young age the 'gift' of metallurgy - the ability to transform parts of his body, from his heart to his whole, into metals of any density, flexibility, melting point, whatever it is he desires. Anything form tin to titanium is achievable to him now, making him far more powerful than he gives himself credit for.
Orion is also capable of channeling electricity through his metal at will, as if throwing it at his enemies from afar, or spreading it across a landmass with incomparable ease, but only with the aid of his metal as a source point.
Beyond his simple intelligence, Orion is also surprisingly capable of influencing the masses with ease. While he believes this is just his own charisma, it is a power he inherited from his father, his words able to trigger the right mental waves to please the crowds before him.
Weaknesses: Due to his intense control of the alloys that can dwell within and beyond his body, it's hard for many to find a weakness within this - some have tried magnetism, destabilisation, and much more, but to no avail. However, no matter what he does, he is always susceptible to temperatures - strong heat, intense cold, all effect him even with his strongest defences readied. His lighting is another weakness, in that it can very easily prove too much for him if it begins to cook him in his own metal. And, when not armoured, he has little to nothing above that of the above-average human.

Personality: Arrogant, hateful, spiteful, and angry are the most common words used to describe Orion. Loving, gentle, kind, and protective are less commonly used - but used none the less. He has no distinct personality really, he's always been hard to understand. More often than not, it depends who he is with, who he knows, where he is. He's not one to simply understand forever, and he never has been.

Physical Appearance: Standing at about 5'8" and weighing roughly 145lbs, Orion is no standout in the crowds. He has short, well kept hair, dark brown, with blue eyes that he utilises when he is given the chance (crackling them with electricity if angry, coating them with steel if worried, so on). He isn't exactly handsome, he's never been asked out based on his looks, but he's not an unappealing man; simply average. With broad shoulders, light stubble, and a complete lack of toning on his body, he isn't exactly surprised by this 'average' terminology he so often receives.
Though his body armour can take many forms, ranging from something similar to a latex bodysuit to something almost like a Japanese mecha. But, most often, his outfit is a three inch thick metal bodysuit with an actual design - skeletal, padded, and generally not something you'd like to see in a dark room.
(Basically imagine like... Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden outfit with something like the skull mask from Halo 4)

History: Born in an underground facility in Afghanistan, Orion began his life tragically, taking his mothers life at the cost of his own. Breaking his father within minutes of his birth, Orion was left underground while his father continued to experiment and merchandise on his weapons and tools of warfare. Orion was left in the care of those obliged to care for him.

As Orion grew, he got to know those around him - doctors, guards, and his sister, Arianne. The two grew close with their father distancing himself in grief and fury. But, to the misfortune of Orion, at the age of five he strangled his sister in his sleep. When his father found out, he took Orion out of the country and returned to America, to keep an eye on the boy, now wondering if perhaps there was reason for all of this.
As it turned out, there was - Orion had inherited the experimental genes his father had worked on, giving him the perfect conditioning for the next experiment.


Orion grew up in a cage, injected once a week for two years before he was set free. And, in fits of blind rage, he slaughtered his way out of the facility. He still doesn't remember how he could have survived it. As it turned out, his father was very pleased with the results, aside from the small factor of his son escaping. Orion was hunted by agents of all world governments, before finally he managed to escape the world and its eyes, and hid out for years.
When he was found again by his father and his 'new toys', he was forced to fight those like him, experimented on and warped. Most didn't stand against him, but one especially seemed to enjoy the soiree with Orion, blasting him with electricity over and over before the young man used it against his foe and channeled it through his body.

The organisations, bonds, and empire his father had built crumbled once Orion killed him.

Before long, Orion adopted a new moniker, and roamed the south of America, enjoying small work, trying to do something with a life that only knew death.
Eventually he was found by the CIA, and 'recruited' into Homeland Security, as a means of defending against similar beings from around the world that came to shatter the integrity of the United States. The exact same reason Orion had been created.
He was the herald of their existence. The Prophet of Steel was his official name, and with it, he took on a new form of fighting and defending and living every moment as it was his last, hoping he'd find someone to put him down, because in the end, Orion knew, his father had still won. He was still a super soldier, a shield of destruction itself.

Theme Song:
(I know this isn't required but hah)

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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Join date : 2012-08-28
Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime08/05/14, 06:48 am

Real Name: Alexis Hunter
Alias: Libra, the Cosmic Scales

Place of Origin: Los Angeles
Residence: heavenly Warship Sayla
Species: Valkyrie
Age: 19

Powers: Ability to fire from the area around her missiles she calls "Artemis Missiles" and wields sword Arondight and the axe Hallowed Divide. She can conjure these weapons, and a bow, from energy runes engraved on her right shoulder. . But these are the smallest parts of her power.

She can manipulate energy, the destructive kind, much like Aries can control fire. She only can use her energy, and has tonreplenish what she uses. Arondight, Hallowed Divide, and Artimec, her bow,do not return to their runes if she runs out of power. But her bow is useless without energy arrows, but returning them to their runes gives her some smallnmeasure of power.
Wielding her Scales, she can determine if the person before her is just. If so, they are spared. If not, then she unleashes her full power. Not only can she force the truth from someone, but being one of the Twelve Zodiac Signs gives her the ability to bring the wrath of the heavens down upon her foes. She enters Jupiter Queen Mode, summoning the massive Heavenly Warship Sayla.IMAGE
Physical Appearance:
Character Archive NewsPic_2013-1219_Artemis

Personality: Calm and collected, she's very kind to everyone...but if the scales tip in the wrong direction, she goes to enact justice upon the wrongdoer. She has no real hatred for others, and tends to try and make friends.
If the scales are in your favor.

Weakness: Her power emanates from The Scales, and while they are hard to even scratch, if one is to steal them, she will be severely weakened.

Alexis Hunter is the cover name for Libra. Born on a distant planet with Aries, the two traveled to Earth to formnrelations. Unfortunately their ship, the Sayla, was attacked by missiles. Torn from the towed Station Sheratan, Sayla crashed into the pacific Ocean as Libra's escape pod landed in the forests near Simi Valley. Cut off from Aries and the Sheratan, Libra has taken refuge in Los Angeles as night club dancer, waiting for her friend and fellow alien Seryna to locate the Sayla and find a way to her.

Theme Song:

Real Name:Riley Lamorak
Alias: Aries, the Cosmic Ram

Place of Origin: Austin, Texas
Residence: Orbital Space Station Sheretan

Species: Aphrodisians
Age: 18

Powers: Aries has the control of fire, and carries the mighty Shield known as Aegis Fate. With the power of Fire, she can summon an manner of weapons, each formed from fire. In case of lack of ability to summon her celestial fire, she has the ability to summon the sword Anaklusmos, or Riptide. The sword of her protector, Perseus, it works with Aegis Fate without problem.
Weaknesses: While Riptide will always return to her, she is severely hampered if her Fire is taken away, and this must rely on normal sword and shield combat. While she does have the ability to project her force will outwords, much like the Green Lantern.

Unfortunately, that comes to her biggest weakness - Riley was always into sports, science. She didn't care for imagination at times, an as such, her ability to manifest anything is hampered - as her Manifest Will power is powered by her imagination and creativity, something she has forgotten since childhooh.
Physical Appearance:
Character Archive Aries_render

Personality: Shy and introverted, she has a strong will but long ago abandoned childish ideas, putting her entirety into school. Unfortunately, this has stunted her into a shy workaholic that is slowly trying to turn herself around - mostly thanks to Libra.

Aries was Libra's friend and fellow envoy, but is stuck onboard the Sheratan after the attack damaged all the shuttles. With the Sayla lost to the sea, she must wait for others to arrive at her distress signal, though she has come into contact with a human named Jacobi, aka Jake, who has found the protoype armor PERSEUS. Calling himself Paladin, Aries has become a sort of command and control for Jake as he fights evil and tries and locate Libra.
It's rumored by the other Celestial Zodiacs that they got drunk one night and ended up in the same bed, but Aries denies everything and Libra responds with "Hakuna Ma'Vodka."

Theme Song:

Works In progress:

Real Name:Jacobi Chase
Alias: Paladin

Place of Origin: Seattle, Washington
Residence: Los Angeles, California

Species: Human
Age: 17
Powers: The ability to summon a suit of armor from his wristbands (kind of like Yang's gauntlets). His armor has a massive sword and a cannon, but otherwise has no other offensive abilities. Has the capability of flight but still must take care about collateral damage.
Weaknesses: Has limited energy for his cannon; enough sustained and long term fire can heavily damage him.
Physical Appearance:
Character Archive Original

Paladin Mode:
Character Archive Omnimon_render_0_1_by_draox-d5h4si2

Personality: A joker of sorts, he's easygoing with a strong sense of right and wrong. He's close with Aries and Libra, but seems to freelance more then he stays with them. He seems to make base on the space station Sheratan with Aries, but only as a place to stay; he seems to prefer the lone wolf approach, much like the Zodiacs.
Born in Seattle, he encountered a man named Conduit. Part of the Akomish tribe from a couple miles outside the city. The experience with what he could only describe as a hero left him wanting to do his part.
Of course, when alien technology finds itself infused within him.

Powered by armor that extends from a pair of gauntlets on his arms, Jacobi has fallen into the role of a hero, despite having just used his armor to help. He's the hero who never wants to be a hero, just a person using their gifts for good.
That and a comedian. He can't stop making lame jokes. Seriously, he needs a better joke book. Some are okay, but some...

He's been arrested over a few for being downright lame, too.

