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 The Character Stories

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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

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PostSubject: The Character Stories   The Character Stories Icon_minitime27/05/14, 10:12 pm

[1]Name (?) Nicholas
[2]Gender (?) Nonconformist
[3]Biological Sex (?) Male
[4]D.O.B. 1992-3-1 0310hrs
[5]P.O.B. USA, IL,Evanston, Evanston Hospital, Premature maternity ward
[6]Hometown(?) USA IL Chicago
[7]Race (?) Nonconformist white
[8]Ethnicity (?) mixed (?) Hungarian, Romanian, German, Irish, Scottish /ERROR/
[9] (?)

[10]Skin tone (?) Pale
[11]Eye Color (?) Blue
[12]Hair Color (?) Dirty Blonde
[13]Hair Length (?) 24 inches
[14]Height (?) 5'10" | 1.77m
[15]Weight (?) 145lb | 64Kg
[16]Body Type (?) Ectomorph
[17]Official Appearance (?) Tall, white, male, skinny, muscular, long brown hair, blue eyes, clean shaven face.
[18]Talents (?) e.g. A Talent is an ability you are born with or that comes naturally, you cannot learn a talent.
[19]Talents (?) Abstract thought, running, writing poetry, writing fiction, Empathy, Psychic connections, intuition, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, fighting, talking, making friends, quick learner, mutable thinking, kicking, Finding people, finding things, Spark*
[20]Skills (?) e.g. A skill is a learned ability.
[21]Skills (?) Analysis of Statistical Data, Analysis of Biological Phenomena, Analysis of Physical Phenomenas, Analysis of General Data, Martial Arts, Running, Falling, Psychic Control, Empathic Powers, and more.
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

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PostSubject: A Twist on Razgriz's Elementum [wip]   The Character Stories Icon_minitime03/11/14, 08:13 am

It is the first element...

Brief intro to world: There's Fire (pýr), Earth (gí̱), Air (aí̱r), and Water (ýdo̱r) magic. And magic magic. Basically element bending + magic. There's also different races, Lupine, Humans, Basilisks, Mer-folk (sea-folk), Sidhe (Fae-folk), Golems and stuff. Lupine are basically humans with wolf ears and a tail. Basilisks are like the Kobalds from LoZ, kind of, bit more anthropomorphic. Sidhe are pretty much shorter humans with wings. Humans are humans. Mer-folk are mer that live int he sea, think mermaids and stuff. Golems are giant rock creatures animated by pure magic. They can carve themselves out of rock with special magic crystals. There's five worlds, Ignis, Aqua, Aeris, Terra, and Elementorum, Ignis is a fire world, Aqua a water world, Aeiris an air world, Terra an earth world, and Elementorum a balance of the five. Humans, Lupine, and minotaurs mostly live on Elementorum. Basilisks on Ignis, Merfolk on Aqua, Sidhe on Aeris, Golems and Centaurs on Terra. and stuff. There's a bunch of politics, but I'm not going to go over everything.

Character: Nicholas O'Primulus
Power: Water, Air, Earth

Youtube Video:

Title: Not Really...
Synopsis:A Thief gets caught stealing and has to run from the guards. He leads them into a forest where he spooks them with some clever trickery.

1. The set-up
2. the whoops
3. pseudo-caught
4. escape
5. chase
6. "magic"
7. escaped
8. reveal
9. back to the tavern
0. character reveal

1. It was to be a simple job. Steal the statuette, drop it off in the marked location, and get paid. Simple.

Title: The Stolen Artefact
synopsis: An object from some distant past is stolen from the local intellectual. He goes to the Noble who gave it to him to inform him of it's disappearance.

"Every one believes they are the Good Guy."
A few lies can be used to control the masses. 
The paradox is that I both know and don't know what you feel.
I know your pain. I feel your pain, but it is a fraction of what you feel. 
A Pisces man. Me.An Indigo Person.
The Character Stories F75cef2af9b92ac225eae2ada9df0641
Relax, your life is short, we're all going to die. Some are already dead, they just don't know it yet.
During character creation in TES: Arena, choosing the Breton race elicits the following: "Thy race is descended from the ancient Druids of Galen, quick witted and strong in the mystical arts. Thy folks are crafty and intelligent, a learned people who use their gifts to guide others to enlightenment..." There has been no mention of the Druids of Galen since.
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

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PostSubject: Re: The Character Stories   The Character Stories Icon_minitime24/11/14, 12:00 am

A Dedicated Herbalist

1. The master's request
2. The herb he was looking for
3. Undead!

"Every one believes they are the Good Guy."
A few lies can be used to control the masses. 
The paradox is that I both know and don't know what you feel.
I know your pain. I feel your pain, but it is a fraction of what you feel. 
A Pisces man. Me.An Indigo Person.
The Character Stories F75cef2af9b92ac225eae2ada9df0641
Relax, your life is short, we're all going to die. Some are already dead, they just don't know it yet.
During character creation in TES: Arena, choosing the Breton race elicits the following: "Thy race is descended from the ancient Druids of Galen, quick witted and strong in the mystical arts. Thy folks are crafty and intelligent, a learned people who use their gifts to guide others to enlightenment..." There has been no mention of the Druids of Galen since.
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The Longterm Poster

Posts : 3589
Join date : 2011-05-13

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PostSubject: The World As It Is   The Character Stories Icon_minitime06/12/14, 08:05 pm

Title: The world as it is.

