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 Priest Team

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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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Join date : 2012-08-28
Age : 30

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PostSubject: Priest Team   Priest Team Icon_minitime28/08/12, 11:16 pm

PRIEST Team is a fire team attached to Special Warfare Division Three.

Name: Jeremy Hunter
Callsign: Requiem
Age: 17 Years old
Race: Human - Caucasian
Rank: Lieutenant Commander, Spartan - III of Special Warfare Division Three
Skills: An excellent sniper and natural pilot. Average with all weapons. Is neither the best or worst at anything
Role: Pilot and Sniper; is usually in the back, covering the team. Can rotate to the front in a pinch.

Priest Team Sunlight_Spartan

Out Of Armor: Jeremy - 136 has caramel-colored hair down to his shoulder, bright blue eyes, and a slim but powerful build. Fairly tall, his eyesight is better then normal people, and has been enhanced with the SPARTAN - III program.

Theme song(s): Castle of Glass - Linkin Park

Insignia, if applicable:
Priest Team Symbol_-_Keyblade_Master

Current Location: UNSC Long And Dark December
Current Status: Alive and Kicking.

ONI - Intelligence File 8492
Subject - 136
Name: Jeremy Thomas Hunter
Callsign: Requiem
Specialties: Piloting - has logged multiple hours in the pilot seat of every UNSC Flight Vessel; Sniper - Has been an excellent marksman in the past - 136 continues this.
Birthplace: New Osiris, Ashiosis

JEREMY THOMAS HUNTER was born on Ashiosis in the capital city of New Osiris to THOMAS JAMES HUNTER and ALEXIS AMELIE HUNTER. His schooling was a t a public school, where he had a nasty streak with his short temper. Was in trouble multiple times, but showed a very strong resolve to never let people walk over him. Was overprotective of his sister, RIKA KARI HUNTER not unlike a "Guardian Angel" to her.

When Ashiosis was attacked by the Covenenat, his father was killed in the defense of New Osiris while his mother was seen as MIA. Picked up by an ODST Squad and transported to Camp Apophis ten miles away, the two were kept there for a month until the Covenant were pushed off of Ashiosis with the help of SPARTAN - III Special Operations Team "ARCHDUKE." As no one was able to take them in, the Office of Naval Intelligence contacted and inducted JEREMY THOMAS HUNTER and RIKA KARI HUNTER into the Spartan III Program as a part of Special Warfare Division Three. Re-assigned number, JEREMY - 136 and RIKA - 077 joined with SETH - 418 and SORA - 013.

Undergoing normal training, JEREMY - 136 displayed excellent marksmanship and natural piloting skills earned him the place as both the sniper and main pilot of PRIEST Team. Has participated in multiple operations as "unsung heroes." One of the last PRIEST Operations was during the Battle of Earth. Tasked with the destruction of one of the ant-air guns, PRIEST Team succeeded, allowing Lord Hood to launch his strike.

PRIEST Team was trapped in the outskirts of the Flood - infested city, but managed to escape with a squad of Marines on Warthogs and get to a FOB of the UNSC that evac'd them out and to the UNSC Xerxes, one of the few remaining frigates left. They were then deployed, alongside the Xerxes and Long and Dark December to the United States, where PRIEST Team helped the 433rd ODST Battalion in securing the Gulf of Mexico.

At the end of the Human-Covenant War, PRIEST Team was assigned with assisting the Western Seaboard of the United States in rebuilding.


Name: Rika Kari Hunter

Age: 16

Rank: Commander, Spartan - III

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Shotguns, Combat knives, swords in such cases.

Role: Close Combat Expert

Priest Team Pink_spartan_win

Rika has bright blue eyes and red hair, a crimson like red that is a stark contrast to her brother.

Theme song(s): Oath Sign [Fate/Zero Opening 1

Insignia, if applicable:
Priest Team Symbol_-_Keyblade_Master

Current Location: UNSC Long and Dark December

Current Status: Alive and Kicking (her brother)


ONI - Intelligence File 8492
Subject - 077
Name: Rika Kari Hunter
Callsign: N/A
Specialties: Close-Combat; Hand-To-Hand
Birthplace: New Osiris, Ashiosis

RIKA KARI HUNTER was born a year after JEREMY THOMAS HUNTER on Apophis Base on Ashiosis. Going through life with her brother as her guardian angel, she did not have a hard life. While her brother was the tempermental one, she was the calm, reasonable one. She usually had to get her brother out of trouble.