At least the name he chose, Paladin, was smart. Because he had been tempted to call himself White Knight Lancelot, Omega, and a few other names that weren't that cool.

He has been directed by an Alien named Aries ever since the armor reached full charge, and has moved to LA to try and find Libra, Aries' missing friend.

Theme Song:

Real Name: Estelle "Stella" Evans
Alias: Aether Rain (Still being decided)

Place of Origin: New York City (The rich part)
Residence: Right next to Jake. Like. Literally. Right next to him. She kicks sometimes.

Species: Human
Age: 17

Powers: Can hack into the Pentagon. Well. Has hacked into the Pentagon. Is good with a gun, despite no one knowing.
Weaknesses: Is a normal human. Also, she's like Velma. Lose glasses, blind as a bat.
Physical Appearance:
Personality: Sweet and calm
History: One of the best hackers in the world, she's one of the few wizard level hackers who can hack into the Pentagon and the White House to play anime all over the screens and still make it to school on time. She's moved in with her boyfriend, Jacobi Chase.

Approached by Icarus Industries to commit corporate espionage against Nexus. Given an impressive amount of support, Stella has been given access to high tech hideouts. Disguised as shipping containers, they are spread around New York and other major cities.

Real Name: Cassandra "Sissy" McNamara
Alias: Mordred

Origin: HRECULES Operations Center, MHQ Thebes
Residence: Forward HQ Athens, New York

Species: Human
Age: 24

Powers: Electrokinesis
Weaknesses: Rubber
Physical Appearance:

MECH: Code-Name BLACK KNIGHT: https://2img.net/h/oi45.tinypic.com/4kvg9.jpg

-Mind Blank. I got nothing, sorry.

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Last edited by Xion's Memory on 26/02/15, 07:44 am; edited 4 times in total
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2013-09-01

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime08/05/14, 11:56 am

Real Name: Mary Lewis
Alias: Wolf Lead

Place of Origin: United Kingdom, Newcastle
Residence: United States of America

Species: human
Age: 24

Powers: Grappling hook. Has a wrist mounted grappling hook
Improved body armour. Armour is both lighter and tougher than most standard human armours due ti it being reinforced with alien technology and materials.
Weaknesses: The usual human weaknesses, bullets, fire etc
Physical Appearance: Character Archive XCOM(EU)_Soldier_CarapaceArmor

Personality: Calm, collected, determined, brave, cunning, leads from the front.
History: Mary Lewis or Wolf Lead officially does not exist at the age of nineteen after finishing training with a record high score Mary Lewis was "recruited" by UNESD. You don't get a choice whether you join or not, they select only the best. For the next three years she trained and operated as part of the UNESD, learning advanced tactics and fighting in numerous top secret operations to contain alien threats or secure alien assets before humanity as a whole could either be threatened or harmed.
By the time she was 23 Mary Lewis had been promoted to Commander and was now in command of a substantial number of the UNESD. For over a year now she has led her forces with honour, distinction and bravery, humanity can rest easy knowing that they are safe from the alien threat.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins

Last edited by Apothecary on 20/05/14, 10:03 am; edited 6 times in total
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The Longterm Poster

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Age : 27

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime08/05/14, 12:06 pm

Real Name: Kalyn Vallée

Place of Origin: Paris, France, Earth
Residence: Various places in France

Species: Human
Age: 17

Powers: Kalyn is able to completely control her blood. This ranges from stopping herself from bleeding, to creating a razor sharp blade. These weapons cannot be broken, however, they require some concentration to hold. More flexible weapons, such as a whip, are much harder to maintain than a solid weapon, such as a sword. She can use this power to create a pair of wings from her back, allowing her to fly. Her senses of sight, hearing and smell are also much more sensitive than an average human.

Weakness: Blood thinners, while they will not completely disable Kalyn's abilities, can cause them to temporarily lose their effectiveness. If she is given enough, her body can fail to create enough blood to keep her alive, and can die of blood loss if she continues to use her abilities.
Physical Appearance:

Personality: Kalyn is a loner, rarely getting close to another person, unless it will work to her advantage.  She appears not to care at all, her facial expression usually being one of either nonchalance or mild curiosity. She is quick to anger, despite her calm demeanour and has no concept of reasonable force; she would treat a serial killer with the same amount of force as she would a mugger, and that usually means killing. For her, the chase is more important than the outcome. She lives and breathes only to have fun, and the harder a person is to kill, the more fun she has.

History: Kalyn was born in Paris to an upper-class family, everything she wanted was provided. Her parents, however, were rarely around her. Instead, she was brought up by a nanny throughout her childhood. She loved her nanny as though she was her real mother, and would rather spend a day with her than playing with any toys her parents would buy for her. Around the time she was five, she began to show her ability to control her blood, after cutting her hand on a knife left out by a careless maid. Her nanny found her, and Kalyn showed her that she could stop the cut from bleeding at will. Aged six, she was kidnapped from her home while her parents were away.

Taken by a nameless organisation, Kalyn was strapped to various operating tables and given incredibly painful operations, each one designed to make her an efficient killer. She was given operations on her eyes, nose, ears and brain, removing any defects in them, improving them, and allowing her brain to process the heightened senses. She was taught things that the agency believed she needed to know, each subject aimed at turning her into a loyal and remorseless killer. They taught her how to turn her blood into a weapon, how to hunt down and kill a man with the skill and savagery of a wolf pack and, most importantly, they taught her loyalty.

When she was fifteen, they used her to tie up a ‘loose end’, mainly to test her in the field. This loose end was her old nanny. Kalyn was told that she had accepted a large sum of money to essentially sell Kalyn to this group, and Kalyn felt broken upon hearing this. Her nanny had basically sold her into slavery. Her murder was put down to an animal attack.

A year later, Kalyn was branded as a failure, and was to be ‘decommissioned’. The team responsible for carrying it out were found dead in her holding cell, and Kalyn was gone. The success of the project has since been reconsidered.


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Last edited by Kristy on 13/05/14, 09:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime08/05/14, 08:34 pm

Real Name: Frentiu Fanalan Asa Urthus
Alias Human: Frank Fernando
Alias Hero: Urthus

Place of Origin: Asadan
Residence: Earth, Sydney, Australia

Species: Asadantsu
Age: 58 Earth years 26 Asadan years

Powers: Can see and hear in a 4th physical dimension. Can also use portals as a short range teleport, with the max size of his portals being 3feet in diameter. Also how he puts on his costume. May use this 'void's energy in his attacks, either from weapons he summons or in physical attacks. The energy moves like a lighter than air mist, but functions like very highly concentrated radiation in all other aspects, effectively being solidified and then vaporized radiation. It will dissipate after a few feet from it's source, be it a portal or his body. While having the energy ready to be used, lines on his body will appear and glow, as will on his costume.
Weaknesses: Frentiu is not a true fighter. He relies on instinct and reaction times coupled with his sight and hearing in multiple dimensions to fight in any form of combat. While stronger than the strongest human, it's not as much as other above-humans. His costume protects him from radiation and energy attacks and fields, but any and all physical attacks impact with full force. Jump height and speed are both above average for humans, but for any form of heroic flight or jump, he will need more energy from a fall or a boost from some form of propulsion before being able to travel quickly.
Physical Appearance: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/156/1/d/stalker_by_mrrumbles-d67z2cg.jpg

Personality:Self-centered, self-serving, humble.
History:Frentiu Fanalan Asa Urthus used to be scientist on his home planet, Asadan. He worked for many years on interspace travel, trying to find a way for him and his people to spread out among the stars. He was constantly under pressure to produce results, and because of this made him cut corners, take risks, until the worst happened. He managed to open a rift through space, a large massive rift that went far beyond any control measures he had in place. It grew larger and larger, dragging in objects and people, flinging them into some great beyond that he couldn't know. Eventually, the rift took him, and his planet. He was deposited on Earth some years ago, having nothing on but his containment suit, the paint on it scorched black and the safety lights stuck on 'dangerous, hazardous, caution.'

As Frentiu walked about his new location, he discovered that he could seemingly control these rifts now. His lifelong dream accomplished, but at a price. His homeworld, Asadan, was stuck in the void, frozen in terror and destruction. His new mission is replicate his technology from home and bring his people back from the purgatory in which they reside.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYRqIAuY9IQ


Last edited by Ammo on 20/05/14, 06:57 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Active Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime08/05/14, 09:31 pm

Real Name: Tate Winslet
Alias: Subject Zero

Place of Origin: Detroit, USA
Residence: Unknown

Species: Human
Age: 26

          Luck: Able to steal, absorb, and harness luck due to a curse before birth. Luck can be used in a variety of ways. From getting the numbers right on a lottery ticket to creating an opportunity for survival in a high injury or fatal event. He steals through skin to skin contact. Those that he steals from lose luck and gain bad luck. If one gains to much bad luck their lives can be in danger.
          Super Serum:
Peak Human Strength: Able to lift more than 1,000 lbs. This strength also extends to his legs, enabling him to leap 6mt/20ft out in a single bound and 10ft/3 meters into the air.
Peak Human Speed: He can run at speeds of up to 30 mph.
Peak Human Durability: His bones and muscles are denser and harder than normal. Can survive falls from several stories. (200 ft)
Peak Human Agility: His agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist.He can coordinate his body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity.
Peak Human Reflexes and Stamina
Peak Human Healing: Healing speed and efficiency is at the highest limits of human potential, which means he can heal faster than most humans. The serum makes him immune to most if not all infections, diseases and disorders, also cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or impurities in the air. He is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit his focus.
Peak Human Mental Process: His mental performance has been greatly enhanced, allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. One manifestation of this is his tactical genius; the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Photographic memory.
Peak Human Senses:Senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are at the highest possible limits of human potential.
               Military training: Due to his training Tate has learned much. From weapons usage to tactics to a variety or martial arts.

