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 Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters

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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime19/12/15, 04:17 am

General set up for the universe


(Also, you are free to create and add your own race though I stress there are rules on that: 1) Make them roughly believable. No need to detail DNA and full eating requirements though. 2) This is kinda two fold since it covers two bits, but basically.....be serious when making your alien race/character)

Some basic weapons and tech



Character Layout

Age: (It'll vary depending on race)
Star-ship: (Very important: character can own a personal ship for getting around, but not a large, massive warship. You're a bounty hunter, not a bounty hunting admiral for fucks sake...)

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The Oldest Crones Alive

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PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime21/12/15, 07:46 am

Name: Martin
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: Tall at six feet. Buzz cut hair, pale white skin. Three facial scars; one along the jaw, another at his right temple and a third running down from his left eye. Eye color is amber.
Skills: Military training in weapons and hand to hand combat, however is not a skilled sniper/marksman. Some basic electronics and computer skill.
Equipment/Weapons: While he maintains a small arsenal aboard his ship, typically his primary weapons are a projectile pistol and SMG combo, supplemented with multi-grenades. In addition, he wears custom made military-grade armor.
Upgrades/Cybernetics: Left eye and arm are both cybernetic, with the arm all the way up to his shoulder. The eye allows him to see in various visual spectrums, while the arm is a rudimentary prosthesis. In addition, both ear drums had been destroyed and replaced with cybernetic versions. However, all of his cybernetics are considered cheap and outdated, requiring regular calibrations.
Star-ship: Venator, Human made patrol class vessel, older generation. Equipped with a standard wormhole generator, "warp drive" as well as sublight drive engines. Armament includes one pair of forward laser cannons mounted on a swivel and another pair of smaller dorsal cannons. Can house four passengers including a pilot. Standard IM shields, but nothing that meets military grade--it can block dust particles but won't hold up to weapons fire.

Bio: Born on the colony of Foundry, Martin had a decent start.....until things turned pear-shaped. His father ran a simple business while his mother was in charge of the books. But Foundry, being a developing colony ripe with resources, drew the attention of corporate groups eager to expand and develop the colony for their own interests. When he was eighteen, the business went bankrupt and was forced to close down. His father, who had built the business alongside his wife, fell into a depression over it. By the time he was twenty, his parents divorced and Martin, wanting to leave Foundry, enlisted with the Coalition Armed Forces.

For ten years he was rotated from post to post among the colonies, even stationed aboard a few ships. In that time, he received several injuries courtesy of pirates and privateers, along with a new perspective of the galaxy and how to live. Taking the knowledge to heart, he left the military to strike out as a bounty hunter. Along the way, he gained possession of Blink, a human made AI that wound up in a junk-yard. Two years in, and the duo's reputation is still small in comparison to other, more accomplished. But they've managed to scrape a living.

Name: Blink
Race: Artificial Intelligence Unit, Human made.
Gender: Identifies as female.
Age: Five years since manufactured.
Appearance: Housed in a floating mechanical sphere.
Skills: Is a master with computers, able to crack through most security systems given enough time. Limited though against newer AI's, and outclassed when pitted against Charum. As a navigator, she is able to plot routes and coordinated much more quickly and accurately than her human counter-part.
Insignia: Shares Martin's insignia.
Equipment/Weapons: Her sphere comes equipped with multiple tools meant to interface with electronics or physically manipulate objects. No weapons though, short of a non-lethal shock gun.
Upgrades/Cybernetics: None to speak of.

Bio: Blink was put into service three years before she met Martin, as the shipboard AI for the policing vessel Martin now owns. Technically, she was meant to be purged from the vehicle when it was decommissioned for a newer model though by some error, she remained in the vehicle while being rendered dormant. Her vehicle was then stripped and sold to a private dealer, and it was there that Martin found and purchased the ship.

He was not of course, expecting to find an AI on board, nor was she expecting to come back online. A working relationship was soon worked out, as she then became his partner as a bounty hunter. When not stuck aboard the ship, she helps him out in the field by marking targets and gaining him access through locked doors. That said, it's not perfect as the pair do argue consistently.