The american culture is not. It's a degradation of culture. It's what we should expect the future to be like. Cultureless. Mindless. Corrupt. It is the ultimate stagnation of human life. Yet people from all over the world want to live in america, or want to work in america, or want something from america. The Final Frontier might be in space, but it's made in the basement of some Hollywood studio. It's glorified. Space. It is exciting to those who understand the scientific means which is required to explore Space. The common man? They know what the media shows them. They know Star Trek, Star Wars, movies, fictions about space. The final Frontier is not that exciting. You sit in a metal contraption for years, without seeing much of anything new or exciting. There is no entertainment except what you can bring yourself. As long as it doesn't require internet. Or electricity. You can't bring a phone because you have no one to call in space. you can't charge the phone you bring. you will get an hour or so of entertainment before it's dead. you can't charge it because the ship needs electricity, and there's no plugs. The slogan used to be "What can America do for you!" Now its "What can you do for a Big Money Corporation!" There is no such thing as freedom. Not in America. Not if the Federal Government has more power than the State Government. Not if you live in a Police State. Not if you live in America. The modern America. Somedays there's nothing to salvage. You live a life of debt. Debt you owe no one and yet owe everyone. Every dollar in your pocket is a debt you can exchange for a good. It's debt in physical form. A debt that is arbitrarily given value. It has no value. It's either just a number on a screen, or just some piece of paper. Money is not money, money is debt you can hold. Gold is currency, not debt. Gold has value. Silver has value, currency has value. Money has debt. In a growing world money is better than currency. because it is better to be indebted to someone than to have something of value. This is the life of a citizen. The indenture themselves to some business to get debt to get food to live. That is not freedom. There are no longer any opportunities in America. They've all been taken or sold or patented. You can't find a place to call your own. You can buy something with money you labored for only to have it taken away by the government. You have nothing. You are nothing. Yet without you the government can't function. They can't take anything away from you. You are a slave. A modern Slave. Your master is the government. Globalization ensures that you aren't cultured enough to understand that. You think you're free, but you're not. you are chained. You are burdened. As time progresses it gets worse and worse in america. Eventual it becomes this dystopian place that the world hates and doesn't want anymore. It's the big brother that failed. China begins to stop doing business with Americans. Mexico starts having immigration problems, with people trying to come into Mexico. The Uncultured and sloppy Americans. What happens? Laws are broken. People are broken. The once willing slaves of America become unwilling slaves. They are forced into labors. Technology companies become corrupted by the American way. As it is called. Biotech companies fire their ethicists. Bioethics is removed as a course from schools. Corruption is King. Years later in the age of Technological growth we have cyborgs who were once amputees, we have mandatory mutilation meaning forced mechanization. People are forced to become cyborgs against their wills. Little metal squares are planted in their brains and their thoughts are changed. They become compliant. The future of the american worker is automatized. The people live in a false freedom. In a cage with specks of red rust showing through the gild. If you refuse to become a cyborg you are discriminated against. the cyborgs are the way of the future. "organic" humans versus the "semi-organic" humans. Religion is stepped on. Churches burned down. Riots. "Culture is dead" is the new "god is dead" statement. The government promotes violence. Police only stop those who protest, those who want rights again. Only the rebels against the corrupt are punished. It becomes illegal to leave the country. You are trapped. Nothing can be done to leave. No ships come to the harbors and leave to another country. They are only moved to another part of the countries. Planes become decommissioned for parts. America is a no fly zone. The military has outstanding contracts on cyborg enhancements. Things are now cyber punk. Homes are raided without warrants. Lives are ruined on the whims of drugged up cops. Privacy is non-existent. Rebels are punished before they act. Thoughts are scanned for clearance. One rebellious thought and you spend time in a cell. Or die. America is slave-land. Color of your skin doesn't matter. your disease doesn't matter. You gender means only some people will buy you for services. You are cattle.

"Every one believes they are the Good Guy."
A few lies can be used to control the masses. 
The paradox is that I both know and don't know what you feel.
I know your pain. I feel your pain, but it is a fraction of what you feel. 
A Pisces man. Me.An Indigo Person.
The Character Stories F75cef2af9b92ac225eae2ada9df0641
Relax, your life is short, we're all going to die. Some are already dead, they just don't know it yet.
During character creation in TES: Arena, choosing the Breton race elicits the following: "Thy race is descended from the ancient Druids of Galen, quick witted and strong in the mystical arts. Thy folks are crafty and intelligent, a learned people who use their gifts to guide others to enlightenment..." There has been no mention of the Druids of Galen since.
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