Weaknesses: Tate was cursed before his birth making it so has little to no luck making his survival difficult. He must constantly absorb it to stay alive. The serum has
alleviated some loss but not much.

Physical Appearance: This

Personality: From his bringing up and harsh life Tate is cold and calculating but changes on his current situation. Having killed those around him due to his curse Tate stays to himself deeming all sources of life nothing more than fodder and tool to keep him alive.

History:At birth he killed his mother unknowingly and dad soon after then he held his son. Going through the foster system leaving a dark history wherever he went he decided to try his luck out in the world and started living on the streets. He was found on the streets of Detroit at the age of 8 by a military organisation who found out about his abilities. They brought him up as a soldier in their program, teaching him from basic schooling to military tactics hoping to use him as an assassin. Around the age of 16 he was asked to be part of the super soldier program. This serum was very volatile with only a near zero chance of survival. Using his ability he absorbed the luck from many test subject and thus finally took the serum and using nearly all his luck he survived the procedure. Now a with the serum and his ability Tate travels around the world as the organizations assassin. Disapproving his life as a lap dog he left the organization without consent and now roams the world on his own agenda.

Character Archive Gigasi11

Did you think I was lying?
I said I’m evil, without even trying.
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting.
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding.
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding.
Girl, I’m a thousand years old, I’m a riddle.
Bad little boy, yes, I’m bad, but not little.

Don't you know I'm a villain, every night I'm out killin'
sending everyone running like children
I know why you're mad at me, I got demon eyes
and they're looking right through your anatomy
Into your deepest fears, baby, I'm not from here
I'm from the Nightosphere
To me, you're clear, transparent
You got a thing for me girl, its apparent
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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime11/05/14, 02:21 pm

Real Name:Zeru Ishtar
Place of Origin:unknown
Residence:New York
supernatural agility/balance:Can still experience exhaustion,
enhanced strength(able to lift at least 250 lbs easily/current high end is about 750 tho rarely goes this high due to risk of bodily harm from lifting such high weight)/while his strength is enhanced it still has it's limits.
seismic sensitivity,Loose matter, such as sand, may distort perception. Anything not standing on solid surface evades detection
enhanced smell:sense of smell,is up to 14 times better then humans/while his sense of smell is stronger if his nose is clogged trait is almost useless
night vision is able to see in little to no light/is still sensitive to sudden flashes or bright light
has ability to transform into large calico cat/while well capable in cat form it's size means it is a large target.
has peak  human durability and is capable of withstanding situations that the average person cannot./while well above normal is still vulnerabe as regular human beings to most things that would cause harm
while not  powers per say zeru is capable of manifesting a cat tail while in human form. as well as sense air movments in close proximity similiar to that of a cat,
Physical Appearance:6"0 about  145lbs blonde/white hair and is well muscled but not overly and ears are slighly pointed,eyes are more catlike.
Personality:Is a decent indivdiual who will  be friendly and helpful to people who are nice and respectful to him but will be hostile to those who are rude and disrepectful to him
History:Zeru spent most of his younger life travelling with his parents who were looking for rare artifacts and when he was 6 he began displaying his power.Two years later when his parents were following up on a rumour of  rare and valuable artifact they came across a young man named urthus after he saved them from a band of roaming maruaders by uses his power.They asked urthus to take zeru with him on his travels and help train him to control his power and in return they'd lend support in anyway they could to help urthus achieve his goal of freeing his planet and people.Over the next ten years zeru would improve considerably under urthus's training while helping urthus adapt to human society.

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Last edited by zeru on 23/03/15, 06:10 pm; edited 12 times in total
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Under Review   Character Archive Icon_minitime15/05/14, 03:22 am

Character (no longer used):

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The Active Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime25/05/14, 10:40 am

Real Name: Lauren Milan
Alias: Thunder

Place of Origin: Gloucester, England
Residence: New York, Brooklyn

Species: Human
Age: 18

Powers: Electrical Manipulation. Lauren can control, direct and generate electricity from her hands.
Weaknesses: Long range, cannot be used as an arc without specially designed gauntlets in place, water as she cannot use her power in water.
Physical Appearance: 5 foot, slender, electric blue eyes and long mousy brown hair

Personality: Quiet, friendly, kind, determined.
History: Lauren Milan is the daughter of the famous English actress Sarah Milan. Lauren was only average at her education but when it came to music she excelled tremendously. She created a band when she was fourteen years old called Gods of Thunder, a rock/metal band in which Lauren was the lead singer. But Sarah fell in love with an American actor and wished to marry/live with him, yet instead of the band being broken up fortune would say otherwise. It turns out that her friends where moving to America too, talk about a lucky break. Once in America the band made their first hit single call Storm which was quite successful, since then they have an album though haven't dropped out of education since their parents won't let them.

Real Name: Mike Strain
Alias: Slate

Place of Origin: Newcastle, England
Residence: New York, Brooklyn

Species: Human
Age: 18

Powers: Stone manipulation, Mike can turn his skin to stone which makes him highly resistant to fire and water but more vulnerable to explosives. It increasing his strength to that of four men.
Weaknesses: Explosives, ice
Physical Appearance: Tall, muscular, short dark brown hair and brown eyes

Personality: Confident, honest, speaks his opinion, likes to get into fights.
History: (Under construction tbc)

Real Name: Samantha Garnet
Alias: Oak

Place of Origin: Gloucester, England
Residence: New York, Brooklyn

Species: Human
Age: 18

Powers: Earth Manipulation. Can turn her skin into the hard wood and bark of an oak, strength increases to that of two men.
Weaknesses: Fire, water, chainsaws, explosives.
Physical Appearance: Average height, skinny, light brown hair and green eyes

Personality: Humorous, loves nature, can be shy at times
History: (Under construction tbc)

Real Name: Thomas Garnet
Alias: Flood

Place of Origin: Gloucester, England
Residence: New York, Brooklyn

Species: Human
Age: 18

Powers: Water manipulation. Can control and direct the flow of water
Weaknesses: Ice, cannot create water the source has to be flowing.
Physical Appearance: Average height, thin, light brown hair that falls down to his shoulders and blue eyes

Personality: Dark sense of humour, likes to play pranks, finds the weirdest things funny, doesn't like to fight unless there is a reason for it.
History: (Under construction tbc)

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime25/06/14, 01:05 am

Real Name: Tanik Crale Asa Gitz
Alias: Not Applicable

Place of Origin: Asadan
Residence:  TBA

Species: Asadantsu
Age:  66 Earth years 30 Asadan equivalent

Powers/Gear:  After whatever happened on Asadan, when he appeared on Earth, Tanik found his abilities as a fighter significantly increased.  His agility, his accuracy, his strength and even his pain threshold.  He had become the perfect soldier and he wasn't sure how.  His armor is light and meant more for mobility than anything else.  The rifle he carries has multiple different functions.  The first is a single massive caliber armor-piercing bullet capable of punching through multiple inches of armor.  The second being an under barrel launcher that can shoot Grenades, trackers that are connected to Tanik's HUD and whoever is on the same channel and also pulse grenades that stick to their targets and release a constant electric charge for half a minute.  They're meant for stunning large beasts but can also work as EMPs when used on most electronics.

Weaknesses:  He is but a mortal.  Though tougher than most and more efficient than any human, he can be killed just the same.

Physical Appearance:

Personality:  Arrogant, Ignorant, Irritable, Fearless.
History:  Once, Tanik was a great soldier.  He and his squad were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of the beasts that plagued their planet.  But one day something happened, he wasn't sure what it was, but there was no time to react, their drop ship just began to plummet to the ground, as if it was pulling them to it rather than falling towards it.  Tanik stayed in the pilot's seat trying to keep the ship steady as his squad bailed out.  The last thing Crale remembers is the drop ship spinning and the face of one of his squadmates hitting the cockpit window.

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The Active Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime05/07/14, 09:27 am

Real Name: Alisa Navor
Alias: Oberleutnant

Place of Origin: Finland
Residence: Currently New York

Age: 21

Powers: Prime Condition (Does not include enchanced regeneration or contaminant immunity)
Weaknesses:Bullets, explosions the usual things that kill humans.
Physical Appearance: Character Archive Koshka_X_by_fuchsiart

Personality: Confident, friendly, heroic, inspiring, manipulative, has a bit of a commanding presence.
History: For Alisa her history starts well before she created Cabalt but it is very hard to find anything about her. Almost like someone destroyed or hid all records of her after Cabalt was forged. Under her cunning command Cabalt has spread it's reach across the planet, very few people outside or inside of Cabalt know her real name she is just the Oberleutnant.
Many people claim to have seen her face or spoken to her, the Russians claim that they killed the Oberleutnant and destroyed Cabalt, yet clearly that is not the case since Cabalt is still alive and operating and by extenstion so is the Oberleutnant.
Cabalt's largest presence is in the United States, here Cabalt of contributed secretly to various technological enhancements in medicine, some believe they played a small part in the research into laser technology, they are also responsible for various other less noble actions.
As for the Oberleutnant, it is rare when she joins in the actual action usually she commands the operations from a far, yet for the most critical tasks she will lead them personally.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime11/07/14, 09:26 pm

Name: Kyou Ishii
Alias: Sparrow

Place of Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Residence: Abroad, no set home

Species: Human, Female
Age: 16
Appearance: stands at five feet, black hair in a cropped style. Pale skin and blue eyes. This her suited up: Sparrow Suit

Powers: No super-powers. Utilizes her own skills in gymnastics, safe cracking, hand to hand combat and freerunning. Supplements talents with advanced tech and tools.