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals -- Doctor Who

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last edited by Razgriz on 11/01/16, 05:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime06/01/16, 04:25 pm

Name: Zeek
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Appearance: Zeek has hints of an Asian ethnicity from old Earth, but is mostly white.  She's remained fairly unscathed in the line of work but still has her share of bullet holes.  She's average human height and fairly muscular.
Skills:  Excellent pilot, skilled with most projectile firearms though lacking with energy weapons.  She's only knowledgeable with mechanical and computers when working on starships.
Equipment/Weapons: Basic flight suit, Heavy pistol, Combat knife, Portable computer.
Upgrades/Cybernetics:  She had cybernetics implanted in her head allowing her to switch her vision to long-range ultra-violet.
Starship: Trouble is a small human cargo vessel, made more for quick deliveries.  It's equipped with standard thrusters, drives and no weapons.  It can house four people, more if you don't mind sharing your room or staying in the cargo hold.
Bio:  Zeek grew up in the lowest slums of a large city on a planet codenamed: B.O.B.  Her single mother became sick when Zeek was 14 so she had to find work just to keep their cheap living space, so she naturally fell into a bad crowd.  A group of vicious Bounty hunters that mostly just took kill contracts, but if it required the head to be alive, they would bring them to near death before taking them in.  This crew never left planet, instead the understaffed law-enforcement of the world would hire these Hunters and turn their backs when they did as paid.  When Zeek was 17 she didn't have enough money for the expensive treatment or drugs to keep her mother alive.  After her mother's death Zeek stopped paying for the apartment she had been living in so that she could save up her money for her own ship.  She shacked up with the other Hunters for the following years, though she wasn't able to sleep with a roof over her head every night.  After six years of Hunting she would pick up many skills such as shooting, gathering info and even flying a ship, though only under the atmosphere.  She even tinkered when she had down time.  Eventually she had saved up enough to buy a ship, though not fully working or equipped, but by the time she was 23 Zeek would have a fully functioning fighter-class vessel, though most of its weapons stripped off and replaced with equipment meant for long distance travelling.

Zeek left her home planet and started offering her services as a Mercenary in small wars on planets most wouldn't bother with.  Though they were never rich factions hiring her she would always volunteer for the riskier missions making it easier for her to get the jobs but harder to return from them.  After one mission where she lost her ship and barely made out with her life, she would quit the merc business, buy a new ship and try bounty hunting once again.


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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime11/01/16, 02:16 am

Designation: Wraith
Race: Charum
Gender: Physically Male
Age: 70 human years
Appearance: Stands in at about 6 feet. Its body is built from reinforced tungsten carbide alloy and its "brain" is encased in an iron shell. There are no sleeves on the jacket. https://i.servimg.com/u/f68/16/89/22/43/14405211.jpg
Skills: Hacking, Infiltration
Insignia: Located on the back of its jacket and on the back of its neck. https://i.servimg.com/u/f68/16/89/22/43/insign10.png
Equipment/Weapons: The fingers on Wraith's left hand can fire bullets after opening the small hatches at the tips. Its left forearm houses belts of machine gun rounds and its upper left arm houses rounds for its sniper rifle, but can also house other ammo types as needed.
It has a Tonfa styled blade housed in his right forearm that it can eject and hide at will.
It owns one sniper rifle for long range encounters.
Upgrades/Cybernetics: Thermal vision capabilities built into its faceplate.
Star-ship: Chrysalis: An average sized Charum made ship that can house three people comfortably. Due to it being Charum technology, an uplink with the owner is required to be able to activate the machine. It is equipped with one forward laser canon and a warp drive. Three drones make up the bulk of its firepower and also act as repair units when out of conflict.

"The human wishes for this one to recount its life. Feeling as if there is no other choice lest this one wishes to hear constant complaints, it has complied. This one was created by the old ones as a means to guard the life knowledge and would be designated as WR-475 which stands for the location of the great library this one was set to guard. This one would spend numerous years upon our home world studying knowledge and living through the eyes of all of this one's brothers. This one has seen their lives and seen the treatment they had gone through from our own elders. Their lives would end prematurely from battle, but this one houses them. This one housed every single one of its brother's memories, thoughts and feelings. This is what prompted this one to end its directives. Their treatment made this one feel a sense of what humans call disgust. This one began the process of fragmenting its mind from the old ones and essentially hiding it from them while still being able to view its brothers. This one would leave its home on a voyage to recover the minds of its brothers, but this one would realize after multiple years of collecting that this would do no good. Most chips would be rendered useless by age and or by them being destroyed. This one would also not be able to find all of its brothers.