During the Covenant Attack on Ashiosis, her parents were both lost during the fighting, devastating the girl. But, when Special Warfare Division Three. Inducted into the program, RIKA - 077 became the team leader, despite being younger then her elder brother.

RIKA - 077 was found to be a natural leader and one of the best in close-combat in her small group. She underwent harsher training then her brother, and came out as Team Leader of PRIEST Team.

As Team Leader, RIKA - 077 directed her team in multiple operations during the Human-Covenant war while onboard the Long and Dark December. She led the successful attempt to neutralize a Covenant AA Battery during the assault on Truth's Forerunner Dreadnought. During the Flood Outbreak, Rika was almost infected by the Flood, but was saved by SORA - 013. After reaching the FOB, RIKA - 077 was evac'd to Xerxes and then lead her team in anti-Covenant operations during the Battle of Installation 00.

After the Human-Covenant War, RIKA - 077 directed her team in the rebuilding of the Western Seaboard of the United States alongside Marines from the Xerxes and Long and Dark December.

Last edited by Jeremy Hunter on 09/01/13, 04:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Priest Team   Priest Team Icon_minitime10/09/12, 09:29 pm

Name: Seth Andrew Halcyon

Age: 16

Race: Human, African-American.

Skills: The Jorge of Priest Team, Seth is the guy with the biggest gun and the somber demeanor. Lugging the heavy weapons is his job.

Role: Heavy weapons.

Screenshot/apearance: http://images.wikia.com/halo/images/6/62/HaloReach_-_Spartan_HMG.png

Theme song(s):

Insignia, if applicable: If part of a certain army, or team (optional):
Same as above.

Current Location: UNSC Long and Dark December

Current Status: Alive.


ONI - Intelligence File 8492
Subject - 418
Name: Seth Andrew Halcyon
Callsign: N/A
Specialties: Heavy Weapons
Birthplace: Aria, Sigma Octanus III

Born in a small farming village on Sigma Octanus III, SETH ANDREW HALCYON went to a private school was was on the football team. Never was in trouble, always stopped fights and made peace. It helped that he was the star center. SETH ANDREW HALCYON was nearly killed during the covenant invasion; he was orphaned during the Covenant assault on their evac freighters. His was spared, but his parents, who were on a later ship, were killed by a Seraph Squadron. Finding himself on Reach after the freighters had escaped, SETH ANDREW HALCYON was inducted into the SPARTAN-III program.

SETH - 418 participated in every major operation that Priest Team was in.
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Xion's Memory
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Xion's Memory

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Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Priest Team   Priest Team Icon_minitime10/09/12, 10:48 pm

Name: Sora Hikari

Age: 16

Race: IHuman, Asian (Japanese ethnicity)

Skills: Sniping; best sniper of Priest Team.

Role: Sniper (Sora also is the only PRIEST Team member with a unique weapon - a katana named Kingdom that is equiped with an energy field to fight Covenant Energy Swords.

Screenshot/apearance: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/2/25613/1532621-playermodel.ashx_super.png

Theme song(s): Simple and Clean - Utada Hikaru

Insignia, if applicable: If part of a certain army, or team (optional): See first posts.

Current Location: UNSC Rising Dawn

Current Status: In trouble. She stole from the cookie jar.


ONI - Intelligence File 8492
Subject - 418
Name: Sora Hikari
Callsign: N/A
Specialties: Heavy Weapons
Birthplace: New Hong Kong, JiangXi

Born on JiangXi, in the capital, SORA HIKARI (no middle name) never fit in. Always a strange girl, SORA HIKARI was in perpetual trouble with everyone, from the mean girls to the science geeks. She finally straightened up in Eight Grade...but that didn't matter, as JiangXi was glassed. Brought to Reach, SORA HIKARI was inducted into the SPARTAN - III Program and assigned to PRIEST Team as the sniper.

During the Battle for Earth, SORA - 013 was instrumental in saving RIKA - 077 from Flood infection. Bravely going through the Flood with her DMR and Battle Rifle, SORA - 013 shot the infection form off RIKA - 077 and brought her to safety. She then carried her team leader to the evac point.

ONI Intel Rumor:
Rumors abound that she and RIKA - 077 are romantically involved in some way; sexually, it is impossible, as there is never time for them to be alone for any long amount of time.