Equipment: Her suit is custom made, utilizing parts acquired either through heists on military and scientific stations, or through various contacts with easy access. For stealth purposes, it possesses an optical camouflage system that can hide the wearer from the unaided eye, as well as being coated in a special thermal-paint to hide from thermal imaging systems. Her mask has a communication device, optical lenses that can work as binoculars and night-vision goggles along with a filter to detect infrared lasers.
A drawback is that the suit, while durable (yet flexible) enough to stop knives outright, cannot stop bullets, or any other high velocity projectiles.
Other pieces of equipment include a carbon-nanotube alloy extendable baton, heat treated and nigh-unbendable let alone breakable. A grapple gun created by a friend, using a nano-cable monofilament capable of holding up to five hundred pounds, and powerful reel capable of pulling the user in to the targeted destination.
And an assortment of tools meant for non-lethal purposes.

Weaknesses: Without any form of super-healing or resilience, she is as frail as any other human. Her suit is resistant to knives but can’t stand up to constant punishment, and bullets will go right through.

Personality: A recluse and a kleptomaniac, Kyou prefers only to steal hard to get items, seeing the challenge behind planning and stealing a score just as great the final payoff, and enjoys the lifestyle her work affords her. She won’t stick her neck out for anyone unless either there’s something in it for her. While she knows how to fight, she prides herself on never being caught on the job or getting into a fight.

Biography: Born in Tokyo, Kyou grew up on the streets and raised by her mother who as fate would have it was a former thief herself. Even as a toddler, Kyou was a kleptomaniac and delighted in stealing objects, something her mother took pride in and from the time she could walk, taught her everything she knew: safe-cracking, surveillance system types and how to avoid them, hand to hand combat, lockpicking, and a host of other trade skills. Her first successful heist was when she was 9, and her first solo job was her tenth birthday present. Between now and then she has been the suspect in over a dozen reported thefts, though it is rumored she has performed over a hundred other crimes that have either not been reported by the victims or have not even been discovered. Due to her mom’s history, she knew several contacts and friends that supplied her with specialized tools and gear for her job, including non-lethal weapons for moments of last resort.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last edited by Razgriz on 16/10/14, 05:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime30/07/14, 10:09 am

Name: Marcus Soul
Alias: The Darkness, shadow

Place of origin: Australia
Residence: Anywhere no set home

Species: Human, Male
Age: 21
Appearance:  Stands at 6’1 feet hazel eyes. He usually wears a hoodie with long cargo pants.
[url=file:///D:/jryan201/Desktop/my stuff no adults allowed/my stuff/New folder/TeganAnime.jpg][/url]http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/images/DeathNote/Light_Yagami_thumb.jpg
Character Archive Imgreshis shadow mask will look like 
His amour that he wears looks like this
Power:  Thanks to his death and arrogance, Marcus was given a deal from death, go back to the living at the cost of bring souls back to him though a entity called the darkness.

-The darkness lives inside of him, giving him the power of darkness in the form of manipulation. Marcus can create tendrils of pure darkness that have the force of 2-3 Tons while also being able to use these to lift objects at the same amount, he can also create walls of darkness to  block incoming attacks. 2-3 post long require a 1-2 post cool down.

 His defense is an amour that originates from his skin and looks of rocky and dark skin attached to his body, it can deflect most physical attacks, and his chipped away from normal bullets where chunks would be taken away from AP rounds or 50 cal, explosives range from distance to explosive, close up would take away alot of his amour while further away would do some to little damage. last 3-4 post while needing a 2 post cool down.

He also can create a shadow mask which makes his voice very demonic and hides his true identity. RP machinic

-He has a snake that is as black as a starless night that comes out of the tattoo that Marcus has of it on his back, he uses it to steal the souls of his victims and as a weapon that can crush flesh and bone easily with its teeth and jaw even highly protective amour can be crushed by its power of a ton bite. it can leave his body as he gets stronger and can be used as a scout.

-The darkness can also fix any wounds in a given amount of time, from broken bones to damaged skin but only in a dark area, it reproduces the cells rapidly to keep the body in order. If limbs or organs are lost, then the darkness will create a shadow limb/organ which it will then began to recreate the lost limb while keeping a physical shadow as a substitute. RP macanic

-since the darkness is an alley of death, it carries some Extraordinary ability’s that Marcus has access too, One of them being a slight increase in his speed and strengh allowing him to go faster and lift/punch harder than he would normally do. His body is also less suspectical to pain and mental confleicts will not affect him

-he is able to see in pure darkness like it is pure daylight, also giving him the ability to hear though the darkness like bats in caves using echolocation to see. RP macanic but the shadow slealth can be used 1-2 post and requires a post cool down.

-Marcus also has access to some powers that would drain him of all his strength unless he is in a very dark area. The first power is shadowskip where his body breaks down into the darkness itself and he can move along it.  And his most difficult power is the ability to grow wings of pure darkness that allow him to boost into the air or glide; he can use this ability for only a short time while using other ability’s. shadowskip can be used once and requres 2 post cooldown same with the others.

Weaknesses: while he can take a rather large beating, in the end he is still somewhat human. Damaging his body to a point he can't help but feel pain will eventually kill him. His Regeneration is weakened under direct light, so his his bodily state. Flashing Uv rays at him will do the same but also burn and weaken his powers. His Meld can not go though organic things, requiring him to move around them. His snakes can be killed and when so will take some time to fix.

Personality: Marcus just wants friends but is very hard to talk too; he has a strong moral code and only kills those with an evil soul. He dislikes having to kill but does so to feed death and keep himself alive. He will do anything to win a battle but will try to protect innocents or people he sees are hurt. He can be very unserious in serious moments but can change in a heartbeat if he needs too. Even going to save someone he thinks is good, even if they think the opposite.

Biography: Born in December 31 of 1999, Marcus was born into a life that was hard and growing; his mother was protective and taught him to be polite and his father he never saw much of. He looked after his sister and grieved her loss in a car accident greatly, that he promised her he would live his life to the best. But at the age of 15 he was shot while trying to defend a store owner and died of blood loss. He was too angry with himself and never left the split which defined life and death. This is where death saw a bonus in getting more souls. Death boned him with the darkness and sent them back to the living Together spent the next 13 years trying to find his body. When he found it, he spent the next 6 years alone, learning how to use his powers. the darkness who he was good friends with by that time, had released a hunger for the souls of anything that death could have. Now he is trying to figure out whether he is a killer or a predator, calling himself to any who see him, the darkness.

Last edited by shadowoof on 20/04/15, 07:59 am; edited 21 times in total
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime23/08/14, 07:42 pm

Real Name: Kristen*
Alias: Ghoul A01

Place of Origin: Black Fox PMC Secure Location - LAB
Residence: Black Fox PMC Secure Location - BARRACKS

Species: Ghoul
Age: Unknown, her appearance is around that of a sixteen year old.

Powers: Kristen is unnaturally strong, possesses nails and teeth capable of tearing through almost any organic matter and has incredible senses and can survive damage capable of killing a regular human. If she has eaten within a few minutes, she is only stoppable by firepower that would usually be reserved for warzones.
Weaknesses: Kristen cannot eat normal food, though she is as susceptible to death as any regular human, meaning that almost anything can kill her given enough time has passed since her last meal. Black Fox has dedicated a wing of their best soldiers to dealing with her.
Physical Appearance:

Personality: Kristen is playful, though most people who have spoken to her feel uneasy around her. She is known to be unpredictable, and Black Fox have gone to great lengths to keep her happy, wary of the thing they created. She is also very naive. Her upbringing left her without any real world experiences, as such, she relies on what she has been told by her handlers and scientists.

Taken at birth by a less than ethical science team of Black Fox, Kristen was the first attempt at creating super-soldiers for hire, in an attempt to oust Draco Securities. Kristen was raised to be the most efficient killer she could be; she was taught human biology, brainwashed, modified, tested on, and outright tortured as Black Fox worked tirelessly to create a real-life monster, a Ghoul. Much more difficult to kill than any special forces, Ghouls were supposed to destroy and demoralise anyone who Black Fox went against. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among the Black Fox operators who were sent with Kristen on operations was almost 100%, though none of them were alive by the end of the month.

With the project over and Black Fox eager to test their newest asset, Kristen was sent into the headquarters of a ruthless terrorist group. She was half-expected to be killed, though the clean-up team described the scene as “Something worse than a horror film.” The results caused the closure of the project, being “too dangerous” to repeat, though it was considered a success.

*It should be noted that she doesn't have a 'real' name, due to her past. This is just the name she asked to be reffered to by. She becomes very upset if someone gets this wrong.