This one would find solace in the fact that its brothers still somewhat lived on in its overmind. Though it had never been to locations and had been confined to guarding the life knowledge within the great library, it would use its brother's knowledge to map out the galaxy and to find locations of interest. After years of collecting, this one had no monetary currency to purchase fuel for Chrysalis, its ship. So it would become stranded in the colony known as Terminus. This one would try to barter its abilities for compensation, but it appeared as though not one human was interested. This one would move to what is designated as "The Slums" and would find that people would try to destroy its body for currency. Fearing the worst of this one's life, it bartered the chips of its brothers. This would please the humans and this one would gain enough currency to find its way out of the colony. With this knowledge in mind, and with countless amounts of chips, this one would find its way to the colony known as Ustengrav, a colony similar to "The Slums" of Terminus, but on a much more wider scale.

The residents of Ustengrav looked to be peasants, looking to do anything for a scrap of nourishment or currency. It turns out that the residents also trade mechanical objects for food and currency. This one would run into a curious young girl who is designated as Sybil, the human this one referred to at the start of this audio log. She had been abandoned by her parental guardians at a young age and had been raised by the locals to work as a scavenger. To live as they did. She had to be no more than twelve when this one found her. This one was fifty six in human years. This one felt a sense of empathy for the human female, so it presented her with numerous chips. She was very confused by my actions and the one she referred to as "The Warden" was very surprised to see the chips. She was offered enough food to continue living for at the very least two weeks. The human female took a liking to this one and asked it to take her away from the life she lead. This one refused, but the human pushed and eyed the amount of damage this one had sustained over the years trying to find the chips. She offered repair services in exchange for a new life. This one would reluctantly agree. This one would offer most of the chips in its ownership, as well as a sizable amount of currency for her life.

Now in charge of a new life form, this one needed a means to sustain the human's life. The deal had left this one's resources strained in terms of trading capabilities. This one would find work in bounty hunting. The human suggested a new name to go by and suggested "Wraith". This one took kindly to that name and would go by that whenever a bounty would be brought up. Numerous years have passed now, the human female has grown and provides this one with information on bounty hunting targets as well as repairs to this one's current form. She has taken it upon herself to build a backup unit if this one's current form would be damaged beyond her repair knowledge. This one hopes this has been sufficient. End of audio log."

Name: Sybil Jackman
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Appearance: She stands in at about 5 foot 6 and is slightly tanned. She has short brown hair cut in a bob. Her eyes are small and match her hair's color. She has a small pointed nose and thin lips. She has freckles spread across her cheeks. All of these features lay on a perfectly shaped head. She is missing her pinkie fingers from failing to meet her quota of gathering tech for "The Warden"
Skills: Hacking, Repairs, Intel Gathering
Insignia: None
Equipment/Weapons: Pistol
Upgrades/Cybernetics: None
Star-ship: Chrysalis

"My parents didn't want me. They left me in some junk colony in the hands of the woman I really call my mother, Meera. We all lived under this giant of an alien. A Telrok that called himself "The Warden". Wreckages from years of battle surrounded my colony and we were sent out each day to gather material. This is how we lived. When I was ten, the expectation of me to gather a certain amount of "good" tech was forced on me. I spent all day looking for parts, and when I got back with what I considered a good haul, The Warden brought a meat cleaver to my pinkies and cut them off. I was shocked and scared. I didn't know what to do. I felt the fear that everyone else had felt by this beast. This fear that was forced upon me made me start gathering more and more until the day a certain Charum came. He tossed some chips at the warden and the next thing I knew I was swept away in a new life. This was when I was about twelve. This Charum that I would call Wraith would start bounty hunting in an attempt to make some money. When I got old enough, I'd help him out with information gathering. He'd teach me about the races in the galaxy, how they worked and how to defend myself if anything were to happen to him. That's pretty much it. End of audio log"