Last edited by Jeremy Hunter on 19/09/12, 04:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

Posts : 6669
Join date : 2012-08-28
Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Priest Team   Priest Team Icon_minitime11/09/12, 12:45 am

UNSC Rising Dawn

Class: Akatsuki (Experimental)
Size: The entire thing is eight miles long, and across is about six miles from the end of one hanger to the other.
Artificial Intelligence: AI Xion
Fifty Autocannons
200 Archer Missile Pods
One MAC Gun
Four "Cortana's Special" Energy Beam Projectors

Hanger Capatcity:
Each hanger carries, besides on UNSC Frigate (of any class):
fifty Longswords
Thirty Shortswords
Twenty Sabres

Each hanger carries a thirty Mongoose ATVs, sixty Warthogs, twenty Grizzly tanks, eight Gremlins, sixteen Cobras, and twenty four Wolverines; There are ten Hawk jets and one Vulture per hanger as well.

The product of the combination of UNSC and Covenant Technology, the Rising Dawn is merely a prototype, the only prototype Akatsuki-Class currently in service. The Rising Dawn carries four of Humanities' newest weapons: Energy Beam Projectors, unofficially known as the "Cortana Special". The Akatsuki - Class was morphed into the newer Morgenroete - class, making Rising Dawn the only prototype there is.

It mysteriously disappeared from it's birth on Station TROY in orbit of Mars during PRIEST TEAM Two (Seth - 418 and Sora - 013) and the Prowler One For The Money stopped by to pick up an intelligence package.

ONI sources have confimired that the Rising Dawn was....commandeered by PRIEST TEAM Two.

The Rising Dawn does not fly solo; it is accompanied by a small battlegroup of shipts:
Paris - Class frigate UNSC Xerxes - AI Namine
Paris - Class frigate UNSC Simple and Clean - AI Olette
Charon - Class Frigate UNSC Long and Dark December - AI Aqua
Charon - Class Frigate UNSC Destiny's Embrace - AI Kairi

UNSC Rising Dawn

Last edited by Jeremy Hunter on 20/11/12, 09:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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Join date : 2012-08-28
Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Priest Team   Priest Team Icon_minitime15/09/12, 06:29 am

This is just here until stuff can be sorted. She's currently under re-construction.

Priest Team Steins-gate-makise-kurisu.7f1741ffa4a1bc4fc4a869036cfcc3eb-16952

Name: Seraphim Connor
Ship: SSV Elysium
Race: Human
Age: 24
Height/Weight: 5'7/179

Class: Soldier
Powers or Abilities: Adrenaline Rush; Armor-Piercing Ammo, Frag Grenades, concussive shot, combat master (commando) fitness (martial artist).

Personality: A kind and thoughtfull woman, Seraphim prefers to talk things through before committing to any actions. She has ana stounding ability to use her kindness and compassion to her advantage so that no one gets hurt. She also has trouble forming emotional attachments with people due to her past. She prefers to be alone with her computers.

Bio: Seraphim was born on Terra Nova to Michael and Reyna Connor. At a young age, she showed a proficiency with computers, as well as a love for martial arts. The strange combination would follow her for the rest of her life.
Seraphim was quiet, but was always kind and thoughtful. Even to the bullies of the school she went to, were touched by how kind she was to them, even when they were demanding her lunch money. So kind, that she managed to win them over and walk away without any problems. It was her astounding ability of diplomacy that brought her onto the speech and debate team, winning her school the trophy for every year she was there. But her real passion was soccer, which she excelled in. Soccer and Computers won her a scholarship to a prestigious college before she was a Senior.

When Seraphim graduated High School, she went to college, again joining the speech and debate team. Again the star debater, Seraphim started to grow bored of Debate, and drifted towards war games and electronics. She also began to play sports, and was a natural leader on the field, mostly soccer. Seraphim was set for life.
That was, until her parents died.

Seraphim was finishing a soccer game when it happened. Her parents had been walking home from the game to start an early dinner, as the match was already decided in favor of Seraphim's team. Her parents were hit by a crashing shuttle which had been transporting supplies to a construction sight nearby. An engine malfunction crushed their vehicle, killing them instantly. Seraphim's world crumbled then. Her performance on the soccer field deteriorated, and soon she lost her scholarship for bad behavior. Everything went downhill, and, when she turned 19, she joined the Universal Alliance Officer's Academy on Earth.