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime24/08/14, 05:15 am

Real Name: Violet Rose
Alias: spider girl, spider woman, spidey.

species: Human, spider
Gender: female
Age: 16

Powers: Violet has been genetically modified with spider genes giving her the ability to climb walls with her hands and feet thanks to very strong hairs on her hands and feet. She also has super strength from  the gene able to bench press 2 to 3 tons and is also very agile, able to perform some of the hardest gymnastic feats. She has a sort of spider sense that allows her to sense incoming danger but only from what she thinks is danger. She also has the ability to jump great heights from about 2 to 3 story building. If she gets creative, she may try to build a mechanism that allows her to shoot webs.

appearance: She has long violet hair and eyes, a slender frame and is 5 foot 7. (Until I can post a bloody picture)

Bio: Violet was born of very rare genes that gave her violet colored hair and eyes, it also allowed her to think faster and react faster. when someone from her school called James was in a car crash she was abducted from her home by a panacea biotech employee who spliced her genes with a modified spider hoping to create a spider girl from those comics, but just as she was finished, she was found by her employer and fired while Violet was told to be terminated which resulted in her escape when the terminators were looking away. as of now she quite can't remember anything about her past except that her name is Violet.

evolve and grow is every human nature
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime28/08/14, 09:45 pm

Real Name: Klara Olesya Innokentievna Oktyabr
Alias: Ghostess

Place of Origin: Moscow, Russia
Residence: New York (since everyone is there)

Species: Human

Powers: Her superhuman ability of "hyperkinesis", which allows her brain to process movement at a much faster rate than others. This gives her amazing athletic feats of timing, superhuman reflexes and perfect accuracy with firearms or thrown objects and also allows her, for example, to predict trajectory by eyesight.
Weaknesses: Her power is constantly active since it is in her mind, as a result she is restless, highly susceptible to boredom and prone to Insomnia. The other human weaknesses such as being shot, stabbed etc apply.  
Physical Appearance: Character Archive Pol_girl_by_fuchsiart

Personality: Quiet, confident, restless, moody.
History: Born in Moscow, moved to American with her parents when she was just fifteen. At age sixteen it became apparent that Klara possessed amazing reactions, making her excel in numerous sports. At age eighteen she enlisted in the US National Guard before being Dishonourably Discharged after a fight with a Army Captain. Nineteen, became witness to a murder by hired thugs, decided to hunt criminals and evil doers down with the typical Russian Spetsnaz approach, lots of rolls, fancy moves and many, many dead bad guys.

"The Codex Astartes does not support this action" Leandros

"I have one rule... Everyone fights no one quits if you don't do you job I'll shoot you"

"I fight because the day I don't is the day the UNSC kill me" Spartan III Anna

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... BOOM! Burn you alien mothe... Oh wait sorry Sarge I got bored" ODST Emma Watkins
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The New Guy

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime01/09/14, 07:00 pm

Real Name: David Shields
Alias: DMan357, or simply DMan (people call him Tecchie)

Place of Origin: New York City
Residence: New York City

Species: Human
Age: 26

Powers: Biggest Power: He's ambidextrous. He's a cyborg with many powers. He has a high powered sight/scope in front of his left eye. It's retractable, and can switch into modes such as infrared and other modes. His left arm has a high-powered retractable laser, which takes a few seconds to reload after each shot. He also has 2 laser pistols in holsters on his hips, which link into his hand when grabbed, allowing them to shoot. His right hand is not completely robotic, but is covered in a sort of sleeve of electronics, which also help shield it. His right hand can create a small power surge, which can disable weaker-end security systems and electronics. His right hand can also create an energy sword for hand-to-hand combat.His feet have jetpacks that aren't super crazy powerful. They can basically let him super jump or sort of hover for a small period of time. His parts are fully moddable, allowing him to gain more powers that he creates. The parts in his brain also link to his entire body/electronic parts. This also gives him some pretty quick reaction times.
Weaknesses: He's still a freaking human, just with a bunch of robot parts. Stuff can still rip through him, he just likes to dodge it. He has sort of an active camo, that blends him into the background, but it really only works well in the dark, because it's easier to spot in the light. It takes a lot of power out of his energy reserves when he's moving around with it on.
Physical Appearance: He's a little taller than normal, and you can't tell he's a cyborg unless you know already. His robotic parts are covered in normal looking skin, and his hair grows like normal. When his weapons pop out though, they leave the robotics inside revealed. The holsters on his hips can pop in and out of his body, making him able to hide them if needed. He's kind of buff, not too much though, but only thanks to the robotics. He has shortish black hair, and brown eyes. His left eye has a slight red tinge to it, and the details look digital if you look closely.

Personality: You know when you were little, and ran around like a super hero blowing people up? He's that little kid in a cyborg's body. He's also a life-long gamer, and has pretty good schooling in robotic engineering, programming, and a lot of other tech stuff. He's very laid back, and sometimes likes to cheer when he makes a shot.
History: The whole thing will be revealed in the story, but the gist of it is that he was in a bad accident, and was asked about replacing the destroyed parts with robotics. He agreed, and throughout the course of a few years, he went to a private company and got some more parts replaced, and also modded his own parts. Now he's super.
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime16/09/14, 03:07 pm

Real Name: Bella-Rose
Alias: changeling, changer, beast.
Place of Origin: New York
Residence: somewhere in New York.
Species: Human.
Age: 15-16
Powers: Bella has the ability to shape shift into several stronger versions of 4 animals, A silver fox, peregrine Falcon, Gorilla(Not controllable or hard to control as of now.) and Cougar. She also carries some characteristics of her animals with an enhanced hearing and smell, stronger than an average human and more resistant skin and speed. She uses her fox form when scared or wants to play or hide. takes 1-2 post to turn into an animal once she thinks about it. Last until she says so but takes an post to change to another. Finally she uses this if badly injured, she will let one of her forms rip it's way out of her. Cleansing any damage or sickness. She will stay like this until her human body is reformed and in turn she will rip her way out of the creature.
Weakness: Bella has an animal side which can take control from time to time turning her into a wild beast, besides from that she can die from headshots to organ failure and disease like other normal humans only may be a bit longer. Also whenever she shapes shift she will always hide from everyone before becoming human
Appearance: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SmriVOi5HC0/UUoFB4yyEVI/AAAAAAAANkw/rsPwH-Tl4cQ/s1600/anime+girl+perplexed.jpg
Personality: Bella is a shy girl with a curious side, willing to break the harsh rules she has set on her. She is barely angry at all but when angered her animal instincts come in and take over giving her a wild beast she has no control over, She trys her best to avoid human contact incase this would happen again.
History: Bella was born in 2019, The only thing she can remember is that she had a brother that died a few years ago. Bella had a normal childhood, she was smart in classes and had a love for animals but one day during a school trip to an old war-zone, she had fallen into a radioactive tunnel which personal said that enough time spent down their would kill her, amazingly a pup or cub came out of the tunnel but Bella was presumed dead, little did they know that She was already in a forest with her new animal instinct gone, She realised what she had, from then on she trained herself to learn such powers so she could help in the city.

Last edited by shadowolf on 06/03/15, 08:19 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : added the Gorilla for rp.)
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime16/09/14, 09:50 pm

Name: Ashaara L. King & Avaelli D. Knight
Alias: Unholy & Blood

Age: 23 & 24. Although records indicated Ashaara dates back to the mid 17th century and Avaelli from the 19th.

Place of Origin: Spain 17th Century. England 19th Century.
Residence: An apartment in New York

Species: Human, Female.

Appearance: Ashaara is tall and well defined. A muddy red hair flows freely down her back and almost covers her eyes. Avaelli is shorter than Ashaara but still as well built. She has silvery hair, tied back. Both girls have icy blue eyes and a similar set face, suggesting they actually come from the same family, despite the difference in name.

Personality: Ashaara is confident, cocksure and easy to take a slight. Her brutal death changed her outlook on everything and she’s had 400 years with nothing to do but be angry.

Avaelli is quiet. She lets Ashaara talk for her but she’s not afraid to hold her own ground. She’d rather let her abilities speak for her. Conversations with Ashaara have been heard in the language of the void however.

Both Ashaara and Avaelli focus their powers in illness and plague. They both have a basic control of infection within the body and the ability to create or cause it. However, when it came to the more advanced understanding, they each took different paths.

Ashaara focused her mind upon the path of the Unholy. This path brought her greater knowledge of infections and how to exploit them. As such, she learnt how to create and control swarms of infected creatures such as flies or locusts. She even developed the ability to manipulate bacteria found in decomposition in order to re-animate a corpse. The corpse is no more alive than it was previously, but the bacteria is able to control the central nervous system for as long as Ashaara needs. However, this kind of animation takes its toll and Ashaara usually takes a few hours to recover after it.

Aside from that, Ashaara also learnt how to raise the temperature of infected bacteria within the body to a ridiculously high degree, essentially burning the target inside out. She can create a patch of “Unholy Ground” around herself in a 20 foot radius which infects any target who enters it. She also learnt how to draw out the infection within a wound and transfer the harmful bacteria into herself, where the bacteria would become beneficial. This gave her a basic self-healing on minor wounds.

Avaelli focused her mind on the path of the Blood. This path brought her understanding of the body and blood within it.  She can summon the bones from a nearby skeleton to create a hovering shield around herself that protects from a limited amount of attacks. She can also use the blood within a target to pull them towards herself. She can also summon “Bloodworms”, a parasectic creature which grows as it devours blood. The Bloodworm swells up and at maximum growth, can be eaten to refresh the body and spirit of the consumer with no adverse effects other than a slightly horrible taste.

Avaelli can also draw upon the blood within her veins and expel it at high velocity, controlling and shaping it in the air. (Imagine a wave hitting you on a beach with 50x more force). Avaelli’s knowledge of Blood is so strong that, given enough time to examine a targets blood, she could use that knowledge to shut the bodily systems of the target down from a range away.

Aside from these individual powers, both girls are. Well. Dead. They no longer need to eat, sleep or breathe. If they lost a limb, they could re-attach it within an hour or so, regardless of which limb. If someone were to shoot them through the head, they’d survive and could find replacement parts.