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime11/01/16, 08:21 am

Name: Jeremy Hunter
Race: Human/Auriel
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters 250?cb=20140322221709
Skills: Pilot, Hand to Hand
Insignia: N/A
Equipment/Weapons: The Caliburn houses a small arsenal of weapons, though Jeremy tends to use mainly an assault rifle and two backup pistols.
Upgrades/Cybernetics: N/A
Captain, Mercenary Vessel Caliburn
1x underslung laser cannon
2x wing mounted laser cannons
4x antifighter laser cannons
1x top mounted Medium sized Railgun
Personal Fighter Gawain
4x tracer cannons
2x revolver missile silos

Born in the colony of Freedom's Bell, near the edge of Aurielian space, Jeremy Hunter was highly sought after for his unique DNA. The progeny of a human and an Auriel, he spent most of his early life hiding from the Coalition, and other interested parties. Around the age of ten, Jeremy was finally taken off-world by an El'Lyssian Paladin named Rylynely "Riley" Terranis. Given a home in Dominion Guard Territory, for the next ten years he grew up learning many useful skills from his long-living yet extremely shorter guardian, but didn't want to join any fighting. He rather be free, and Riley reluctantly let him go. Giving him a birthday present in his fighter, Gawain, he ended up at odds with another merc named Teresa Blackgate...and well, ended up saving her life. Banding together, the two ended up as friends, and soon gathered a small crew of people on board their vessel - the Caliburn. Jeremy was acting captain, mostly because his insane orders tended to keep the ship in one piece...usually.

Name: Teresa Blackgate
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters 250?cb=20140322221715
Skills: Engineering, piloting, frying pan assisted assault and battery, cooking, intel, radio
Insignia: N/A
Equipment/Weapons: heavy revolver, frying pan
Upgrades/Cybernetics: N/A
Star-ship: caliburn

Notorious for smuggling everything from candy to weapons, Teresa Blackgate has been a Coalition enemy since the day she could utter "No." Never liking authority, she very early on showed her penchant for pyrotechnics and an affinity for kleptomania. Always in trouble, her greatest achievement was stealing the Caliburn from her boss one day, Alexander Stone. And she enjoyed ripping up the expensive crap and selling it, creating something she was proud of. And then she went out and began to hunt bounties down, slowly gathering a small crew of crazies and loved.

Then enter Jeremy fucking Hunter, and her life became both easier, and harder. At least she had more time to cook.

Crew of the Caliburb

Name: Sora Varis
Race: Vyrmakh
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters 10726763_711146192303631_94103
Skills: Gunnery
Insignia: N/A
Equipment/Weapons: Gunnery control unit (literally she can operate the gun from outside the ship using...a retrofitted videogame)
Upgrades/Cybernetics: N/A

Name Everett Chambers
Race: El'yss
Gender: Male
Age: 156
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters 037b61caa641ae5c170e1a3bc9166afc
Skills: Pilot
Insignia: N/A
Equipment/Weapons: Laser SMG
Upgrades/Cybernetics: Cybernetic eyes to assist with HUD

Name: Howard Marshall
Race: Ultimate Badass (Human)
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters 300?cb=20130211010325
Skills: Engineering, bartering
Insignia: N/A
Equipment/Weapons: Very large wrench, bigger revolver than Teresa.
Upgrades/Cybernetics: N/A


Sora was a slave in the outer rim of Dominion Space. Everett was an adopted El'Lyss who ran away to find his parents, like an idiot. Howard was the ultimate badass who tended to just have what was needed when it was needed. And so, when Everett found himself in a slave auction alongside a brightly colored Hawaiin shirt man, he wondered what he was getting himself into.
When Howard pulled out his massive gun, bigger than every needed, and began firing, Everett seriously wondered if all humans were this fucking insane. He had gone off and just gunned down half of them in a hail of bullets, and as the slaves ran free he threw Sora over his shoulder and walked out.

Everett followed him out of the seedy part of town, where Howard was now bartering the girl's release with some extremely stuck up Vyrmakh assholes when Howard pistol whipped them both and walked off with the girl. Everett decided to follow, and Howard didn't let him think he was sneaky. Calling him out, he bought the young ones (well, Everett was only young by El'Lyssian standards, since the average El'Lyss can live up to one thousand years) food and let them eat.

And then, as they went to his ship, it exploded. So, logically, the kids paniced. Howard just walked over to a confused woman and offered her money for a ride. She said yes, and in the ensuing escape Howard began fixing the stupid ship that Teresa hadn't fixed fully.

