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 Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread

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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime19/07/16, 02:27 am

Nathan finished the tin of beans and dropped it unceremoniously, replacing his gas mask and hood. It wasn't a good idea to stay near the outer city wall, and as close to a breach as he was, spending too long out of his mask or suit could kill him. Having fed himself, he turned his eyes back to the area ahead of him. He was in what looked to be one of the old churches, from when the government still built things from concrete outside of sector one. About 800 meters ahead of him was the wall, the only thing that seperated the city from whatever horrors lay outside. Something had managed to tear a hole through it, either some gullible fifteen had fell for the 'promised land' story and decided to go looking, or something had broken in.

Either way, his target would be arriving to fix it today. His client had never specified a time, only that he'd get sent out today. It was probably some aspiring officer or politician trying to kill another officer or politician. Nathan didn't care; he was just the knife they used to stab each other. Knives don't ask questions. After catching movement in his target area, he brought his rifle's scope to his eye.

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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime19/07/16, 05:02 am

Faster than humanly possible, the sound of very audible clacking of keystrokes can be heard out of the cracked door of one of the many rooms within the Ministry of Protection. A light shining into the cracked door from the brightly lit hallway with the sudden shadow appearing puts the android designated as Preacher under a bit of pressure. Hacking into one of the mainframes from this access point is a minefield of mistakes and it takes a very competent man or piece of machinery to even begin to enter in through the many walls put up.

It had been trying for many days now to get at the very least surveillance in Sector 1 to end, but it appears as though security is largely focused there. It changes focus to begin progress on ending surveillance in a less noticeable and somewhat ignored sector, 14. It had been under constant fire from the MoP and with the number of soldiers they had started to lose, the head honchos thought it would be a good idea to drop support. Not entirely, however, it was still a sector and that meant supplies for the greater good. It had been selected many times to act as vanguard to ensure material and food transport went smoothly back into the city proper. Of course, It would end up leaving some food behind.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Longterm Poster

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Join date : 2013-06-22
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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime19/07/16, 07:21 pm

Tracing a group of eight as they moved toward the breach in a standard MoP Trooper formation, Nathan began to calm his breathing. One of them barked an order and received a salute, marking him as the target. They started working on the breach, a couple of them focussing entirely on that. The ones that were watching for threats expected attacks from starving fifteens, gangs or perhaps a mutant from the outside, not a sniper.

Nathan inhaled deeply, and slowly exhaled, letting his muscles relax as he squeezed the trigger. His aim was perfect, and a cloud of red mist sprayed out from his target's skull, staining the ground red. Immediately, Nathan was abandoning his position, heading straight for one of his safehouses.

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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime19/07/16, 07:29 pm

One gate falls to Preacher's ability and he was quickly gaining ground taking down the second. A total of five lay in Its path in order to give the Resistance a fighting chance. The first two may have been child's play, but the final stretch of three won't be too easy and they will just keep getting more and more difficult. Time was running thin in more ways than one as he began to hear two voices approaching the room. He gets a lucky pass as the voices drift further into the hallway. It goes through laying multiple traps to prevent anyone from looking into this attack and tracing it back to this specific computer. Within the next few minutes the gates were down and It was making contact with one of the members of the Resistance through protected communications.

"Sector 14 is down, commence operations." It says this and begins to slowly creep out of the room after closing everything out.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime20/07/16, 08:46 pm

Nathan ran through the streets, taking as many turns as he could to make himself harder to pursue. The safe house wasn't far; an underground room only accessible from the sewers of sector 15. Not many people went in the sewers, it was easy to get lost in them, and some said that they were inhabited by giant lizards. He dropped down the manhole, the cover having long been stolen, and slowed his pace. The safe house was about ten minutes away, and no sane trooper would come down here. The sewers were the only place that the MoP couldn't touch as any personnel they sent down were usually murdered and robbed by the variety of criminals who frequently used the tunnels.

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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime20/07/16, 10:14 pm

If the monitors covering sector fourteen in this building could show the live feed, they would give the eyes of the MoP surveillance crew a sight to see. Resistance soldiers begin mobilizing, MoP soldiers are ambushed. Explosions rock cameras off of their perches as body parts fall in front of them. The sounds of gunfire resonate through the whole of the sector. Corpses riddled with bullet wounds bleeding out like their own blood was water through a strainer. The inside of the MoP building begins to go into a panic, mobilization begins to take place on their end by contacting MoP soldiers from other sectors to defend Sector 14. A voice breaks into Preacher's head and speaks in a confused and angry tone, "Preacher, prepare yourself for combat. You're being mobilized to sector 14 to deal with the riot." Without waiting for anything else to happen, It makes its way to the door of the building.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime21/07/16, 08:39 pm

Lowering his rifle as he relaxed, Nathan navigated the maze of tunnels until he arrived at a metal door, almost invisible in the shadows. He inserted a key, unlocked it, and entered. Inside was a near-empty room, aside from some decontamination equipment. After hosing down his equipment and himself with a cocktail of chemicals, Nathan entered a string of numbers into a keypad, and another door opened.

Now in the safe house proper, Nathan took a seat in the comfortable chair in front of one of his computer, completely cut off from most of the Government's systems, the only ones it was connected to were the ones he needed for work. He informed his client that the job had been carried out, and was about to leave when a message appeared on the screen. "Riots in S14. Jobs available. -Oswald."