Weakness: Ashaara and Avaelli compliment each other about as well as they oppose each other. Avaelli draws her power from the blood inside of her, meaning she has to gather it up from somewhere before she can actually do much. It also doesn’t last very long once inside of her; the blood decomposes at an alarming rate.

Ashaara however draws her power from her link with the void itself. As such, the more blood she absorbs (through splashes, Avaelli’s powers e.t.c) the weaker her abilities become.

Biography: Ashaara was born in the mid 17th century to a noble family on the banks of a river in Spain. She grew up with a normal noble life until the age of 23 where she was ambushed, raped, killed and dumped in the river that she’d spent all of her life by.

Avaelli was born to a noble family in the 19th century in England. She lived a dangerous life, stealing from others and giving it away to the highest bidder until she stole from the wrong person. Her body was found dragged up onto a beach three days after her 24th birthday.

Both girls floated in the void for an eternity. Their bodies remained preserved in the family crypt. In the year 2025, a team of scientists from Panacea Biotech uncovered the crypt. They took all the bodies back to the nearest lab and began to examine them. Of the 7 bodies pulled out of the crypt, 4 were usable. They took tissue samples and kept the bodies preserved perfectly in chambers. With the samples, they began trying to clone and force the cells to reproduce as normal. The first two failed. The third showed signs of promise before it collapsed and the fourth mutated and had to be burnt and destroyed by the team.

They went back to the bodies and took a larger sample, attempting the process over and over again. In the year 2029, they finally succeeded. They took the process to the bodies as a whole and managed to rebuild the four of them in perfect working condition. However, the bodies were still empty shells and as such, useless. The team looked at a way to draw in the spirits of the old occupiers. They delved deeper into the mysteries of spiritualism and science, breeding them together. It was 2032 before they found a result.
By studying the signals produced by the brain of that particular occupant, they found they could replicate the exact pattern and cross it with a Ouiji ceremony. This would call an exact spirit, a real spirit, from the void beyond. Theoretically, the spirit would assume the body it once existed in if the body was present at the time.

The experiment worked. The four bodies were occupied by the original owners again. The scientists took months teaching them the history of the world since they had died. When word got out of the experiment, Black Fox PMC broke into the lab and stole the “Resurrection Group”. The oldest died in the escape, crushed under the wheels of a truck in it’s haste to flee the scene.

Black Fox spent the next two years teaching and training the remaining three how to fight, how to live, how to control the amazing abilities that they had brought with them from the void. The Blood, The Frost and the Unholy were the three paths that Fox took them down. Each Resurrected took their own path and Fox has used them as underground espionage operatives ever since.

Each ‘Resurrected’ was also given a choice of weapon. Frost took an axe. Unholy took a spear and Blood took a sword. Fox created the weapons from the strongest alloys available, and each of the resurrected imbued some of their own power into the weapon through an art known as ‘Runeforging’. All the weapons became able to cut through most materials to a certain degree of thickness. The Spear caused any cuts made by it to become infected regardless of any treatment. The Sword caused major bleeding from any wound and seemed to resonate a dull heat. The Axe would freeze any liquid it touched.  

Most recently, Frost was caught in an explosion during a infiltration into Nexus Industries. This was where Unholy and Blood learnt where the limits of their ‘life’ lay. The axe was buried in the rubble and by the time Fox operatives retrieved it, the power had left it and the axe was a mangled lump.

Unholy and Blood have since become freelance. Fox became disillusioned with them after Frost’s accident and tried to have them forcibly removed. Unholy and Blood fought back and were exiled from Europe because of it. In recent months, they’ve moved into an apartment somewhere in the United States and kept off radar.

[16:56:44] Fallen : I LOVE YOU SKIPPY~ <3

Last edited by Skippy on 04/03/15, 09:29 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime10/12/14, 05:38 am

Name: Ben Lars
Nick name:

Age: 29 looks 23-21.

PoB: Irland.
Resadince: single flat, New York, Brooklyn.

Species: human/alien, male.

Appearance: Ben is 5'8 with short blond hair. He is of a heavy build with scars along his chest, arm and his face where he was shot in the cheek. He's fit and carrys a slight stubble of chin hair. He will also always beat one in a drinking game. His eyes are a pure gold and shine in the dark.

Personality: Ben at first seems serious and unafraid but get to know him better and your learn he's truely both. He hates those who find jokes in a serious situation and goes straight to the point.

Power: Telekinesis the ability to move/manipulate objects with the mind.

Telekinesis has many different ways of usage from binding to keep a object from moving. Levitation to lift objects up. Incresing physical strength to the same as the mental strengh of the user. To project kinetic energy or objects like a bullet. To choking others and to manipulating a dice to land on your choosing. Gripping a person to keep tides washing him away and to push or pull objects away. Sevaral more techniques can be used such as manipulating the atoms of an object to combust or to crush objects like chairs into wooden balls.

Weakness: He can't lift certain things due to 2 reasons. His brain is what controls his ability and like a rubber band it needs to stretch. Moving a car a centre meter for the first time could be enough to give him headaches and nosebleeds. The second is the physical and mental strengh of those he try's to move with his power. Those with a strong mental mind may be unaffected and those who are stronger than his rubber bands elastic may not be affected. Also normal human weakness.

Bio: Ben was born to a Irish mother and an unknown father but was always told he had his fathers face. He lived a simple life and had plenty of friends but he always thought of it because of his large figure that he was not bullied. Still Ben had a love for sports and fights and learnt at many different dojos and other Kung fu like places. As a teenager Ben led a simple life still, going to the cadets and raching their highest rank in a year. From his time in the cadets he wanted to become a solider and so spent his time learning and goosing good grades until the faithful day he became a pvt in the army and their was a war going on. Ben was quickly sent into battle, gaining friends and losing them but rising in the ranks before moving to marines, spec op's, navy seals, Rangers. His friends called him heartless and unkillable on the feild and in truth Ben hated it and loved it. Finally he moved to mercenary work after the war ended until retiring in 2032. 2 years later he was contacted by a military group known as Hercules with a job offer for hunting powered vigilantes Ben couldn't refuse.

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime02/02/15, 01:39 am

Real Name: B-16
Alias 1: Lucy Brooke
Alias 2: Eris

Place of Origin: Nuremburg, Germany
Residence: New York

Species: Artificial Human
Age: Six
Alias Age: 15

She can understand and speak any human language fluently
She can detect small changes when a human is lying
She is much stronger and more agile than an average human
She can see perfectly in the dark
She can infiltrate most computer systems
She has a retractable blade on each forearm (Basically this)
She has a flamethrower inside her right wrist and a railgun in her left
Underneath her skin and blood, there are no organs or muscles, so she cannot die thanks to failure of any of these.

While her ‘skeleton’ is made of extremely durable metal, it can still be crushed, along with any other part of her. She can ‘die’ if irreparable damage is done to her.
She is programmed to shut down after a string of words is said to her.

Physical Appearance:
When Eris is online, her eyes glow yellow. She stands at about 5”4.

Lucy is quiet, to the point where she appears shy, beneath this, she is compassionate and kind.
Eris is cold and calculating with no moral compass, a machine designed for killing.
History: Lucy was born on the 31st of December 2019 in the UK, though she moved to America with her family when she was five. She was an only child, and had problems making friends as she grew up, until she was eventually home-schooled. When her parents died in a car crash two years ago, she moved into a care home, where she currently resides.

B-16 was created in 2028 in Nuremburg, Germany in a Black Fox underground compound dedicated to creating artificial humans to be used Infiltration and Assassination drones, capable of working independently. It was the first and only success of the project, and when it was field tested two years ago, it disconnected from the Black Fox mainframe, crashing everything in the process, as well as destroying almost half a decade’s worth of research. It then vanished.

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime05/03/15, 06:47 am

Real Name: Dean Faulk
Alias: Bad Company

Place of Origin: Columbia, South Carolina
Residence: New York, Queens

Species: Altered Human
Gender: Male
Age: 30


Draco Securities LLC [Recorded as Deceased]
Freelance [Current]


1a. Smoke Manipulation - The ability to produce smoke and manipulate smoke. Limited to a source. Dean's source is a lit cigar or cigarette. Can create a shroud for quick diversions and to confuse an enemy. Since his powers are relatively newly acquired, he has no idea the full extent of his powers.

1b. Weapon Creation - The ability to create weapons by shaping the existing matter or energy. Again, limited to a source which is smoke. Cannot create large weapons that require 2 hands. This includes Assault Rifles, RPGs, Sniper Rifles, large blades, etc. Can only create small arms, such as pistols and combat knives.

1c. Bullet Generation - The ability to create ammunition by shaping the existing matter or energy. Linked to his smoke generation.

2a. Enhanced Combat - The ability to possess superhuman levels of hand-to-hand fighting skills and excel in various forms of combat.

2b. Enhanced Marksmanship - The ability to have complete accuracy on distant targets. Can only hit within the realistic range of the weapon used.

3. Induced Healing - The ability too heal within a certain degree. Can not regrow lost limbs, cannot quickly heal broken bones. Can only heal light to deep wounds. Cannot heal himself, only other living beings.


His powers themselves: Because of his weapon creation and bullet generation powers being linked to his Smoke generation ability, without a source of smoke. These powers are rendered useless and as such he always tries to have a few packs of cigarettes on him.

Alcohol: He has a sweet spot for the good old liquid courage. Whiskey is his preferred drink.