And that's it. Howard stayed on, as the kids grew to like Teresa, and he decided that he might as well fix the damn ship - since Teresa never seemed to have time to fully fix anything but food. Which, he admitted, was good food.

PostSubject: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:17 am Select/Unselect multi-quote Reply with quote Report post to moderator or admin Lock post for new reports
General set up for the universe


(Also, you are free to create and add your own race though I stress there are rules on that: 1) Make them roughly believable. No need to detail DNA and full eating requirements though. 2) This is kinda two fold since it covers two bits, but basically.....be serious when making your alien race/character)

Some basic weapons and tech



Character Layout
Name: Rylynely "Riley" Terranis
Race: El'Lyss
Gender: Female
Age: 245
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Latest?cb=20141028164542
Skills: Leadership, Hand to hand,
Equipment/Weapons: Sidearm
Upgrades/Cybernetics: N/A
Star-ship: Sentinel
Bio: CBA atm

Custom Races:

Vyrmakh - Catpeople (retractable claws under fingernails, little fur on backs, heightened senses and night vision). Vyrmakh are solitary creatures, and only care for their litter. It is their way, though they do coexist on their home planet out of mutual respect for the Great Mother, who gave them their home of Vyrline. Their style is more medieval at times, and while some Vyrmakh wear clothing that exposes skin, they keep it extremely modest, ensuring skirts do reach down near the knees, though some prefer them shorter for better maneuverability - this is offset by them wearing some form of shorts underneath instead.
Normal Vyrmakh

El'Lyss - "SPACE HOBBIT/Loli" Race of smaller humanoids who top off at around 4 feet tall. El'Lyss live the longest of all organic races, and are the wisest. The more hotblooded tend to join the Dominion Guard while the more tempered keep to themselves. They reside on the planet Lysselia, where the El'Lyss Council oversees all El'Lyss who decide to remain apart from all conflict. For those who decide to join in with the conflicts of the universe, the El'Lyss set up Overwatch - a loose conclave of El'Lyss tasked with ensuring those with fire in their blood do not bring retribution down upon Lysselia.
Normal El'Lyss (Female)
Normal El'Lyss (Male)

Auriel - A race of beings who can create and manipulate  pure energy, who's beliefs stem that they are the physical manifestations of the Archangel Auriel, whom they name themselves after. Utilizing special armor to keep their bodies intact after heavy self-modification since meeting the living energy known as the Etherium, the Aurielians are the galactic peacekeepers. While few in actual number, even one can instill fear in a heart that does not boast a will of pure iron.
Normal Auriel

Nephilim - a subset of the Auriel, a Nephilim is created when an Auriel and a Human mate. As the act of removing armor can lead to the death of an Auriel, which adds to why their numbers are low. Special care must be taken, so Auriel tend to be solitary. Human/Auriel hybrids are extremely rare and sought-after, for their latent energykinesis as well as their unique DNA signature.

Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Jeremy10 Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters My_emb10
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters 8

Last edited by Xion's Memory on 14/01/16, 08:21 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime12/01/16, 01:24 am

Name: Veleshi K’Tarek
Race: Corrupted Cfirean
Gender: Female
Age: 203
Appearance: Through physical corruption, Veleshi’s eyes have mutated into a bright yellow and her skin has taken on a dark tinge. Her mouth has been surgically widened, and her teeth replaced by large, jagged blades.
Skills: A deadly combatant, both in melee and at range, as well as an experienced soldier and torturer.
Equipment/Weapons: Cfirean Longsword, Cfirean Plasma Hand-Cannon, Cfirean Light Assault Power Armour Mk III
Upgrades/Cybernetics: Her teeth, while not cybernetic, have been entirely replaced by razor-sharp shards of the same material used to create Cfirean swords and knives, along with having her mouth surgically enlarged.
Star-ship: Val’Keth Class Light Frigate – The Ravager
A ship created using a fusion of old and new Cfirean Technology, The Ravager is a dangerous vessel despite its small size, boasting two particle lasers, two heavy missile pods and six side mounted plasma cannons. Advanced propulsion and stealth systems present of the ship allow it to slip in and out of hostile space with less than a whisper. It is manned by a crew of 25 Cfirean Nightmares.
Born into the great Cfirean Empire just before the collapse, Veleshi lived her early life as most Cfireans did, education, weapons training and engineering. Aged 15, she was promoted to ‘Adult’ status and enrolled in the Cfirean Navy, quickly rising to the rank of Captain. She was present at ‘ground zero’ of the Telepathic Bomb used by their final enemy, shattering her sanity, though sparing her the mindless life of a Berserker.