Nathan frowned. Oswald was one of his contacts, but Nathan very rarely took the jobs he offered. They paid well for what they were, but Oswald was a revolutionary, and every revolutionary group either tried to recruit you, or was an MoI honeypot. Knowing that Oswald was one of the former, and the fact that work had been quiet lately, Nathan responded.
"Details. -K."

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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime21/07/16, 09:28 pm

Preacher is flanked with a total of four other soldiers ready to mobilize as soon as It reaches the ground floor of the building. It never bothered to get cozy with the people in the MoP, and as such kept a long arm away from them at most times. It usually works alone on the missions, but when things are in dire straits, it calls for It to be with a squad. They all exit through the main door and pile into one of the multiple vehicles waiting for them. Once the squads are all loaded up, the vehicles begin movement from the city and move into the fastest route to sector 14. These vehicles are armor plated, a veritable tank without the cannon but filled with all sorts of weaponry. Preacher removes Its jacket, a fully robotic man standing among the flesh of Its group. A panel in Its upper arm slides down revealing many slots used to house magazines for sniper rifles. In response to this bit opening up, It sticks three magazines into the holes and the panel slides back up. It grabs a sniper rifle and takes Its seat at the back of the vehicle.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime21/07/16, 09:50 pm

"In person only. Usual place. Will pay double. -Oswald."
Nathan clicked his tongue, usually if someone demanded to meet in person, you were being set up. But he'd known Oswald for years, he'd originally been one of Katya's contacts, one of the few revolutionaries that would actually cooperate with the MoP. Katya had trusted him, and he'd helped Nathan when he had first gone rogue. Nathan glanced at the clock, 14:23. It'd take him about an hour to reach the meeting point in sector 13.
"15:35. -K." He'd have around ten minutes to check the area around the meeting place, if nothing went wrong on the way.
If something does go wrong, He thought, I'll call off the meeting. If it looks like Oswald is setting me up, I'll call it off.

Nathan returned to the sewers, wearing less conspicuous attire. He pulled his hood over his face, and followed the markings towards sector 13.

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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime21/07/16, 10:09 pm

A map of sector 14 materializes from a projector in the middle of the vehicle. A light blue glare shines on the faces of everyone present. Almost like a mesmerizing light, everyone's attention was forced onto it as small areas of red begin to pulsate. "With our surveillance down, our only way of knowing what is going in is through reports the soldiers in sector 14 are giving us." Their commanding officer says through their ears. "I will not be partaking in this operation due to the sudden nature of this attack, I have been ordered to stay behind and oversee operations to end it from HQ." Commander John Reese says with his strong voice. "You will enter the main gate into Sector 14, expect heavy resistance there. Revolutionaries have taken refuge all throughout the sector with no intention of letting up their guerilla assault. Flush them out and execute them. No prejudice this time. DO not worry about civilian casualties as they may be posing as civilians themselves. This is an order from me and the higher ups, do not fail us." Throughout the briefing, the red pulses grow in intensity and in number as more and more reports begin to flood in.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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The Longterm Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime30/07/16, 12:11 pm

With the journey to sector 13 passing without incident, Nathan arrived earlier than he'd planned for, giving him extra time to survey the area. He checked each potential sniping point, and kept his eye open for an suspicious individuals and kept a close eye on the nearby MoP 'Peacekeepers'. With nothing that could imply a trap being apparent, he waited for Oswald to arrive, staying about a hundred metres away from the meeting point, just in case Oswald had sold him out.

When Oswald arrived, flanked by two men dressed entirely in black, Nathan approached. One of the black-clad men nudged Oswald when he spotted Nathan, and he turned to face him. Everything about the man was neat; his hair was neatly cut and combed, his moustache neatly trimmed, his clothes were ironed perfectly and the red, blue and white armband he was wearing was perfectly positioned on his shirt, never changing position even when Oswald moved his arm.
"Pleasure to see you again," Oswald said, holding out his hand for a handshake.
Nathan took his hand and shook it, eying the guards with suspicion as he did. Oswald must have noticed, as he immediately addressed Nathan's concern. "Ah, these are part of my Blackshirts. The Reds have been particularly violent lately, these men are here to defend me should they choose to try and eliminate me."

"I see," Nathan said, relaxing a little. He didn't know why, Oswald just had a way with words. "What is it you need?"
"Walk with me," Oswald said, starting to walk and gesturing for Nathan to follow.

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The Wizards

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PostSubject: Re: Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread   Cyberpunk RP Roleplay Thread Icon_minitime05/08/16, 03:11 am

It ponders on the orders it was just given. Direct orders to open fire on any civilian. Those were the words this one had just heard, correct? If this one could feel any emotion, it is a high probability It would be overcome with rage. Any other self respecting human would have these feelings. It looks to its "comrades" who all share the same stone face, not one of these souls looks as if they even flinched from the orders. Of course, orders are orders. They were all brought on to protect The City from anyone who was to break in and do harm. The Peacekeepers in this transport and on the transports in front ad back of them, they were all just mere tools being used. An extension of the corruption without the source having to muddle around, knee deep in the muck they themselves create. This one cannot follow those orders.

The man on the moon rules the infinite time.
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