His anger: Not usually a problem, but he will go into bouts of uncontrollable rage if the slightest thing ticks him off and can be quite the struggle to get him calmed down. Pouring whiskey down his throat might help. However, after the bout of rage. He will need a few hours to rest. His usual trigger is someone making fun of his southern accent or his hairstyle.

His humanity: Because he's a human, he can be killed by most anything. His spongy flesh can't absorb explosions and if confronted with such, will lose limbs or even die! Don't want that.

Adrenaline: Because of his Enhanced Combat abilities, he believes not much can hurt him in terms of cuts and broken bones, however, this is just adrenaline pumping through him. He can only take so much damage before he breaks.

Physical Appearance:

A rather large man, standing in at 6 feet tall and weighing around 200 pounds. He is at the near peak of human condition, barring his weakness to alcohol and of course, smoking. Dark red hair shaved into a mullet adorns the top of his head and a close shaven beard lays on his face. There is a scar from a bar fight that breaks up the beard located on the right side of his chin.

He usually wears a grey t-shirt and blue jeans with a pair of black boots and a baseball cap. He doesn't have a "suit" it just doesn't suit him. He prefers comfort over style.

He carries around a couple of packs of cigarettes and a flask of whiskey. When he calls his weapons, he usually calls for a Mateba revolver and a combat knife.


He's very direct with his speech and is even more so when drunk. However, if you're willing to purchase him a round, he'll be your best friend. He doesn't have a strict sense of morals, but he knows right from wrong and goes under the creed "If you haven't harmed me, I won't harm you" and "If you haven't harmed someone close to me, I won't harm you" He does what is best for himself and if something might put him in danger, he'll do what he can to talk his way out or go for as long as he can. If a friend of his is injured, he'll go after whoever did it. He isn't privy to the technological advancements of today. What with nano machines and A.I. citing movies like "Terminator" and "2001: A Space Odyssey"

"No good can come from this much advancement, I'm proof of that"


Born in 2004, before the economic crash and before the war. Dean came into this world with two parents who had a lot of southern, down home love to give. He had a pretty usual childhood. Big family suppers and love by the lord. His father was pulled into the war and subsequently killed. During the time of war, he had lost 2 older brothers who had also been drafted in. It was his turn. His turn to face the monster known as war. Killing fellow humans for ideals. Part of it sickened him, but another part... another part relished it. He didn't understand how, or why. He just did and like that, his fun came to an end. One year after the war had ended, his family fell into poverty. He was confronted by Panacea Biotech workers and offered money to become a research subject. He accepted. If his family could get food on their plates, anything would be alright. They could do whatever they wanted to him and with that in mind, he was taken to New York.

Bio-genetic engineering at its finest. They started off small. Using his experience in the war, they molded his body. Made it stronger. Even better suited for combat. Testing reflexes and strength. Teaching him different combat styles. It all went very smoothly and he passed through. This is where things started to go haywire. They decided to up the ante. With prior experiments going as they somewhat wanted, they began engineering him. Giving him abilities. Setting stipulations. Doing all they wanted to do.

The pain... it was... too much. Even for his enhanced body. Seemingly, as a defense mechanism, he began pulling smoke from any and all nearby cigarettes from within the building. He broke free of the restraints that bound him. Having no real control over his abilities, he tried to flee, but was ultimately recaptured. Testing was finished and all money that was promised was wired back to Dean's family enough to keep them going for years and years, however, Dean sold his soul to Panacea and what was to come, he didn't expect. In 2029, Things were looking all fine and dandy, until Nexus came in. Nexus had sent Draco Securities buffs to seize Panacea's latest work. Apparently, Panacea and Nexus struck a deal, a new buff for some money. He assumes this kind of deal had been going on for many years to combat Black Fox. Regardless, he was forced into a DS LLC uniform. In that same year, he had somewhat harnessed his power. Able to fully materialize a Mateba from his smoke. In 2030, during a firefight with Black Fox, Dean and his entire squad had been slaughtered. Dean had actually abandoned the fight, miraculously. He found his opportunity and rolled with it. His shackles to DS LLC were released and any hope for Black Fox to seize him went out of the window. It is currently 2034, He has gone Freelance under the name "Bad Company".

The way he figures everything, he might as well try to take these companies out after seeing firsthand what they can do. It might be a fun time. He currently resides in an apartment building in Queens.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.

Last edited by Draco on 06/05/15, 06:43 pm; edited 10 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime11/03/15, 02:05 pm

Real Name: Maria
Alias: Mary

Place of Origin: New York
Residence: None because she killed her parents because they grounded her

Species: Human
Age: 14

Powers: She is invincible and she can fly and has super strength and she can fire magic fire and control ice.
Weaknesses: Nuclear Bombs can kill her.
Physical Appearance: She is 5 foot 6 and has blonde hair and blue eyes and she is very beautiful.

Personality: She is kind to her friends but anybody she doesn’t like she is cold towards and will kill anyone who hurts her or her friends. She is also the best.
History: She was born in New York and her parents were not nice to her and so she killed them and ran away from home but the police don’t look for her because reasons.

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime25/03/15, 01:37 pm

Real Name: Edward 'Eddie' Downey  
Alias: Czar

Place of Origin: Edward, Newark, New Jersey - Czar, Ocean Endeavour Oil Rig, Black Sea
Residence: Warehouse near Richmond Hill

Species: Advanced Human
Age: 32

Powers: Though born powerless, twenty six years of experimentation have turned Czar into an unstoppable machine. Almost literally. Each of his limbs, as well as his abdomen, ears, eyes, cheeks and most of his throat are all cybernetic components, built from sturdy silicon carbide and designed to provide not only immense strength and durability, but also immense capabilities; his arms and legs all together are capable of storing an equivalent of up to ten tons of TNT. Czars eyes, ears, and throat are all enhanced to the umpteenth degree, capable of seeing and analysing from great distances, picking up even the faintest noises, and turning his voice into that of a booming roar of a sound. Czar was made to be a weapon, and a tool of war.

Weaknesses: Despite being immensely enhanced, Czar is still Edward; he may wear armour, but at the end of the day he's as human as... well, not as human as everyone else, but he still has organs that maintain him. If they were to be destroyed and not replaced with cybernetics almost immediately, he'd experience the same fate as any other human.

Physical Appearance: Czar stands at nearly seven foot six, with broad shoulders and a thin waist. What natural muscle he has is accentuated and toned, and light. His eyes are both a mix of silver and of bright blues, and his hair is short and dark. His jaw is pronounced, and his cheek bones are high, just above where the cybernetics begin.

The cybernetics themselves are dark black, and smooth. They resemble a mixture of natural human muscle and scales, though far from natural scales at that; they closer resemble hexagons. Many parts of the cybernetics are strong flexiglass, covering major wires and systems within the cybernetic systems. The wires themselves are all silver, and the glass is all tinted matte black, in hopes of keeping them hidden from any who don't know about them.

Personality: If anything could be said of Czar, it was that he was cruel. Though he was made to kill, he tends to maintain a link with his human pleasure receptors, and prefers much more to torture and play with targets before killing them, assuming he ever does. His near inability to tap into his human psyche without the codeword of his owners, a word they've not said in nearly ten years, has turned him into a man no longer connected with the basic human ideas and hopes of others.

History: Born in New Jersey, in a slum, Eddie was young when a group of men kidnapped him and a small number of other children, and took them out of the country. He remembers nothing of the time before he was released back into the United States, beyond who his owners are, and what his intentions are.

Czar has only spent two months back in the country. He has kept himself low and is awaiting orders from his owners.


A mixture of cliches and something I like the idea of. Heck yeah.

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste

Last edited by Admiral Fuuko on 29/03/15, 08:29 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime27/03/15, 08:28 am

Real Name: Serina Denari Cusco Physis Flora: Earth name: Flora Denari.
Alias: Amadrya, Ivy, Plant goddess, Flower girl.

Place of Origin: Planet Felora
Residence: New York.

Species: Alien:Felorenain
Age: 19
height: 1.65 M

Powers: Control over nature: Flora can control most plant life, command it to move or do things depending on it's capabilities, able to also give it a conscious but only for right now, a limited amount of time.
She can make humans to 'fall in love with her' if they inhale pheromones she releases from spores in her skin, allowing her to make them do things for her to a degree.
The vines, once taken control of are stronger than normal.
She takes in nutrients from the sun and rain, boosting her energy.
She has a regeneration that heals her wounds quite quickly but can be beaten if wounded continuously.
She can grow thorns on her skin and release seeds that grow into vines.
Being a plant of life she has the ability to heal others of some wound such as burns or cuts and to resurrect plant life from disease and injury.

Weaknesses: Flora's biology allows her to be targeted by many diseases common to plants.
Radiation poisoning from mostly beta radiation affects her  
Her skin is very soft and is more easily damaged.
Pesticide irritates her greatly.
She is a crappy fighter, almost no extra human strength in her but not a 'vegetable'  
Fire catches on her easily and can burn her skin very badly.
Finally, overuse of her powers can drain her of energy, leaving her feeling lazy and not being able to do as much.
Physical Appearance:
Human side:

Angry birth right side:

Personality: Flora is at most, dangerous. She will do much to get what she wants and will kill to get their, but she is also afraid of being locked up so her smarts when it comes to getting away have left her a very serious young woman. Yet under that she can be nice and helpful to those she ever find worthy, unless you're a plant or animal then you're her best friend. She can be easily scared and is scared of extremely dark places and will do her best to avoid underground places. Has a grudge against most humans if not all, will be hard to negotiate with.  (Will change as the story progresses)

History: Floras start began on her home planet Felora. A alien Planet that was heavily controlled by the wild but her kind were able to work together with it. Unlike Earth they never sought to tame it's wonders, they instead sort to live by natures way, over time gaining strange and wondrous abilities to shape to their own use, each generation gifted with something new. They lived like this for centuries until another alien species arrived, they came collecting the natures gifts until they found the local inhabitants. At first these creatures who were very much aliens to the Felorenain's but were very interested in their kind and the Felorenain's were just as intrigued by this new life that arrived from the stars. For Years, the new species stayed, they taught the local's many things about their own culture and in turn the Felorenain's showed their ability to control nature and the planets many wonders. Yet soon, war broke out.