During the initial carnage, Veleshi and the 30 surviving members of her crew began slaughtering anything that came close to them, often hunting down ships that had appeared on their scanners. By the time an all clear signal was broadcast, she had lost two of her men. When the discovery that, through inflicting pain on others, Cfireans could, hypothetically, live forever, three of her crew chose death. The rest followed her into her life of cruelty and hedonism, quickly establishing themselves as a fierce warband.


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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime13/01/16, 10:06 am

Name: Araenys Y'thi

Race: Cfirean

Gender: Male

Age: 246

Appearance: 6'6, Missing a digit on his left hand, brown eyes, black hair, almost black skin.

Skills: Expert Pilot, ranking amongst the top five of the Cfirean Race


Equipment/Weapons: Cfirean Longsword, Cfirean Light Assault Power Armour Mk III, Cfirean Plasma Pistol

Star-ship: Val’Keth Class Light Frigate – The Ravager

Rank: First Mate, Helmsman

Bio: Old enough to have lived through the Golden Age, The Collapse and the ensuing ravages of war, Araenys is a veteran of half a thousand combat engagements. He served in the Military as a helmsman ever since he was 16, singing up to the Ravager a few days before the Telepathic Bomb.

He thinks of himself as the most sane member of the crew, though this means little. Above all, he is utterly loyal to his Captain, obeying her word above all else. After all, she's helped him gain the secret to immortality.

[16:56:44] Fallen : I LOVE YOU SKIPPY~ <3
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters   Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters Icon_minitime18/01/16, 04:32 am

Nomine: M. Senez "Sheriff" Sicari (M.S. Sicari)
Species: Homo Miscens (Formerly: Homo Latens, Homo Mutans)

genus, genus: Masculinus, Caucasus.


Appearance: From head to toe - dark brown/black Cowboy hat, brown leather duster, black shirt, beige-brown pants tucked into leather boots knee high. There's a sheriffs badge on the duster. He has dark gold hair and a trimmed beard to match. He wears black leather fingerless gloves. 

truncated skill list: Deadly in close combat using fists, swords, or pistols. 

Insignia: Fuck off. Sheriff's Star.

Apple Core Wrist Computer with Bio-lock. 
Gravit-on/off Boots. Well, not really boots, they attach to the boots, but, whatever. - Tech's note on false advertising. 
"Leather" Duster. A Shielded, armored, lightweight, surprise. 
Cowboy hat. It's a cowboy hat. 

Advanced Katana
Slug Blaster- shoots 15mm bullets at high velocity. holds 7 in the chamber. 
Repeater - Automatic rifle - shoots 12.7mm rounds at 20 rounds per second. Holds 100 rounds.
D.E.W Gone - Directed Energy Weapon fires plasma in bursts of three. 
D.E.W Fus - Directed Energy Weapon - it's a laser that goes "pew pew" x5.
The Cyberneticist: Dr. N.O body cares. Undoable implants and vague advertising. 

M.S Sicari has none, genetic engineering? Tonnes. He occasionally picks up work for the Cybe. 

The Scooter. It's a Scooter class ship called Scooter. It's original. Shut up.
The Scooter: Warp drive, light (compared to heavy) shielding/deflectors, black-market laser canon. (The manual for installation was not in english, those fuckers.)

Bio: What is this "Bio" thing?Do they mean Biography? Biology? Biopsy? Biodegradable? 