Graduating at the top of her class, she was at first a Service Chief, but she was busted down to a Corporal for accidently hitting a Lieutenant Commander in the face with her soccer ball while kicking it around the hold of the SSV Archangel, a System's Alliance Frigate.

Phaeston (extended barrel and extended clip)
Javelin (extended barrel)
M-300 Claymore
M-77 Paladin

Gear: A different computer then her omni-tool; has more processing power and a greater range of electronic warfare options.
Sera keeps a soccer ball with her that she kicks around when she is extremely stressed, frustrated, or angry. Sometimes she just needs to think, so she'll go down to the hold and kick it around the shuttles.
Seraphim also swings both ways (bisexual).
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Xion's Memory
The Wizards
Xion's Memory

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Join date : 2012-08-28
Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Priest Team   Priest Team Icon_minitime06/11/12, 06:52 am


View from Orbit

One of the last remaining strongholds of the UNSC, commanded by Rear Admiral Lelouch D’Aramis from one of the last Valiant-Class Cruisers, the Salvation’s Rising Light. It is a mostly water planet, with three separate continents, with multiple smaller islands spread around: Endymion, the main continent. Mostly tropical, Endymion is famous for its Flight Academy and the massive waterfalls and valleys that create a maze of trenches for air combat excercises. The second continent is Aetolus, which is wrought with farming weather. Aetolus is the only area that is farm-able on Arzachel. The final continent is Axius, which is wrought by winter.

In orbit, the remaining few Super MAC stations form what is called the Winds of Olympus; among them is Anchor 42, the base for the Arzachel Defense Fleet. Farther out is the rocky moon of Asterodia is a moon of death; the wreckages of many UNSC vessels lay there forever, silent tombs to the fallen.

The fleet was not very amazing; ten corvettes, twelve frigates, eight destroyers, one carrier, and two cruisers. What came as amazing was the Fall From Grace, one of five Cole-Class Supercarriers that were in service since the waning days of the war. The Eve of Repentence, a Marathon-Class Cruiser…
And finally. The Salvation’s Rising Light. A testament to the strength and the tenacity of humanity. It held on as all those around it fell.

Leloich D'Aramis

Only twenty nine, Lelouch D’Aramis achieved the rank of Rear Admiral for a very simple reason: Everyone else died.
Born on Paris IX, Lelouch is full French; he also possesses the right genes for purple eyes, his most defining feature. Otherwise, Lelouch is slim and lanky, bordering on anorexic. But that is just his built; his slim build hides a surprising reserve of strength. A brilliant tactician, Rear Admiral D’Aramis hides his Achilles heel well; his greatest weakness is his pride. Pride that will not let him back down from a challenge unless he knows he will be able to twist his inevitable defeat into a victory.
He has lost ships, sometimes for naught, other times bringing time…and hope.

Aurore D'Aramis

The twin sister of Lelouch, Aurore is much like her brother. Her only distinguishing feature is the fact she is merely a Captaine, a Captaine of the UNSC Frigate Long and Dark December. She looks pretty much like her brother, save for the fact she told the regulations to fuck off about her hair, which she wears long.
Not many people try and tell her off; She has this thing where her glare likes to crush entire space stations.

Maximum Ramius
Priest Team Murrue_Ramius

A young woman straight from the tundras of Russia, Maximum Ramius is the captain of the UNSC Simple and Clean. She is rash, impulsive, has anger management issues, and is a complete badass, as her crews say.
She also has awesome blond streaks in her hair. Or, had them. Then she got too close to an explosion and had to regrow her hair.
She also tends to yell something about bear cavalry and the Russian Inquisition when her adrenaline rushes.

Ryan James
Priest Team Sean-connery-in-the-rock1

Captain of the UNSC Xerxes, Ryan James is one of the closest friends that Priest Team has. The Xerxes has ferried them all over the warfronts, along with the Long and Dark December. James is the stereotypical Navy captain who has seen too much; already graying, he is in his sixties and moves with a tired grace.
But he has that side that lets you know he’s insane.

Akira Ikezawa
Priest Team 9k03gp

Akira Ikezawa is the captain of the last frigate of the Rising Dawn’s defense group – the UNSC Destiny’s Embrace. Born on JiangXi, Akira is quiet, speaking rarely. This hides any attempts to figure out anything more about her personality (even from the author).

Priest Team Jeremy10 Priest Team My_emb10
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