The visitors, known as 'Technos.' had tried to kidnap an unwilling Felorenain for test that the local's did not approve but the Technos wanted. This war raged on and many on both sides died until the Techno's with their advanced technology finished the fight. Taking aboard all the women and children that survived. Among them were Flora and her mother Jupiter, taken prisoner and locked away with many more of their kind, they thought they would be taken to the Techno's home world until something faithful happened. An explosion rocked the ship, fire was everywhere and soon the ship felt like it was plummeting, that was until it hit water. Flora couldn't remember much after that, except for waking up on the beach with her mother, the only survivors of a crash in the ocean.

Years passed and Flora grew, she had adopted a human colored look from her more green skin nature, and had learnt to control her abilities to the best she could, but she took notice of humanity, the war's, the pollution, the forest that should have grown free, cut down to make houses and other petty things. It took her a while to do human things so she could blend in with them but never trusted any of them. her mother had taken to becoming the founder of save the wild group which expanded over the years until finally they had rooted into New York.

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime10/05/15, 08:23 am

Real Name: Dr. James Nichols Oldberg, Ph.D, Therapist
Alias: Empath

Place of Origin: France
Residence: New York City
Species: human
Age: 42
Powers: Empathy
Weaknesses: Sensory overload due to the presence of too many individuals. Attacks against his person in the form of libel, or lies, deceit, damage is ability to motivate himself to tasks and live. Depression.
Physical Appearance:

Real Name: Mikel Yaniscosky
Alias: Blur
Place of Origin: Poland
Residence:New York City

Species: Human
Age: 26

Physical Appearance:


Real Name: Dr. James Nichols Oldberg, Ph.D, Therapist (Mr. Nichols or Mr. Oldberg)
Alias: Empath
Place of Origin: France
Residence: New York City
Species: human
Subspecies: "Super" human
Age: 42
Blood Type: O-
Powers: Empathy
Weaknesses: Sensory overload due to the presence of too
many individuals. Attacks against his person in the form of
libel, or lies, deceit, damage is ability to motivate himself to
tasks and live. Depression.
Physical Data:
Height: 5'10" Sex: Male
Weight: 150lbs (~68.0kg)
Eyes: Blue/gray
Hair: Brown
Average looking. Hair tied back into a bun. Slight facial hair.
Personality: At work he's a very thoughtful and caring person. He listens to
his patients and makes comments when appropriate, often granting insight
into their problems and providing them with ideas to cope or solve their issues.
This being said he's a very insightful therapist.
Outside of work, he's much the same. He's a listener and not a talker. He'll sit
and listen to people talk for hours and hours before he says anything of himself.
If he says anything of himself. He doesn't like to boast nor does he brag. He's a
quiet gentleman with a soft smile and twinkling eyes. He doesn't like getting
involved in messy or dramatic business. Preferring to be the neutral third party
making comments about the situation. He likes helping people, not serving them,
but providing them with support so that they can help themselves or literally help
them out of danger or out of injury.
History: A man with a troubled history. When he was born to a single mother,
out of wedlock, many in France, something that is a growing statistic, he was
early. His birth was several weeks early, and of a great inconvenience to his
mother. Whom never spoke a word of this to him until he was old enough to
understand. His birth was uncomplicated, he came out healthy but small in size
due to his early arrival. There were some slight issues but the doctor assured his
mother that everything would be fine when he grew and matured. He went through
much of the standard accelerated education in France without many problems.
The occasional suicidal thought or attempt crossed his path but nothing interfered
so directly in his education as did the death of his grandmother, with whom he spent
much of his time with.
Real Name:
Place of Origin:
Physical Appearance:
Real Name:
Place of Origin:
Physical Appearance:

"Every one believes they are the Good Guy."
A few lies can be used to control the masses. 
The paradox is that I both know and don't know what you feel.
I know your pain. I feel your pain, but it is a fraction of what you feel. 
A Pisces man. Me.An Indigo Person.
Character Archive F75cef2af9b92ac225eae2ada9df0641
Relax, your life is short, we're all going to die. Some are already dead, they just don't know it yet.
During character creation in TES: Arena, choosing the Breton race elicits the following: "Thy race is descended from the ancient Druids of Galen, quick witted and strong in the mystical arts. Thy folks are crafty and intelligent, a learned people who use their gifts to guide others to enlightenment..." There has been no mention of the Druids of Galen since.

Last edited by Nikki on 21/05/15, 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Active Poster

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Join date : 2012-07-13
Age : 29

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime17/05/15, 07:45 am

Real Name: Arthur Kip
Alias: --

Place of Origin: Mercury, Nevada
Residence: --

Species: Mutant
Age: 36

Powers: Arthur possess the ability to absorb both kinetic and cellular energy. With the ability to absorb kinetic energy, Arthur is capable of releasing that which he draws in as a violent outburst, in incredible and devastating amounts. With his ability to absorb cellular energy, he is able to supply his body with energy and strength, meaning even if greatly fatigued, he will be able to draw energy from anything nearby that bears cells and enjoy a new bounty of power. A third energy absorption Arthur is capable of is that of nuclear energy, though he is unable to use this energy to his benefit; instead it plagues hid body, diminishing his kinetic and cellular abilities, before eventually being unleashed as a massive nuclear blast, killing him and all those in the radius of the blast.
Weaknesses: His major weakness is his inability to control his nuclear absorption; it occurs whenever he absorbs other energy forms, and can only be released over time. If he absorbs too much, it ends in disaster. Similarly, he is only a human; he is as susceptible as everyone else to damages.

Physical Appearance: Arthur is 6'0" tall, and has broad shoulders and a thin waistline. He is a fit man, and is very muscular. He has short dirty blonde hair, and light skin with two dark, green eyes.

Personality: Arthur likes to see himself as a good man, someone who helps the needy and punishes the unjust, though the reality is that he's rather timid. Though he will act if the need rises, he wishes he didn't have the powers he has, so he could avoid the duties of his life.
History: Arthur had always been interested in the studies of energy, like his father had been. Before he was born, Arthur's father had worked in a nearby nuclear testing site, and unbeknownst to any of them had absorbed copious amounts of nuclear radiation, which only became truly evident when he died in his mid 50's. Arthur was lucky though, as the radiation had turned him into a being capable of absorbing and dispersing energy in immense amounts. Though he often practiced using his powers in his home state, it wasn't until he moved to the big cities that he realised what he was capable of. He worked with the LAPD for a few years, using his abilities as best he could, before eventually leaving and moving to New York, to see if he could join up with the NYPD and yet again lend a hand.

[19:44:21] @ Xazhi : San has a raging hard on for Elves

[10:30:23] Felix : Fuck yeah Rape

[08:53:05] Magikarp : I'm lonely as fuck, why else do you think I'm here with you bitch nuggets

[14:42:07] Draco : San has no taste
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The Wizards

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Join date : 2011-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime19/05/15, 02:02 am

Real Name: James King
Alias: Herald

Place of Origin: Texas, US
Residence: New York

Species: Human
Age: 31

Powers: Has an innate ability to understand any electronic system within a few seconds of actually using it.
Weaknesses: Bullets
Physical Appearance:

Personality: Calm, cool and collected. Patient but unpredictable.
History: James was always quieter than his brother, using his head more than his fists. At the age of 19 when his brother left to join the Army, James got involved with a private military group for ten years before the group was bought out by Black Fox PMC. He has since been jobless with a rather large collection of the PMG's old hardware. When his brother came to him about the possibility of becoming a professional bank robber, it was almost a no-brainer for James. They didn't waste time and went straight for the Town North Bank in Dallas, pulling in a haul of just shy of half a million between them. They have since been on a spree across the US eventually culminating in their arrival in New York with plans to rob JP Morgan Chase.

[16:56:44] Fallen : I LOVE YOU SKIPPY~ <3
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 2142
Join date : 2013-06-22
Age : 27

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PostSubject: Re: Character Archive   Character Archive Icon_minitime19/05/15, 02:18 am

Real Name: Scott King
Alias: Jester

Place of Origin: Texas, US
Residence: New York

Species: Human
Age: 31

Powers: He can slow down his perception of time, allowing him to always have plenty of time to react to his surroundings.
Weaknesses: Bullets
Physical Appearance:

Personality:  Loud, short-tempered and impatient.
Scott was always the loudest child in the family, and throughout his youth consistently ended up in fights. It came as no surprise when he joined the 75th Ranger Battalion and marched off to fight for America in the resource wars aged 19. He fought until end of the war, and saw many of his friends killed. He quit after the end of the war when he saw how little his friends lives had meant, feeling abandoned by his country.
Being unable to find another job outside of PMCs and the military, and not wanting to die for someone else’s greed, he came up with a plan and asked his brother for help.
The pair robbed the Town North Bank in Dallas, Texas, stealing almost half a million. Since, they have been robbing banks across the country, up until their arrival in New York, planning to rob JP Morgan Chase.

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