The Sheriff is an asshole. He's a no-non-sense yet totally nonsense person. A wildcard. Let me tell you a story about why people don't generally like him:

So he had a job to take an escaped prisoner with known mercenary ties back to prison. They told him not to harm the prisoner, his words, these are on record at the prison, "Fuck ovv, ya get him the way I bring him to you. After Ah've given him a taste a' Space Justice." He has a tendency to slur his words, and mumble. The Prison said they'd only pay for him alive. Sheriff shrugged and left. He tracked down the escaped prisoner back to his mercenary buddies. He goes in, sits at the bar of the place and orders a drink - like he's a normal customer. He ends up making an insulting remark to the bartender about the mercenary band he was looking for. Knowing full well, or maybe not, that he was surrounded by them. They end up kicking him out, the lot of them, so he kicks the door in and punches the first guy to approach him, then he says "I'm looking for Sean Mathers, I'll give you to the count of 30 before making you regret making me wait." There was some laughter in this place, he must've been stupid walking in there like that. But he produced this rifle, it's pretty intimidating to look at, but you wouldn't expect the firepower that it produced. He starts counting, and when he get to "5" he starts shooting the mercenaries. This caught everybody by surprise. He killed a handful of them before someone shouted that they'd tell him what he want to know. He killed everyone but that one person. He strung that up in the bar, by his feet, and when he spilled the beans, and his lunch, he left. Among Bounty hunters, he's kind of an asshole, he didn't just go in and ask or snoop, he went in and shot the place up. Leaving one survivor - until they died of poisoning in the hospital. so, no one survived, and no one knows how that last mercenary died of poisoning. The hospital staff saw nothing out of place, and the cameras picked up nothing either, but when they did the autopsy - death by poison. So who knows, maybe that's not related. Anyway, he found the prisoner, after hopping to another system, word followed with him about his deed. Or rather, someone who looked like him. Apparently there's a fake running around too. The Mercenaries give up this guy, and when he returned him to the Prison, they asked what was wrong with him - he was afraid to speak. "He just doesn't Mather anymore." The Sheriff laughed. He made terrible puns. They paid him, he left. The Prisoner died of some rare heart condition a few years later, and the geneticists swear he didn't have the condition when he arrived the first time or when he left. So that's another mystery. 

Maybe that's what he meant by "space justice". Who knows. Anyway, a quick search through the Earth Record or any Record, tells you that the Sheriff, or, M. Senez Sicari, doesn't really exist. Sure you can find his name, but no date of birth, no age, no place of birth. He's probably just some alien species we've never heard of that looks exactly like a human. Apparently he's never checked into a hospital either, or any medical facility. There's not even a DNA Record of him. We have DNA Records on everybody! Well, most people. Anyone who visits the modern hospital or medical facility has their DNA sequenced so that they can be helped blah blah blah.  He also kicked my kid because he got in the way. Don't let him near children - he'll hit them if they get too close to him. Or anyone, actually. He's been in plenty of bar fights. He's not in the news often, except when there's a headline that says "Murderous Sheriff takes another Bounty" or, "Sheriff Bounty hunter says fuck off to the Prime Minister" or "Another wild Brawl at a bar with the Sheriff at the center". He gets a pretty bad rep. His good deeds tend to go unnoticed. Probably because so many people have personal vendettas against him. Especially XYZ crews (space news). 

Oh, He's also associated with that, advertised Cyberneticist, the "Dr. N.O body cares for your undoable implants!" I don't know anyone who's gone to him for cybernetic implants. I can't really tell you if he's any good. Apparently you have to trace the advertisement location to find where he works. He has no website, no advertised location, and doesn't post prices. And that ad has been playing for at least as long as I can remember. anyway, I'v taken enough of your time, shouldn't be going to work or class or something?

Name: "The Nihilist"
Age: (It'll vary depending on race)
Star-ship: (Very important: character can own a personal ship for getting around, but not a large, massive warship. You're a bounty hunter, not a bounty hunting admiral for fucks sake...)

"Every one believes they are the Good Guy."
A few lies can be used to control the masses. 
The paradox is that I both know and don't know what you feel.
I know your pain. I feel your pain, but it is a fraction of what you feel. 
A Pisces man. Me.An Indigo Person.
Bounty Hunter, Background and Characters F75cef2af9b92ac225eae2ada9df0641
Relax, your life is short, we're all going to die. Some are already dead, they just don't know it yet.
During character creation in TES: Arena, choosing the Breton race elicits the following: "Thy race is descended from the ancient Druids of Galen, quick witted and strong in the mystical arts. Thy folks are crafty and intelligent, a learned people who use their gifts to guide others to enlightenment..." There has been no mention of the Druids of Galen since.
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